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How and why is Bangladesh better off than Pakistan today?

How and why is Bangladesh better off than Pakistan today?

At a time when Bangladesh will celebrate 50 years of its separation from Pakistan
Moonis Ahmar| March 20, 2021


the writer is former dean faculty of social sciences university of karachi and can be reached at amoonis hotmail com

The writer is former Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Karachi and can be reached at amoonis@hotmail.com

At a time when Bangladesh will celebrate 50 years of its separation from Pakistan on March 26, one needs to contemplate why a country – which in 1972 was called by Dr Henry Kissinger, the National Security Adviser to then US President Richard Nixon, a ‘basket with a hole’ – is cited as a success story and better off than Pakistan in many ways. How and why has an “impoverished” Bangladesh performed better than Pakistan? Are there lessons Pakistan can learn from Bangladesh?

Let me first note here that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be among chief guests on the occasion of Bangladesh’s 50th Independence Day on March 26 – in an acknowledgement of Delhi’s decisive role in the disintegration of Pakistan. One must feel bitter about Pakistan bashing that would take place in Bangladesh on the occasion in front of the Indian Prime Minister. But it is time to move on. A country where floods used to play havoc and political violence ruptured peace and stability is now self-sufficient in food and has done well in disaster management.

Bangladesh’s remarkable performance during the past decade could be gauged from the fact that it is no more among the least developing countries. The volume of Bangladeshi exports is twice as much as Pakistan’s and same is the case with its currency, taka, whose value has nearly doubled than that of Pakistan’s rupee.

Bangladesh’s GDP growth rate is 7.9% unlike Pakistan’s 1.5%. The foreign exchange reserves held by Bangladesh are to the tune of $41 billion as against Pakistan’s $20 billion. Only on remittances, Pakistan is ahead of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has a population of 164 million as compared to Pakistan’s 220 million. Whereas, in 1971, the population of the then East Pakistan was 70 million and that of West Pakistan was 60 million. Bangladesh is also ahead of Pakistan when ranked in terms of passport index, literacy ratio, micro-credit financing and women empowerment.

With these facts in mind, four factors that contributed to transforming Bangladesh from an “international beggar” to an “economically vibrant country” are: leadership, innovation, planning, and ownership. Yet there are critical issues which Bangladesh is grappling with like political polarisation which has compounded due to the authoritarian mode of governance by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the Awami League. Political repression and media curbs also threaten to take the shine off the successes.

However, the Awami League – which has seen one of his governments taken over by the military as well as its tilt towards its rival Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in the past – has now learned its lessons and started pampering senior military officers by awarding them perks and privileges.

The Sheikh Hasina government is also accused of toeing Delhi’s line and behaving as its client instead of a sovereign state. A large number of people in Bangladesh harbour anti-India and anti-Modi sentiments due to the persecution of Muslims in India as well as the Citizenship Amendment Act that targets Bangladeshi-origin people living in Assam. That’s why some political groups in the country have announced demonstrations against the Indian PM on the occasion of his visit to Dhaka on March 26.

By silencing opposition and accepting the Indian tutelage, the Sheikh Hasina government focused on economic and social development in its bid to tell the world that it has tried to eradicate religious extremism and terrorism from the country. One needs to understand that as compared to Pakistan which faces two-pronged security threat on its eastern and western borders, Bangladesh, which is surrounded by India from three sides, has compromised on its geographical vulnerability by accepting Indian domination as a fait accompli. Its resources, unlike those of Pakistan, are not heavily spent on defence and counterterrorism measures.

Since Bangladesh doesn’t consider India as an enemy state, its defence expenditures are only 1.9% of its GDP as compared to Pakistan’s 4%. Furthermore, unlike Pakistan, Bangladesh is a homogenous state and is not vulnerable to ethnic and lingual discords.

There are three major realities which Pakistan should keep in mind while understanding how and why Bangladesh is better off than Pakistan.

First, innovative and creative skills of the people of Bangladesh which are reflected in the growth of exports of garments, population control, improved literacy ratio, poverty alleviation and women empowerment. There are thousands of garment factories in Bangladesh, a country which does not grow cotton. But by importing cotton worth a couple of hundred million dollars, Bangladeshi garments factories are exporting it in the form of readymade garments worth $35 billion. On the contrary, Pakistan – despite being a cotton-growing country – has failed to increase its exports of garments and textile products beyond $10 billion. Even worse, Pakistan is now importing cotton. In fact, a lack of innovation and commitment on the part of the authorities in Pakistan because of its feudal and tribal structures, it is unable to make use of its agricultural resources, particularly cotton, to increase its exports of textiles and textile madeups.

Second, the focus of Bangladeshi government, despite a deep-running political polarisation in the country, is on the economy, governance, and social and human development. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, a couple of years ago, confidently asserted that the 50th anniversary of the independence of Bangladesh will be celebrated under the Awami League’s government. She also resolved that the League which spearheaded the Bangladesh movement will ensure that the country defeat Pakistan in terms of all economic, human and social development indicators.

Sheikh Hasina’s prediction several years ago has now come true mainly because of criminalisation of politics, corruption and nepotism in Pakistan.

Third, it seems as if those wielding power in Pakistan are least mindful about contributing for the betterment of the country. As a result, Pakistan continues to suffer from economic degradation, political instability, bad governance and societal breakdown. Merely securing military capability is not enough for a country to be recognised as a successful state particularly when its performance in terms of economic, human and social development indicators is deteriorating.

Unfortunately, Pakistan, which was better off than many post-colonial states in terms of its economy, human development, infrastructure and industrialisation progress till mid-1980s, went downhill because of corrupt, incompetent and dishonest leadership. Hundreds and thousands of Bangladeshis migrated to Pakistan during the late 70s and 80s because of enough economic opportunities available in the country and also because of the Pakistani rupee fetching them twice as much as Bangladeshi taka. But, things started changing during the nineties and the noughts because of economic degeneration and a consequent weak currency. And then poor law and order and an energy crisis rather forced many Pakistani businessmen to shift to Bangladesh with their investment. What is lacking on the part of Pakistan is a leadership which can make use of the available opportunities and resources to put its house in order and transform it into a vibrant state.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 21st, 2021.

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Ok, another one of those kind of threads !
I think even today it's a basket with many holes..
And it's better if we dont try to fix this basket.
Bangladesh is also ahead of Pakistan when ranked in terms of passport index, literacy ratio, micro-credit financing and women empowerment.
Clutching to straws..
There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than Pakistan. There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than bangladesh. 159 countries have a far more powerful economy than india:

Nothing to see here.
INSHALLAH bangladesh will beat Leitchenstein and become # 1 on that list..
The only problem is leitchenstein is a doubly landlocked country controlled by germans.
There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than Pakistan. There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than bangladesh. 159 countries have a far more powerful economy than india:

Nothing to see here.

That’s 2018 data. Now Bangladesh’s per capita gdp is $2064 and Pakistan’s $1359 :cry::cry::cry:

So the thing is Bangladesh is moving fast enough compared to other South Asian countries is the making point picked in the article.

Bangladesh is overtaking India as well this year. Now please don’t come with old busted data again for spamming purpose.
INSHALLAH bangladesh will beat Leitchenstein and become # 1 on that list..
The only problem is leitchenstein is a doubly landlocked country controlled by germans.

We don’t need to beat that at the moment. Out short term target was to beat Pakistan that we have done it, next is to overtake India. Hopefully this year or next we will do that. After that comparison with both of these countries will be irrelevant.

Our main target is to become like the tiger economy, become a knowledge based economy by 2030 and a developed economy by 2041.
Our main target is to become like the tiger economy, become a knowledge based economy by 2030 and a developed economy by 2041.

I think "tiger" economy is realistic but developed economy by 2041 is out of the question.

Better to focus on becoming a solid "middle-income" country by then with good infrastructure, education opportunity for all, decent and widely available public healthcare and a diversified industrial base.
>> Bangladesh picked up its share of joint pakistans liabilities in loans but pakistan robbed bangladesh by refusing to date to split the assests.

Is there any official statement from Bangladesh government what they think the total assets and liabilities in 1971? Surely they would be some Bangladeshis working in the then State Bank of Pakistan. Pakistan was not very rich county then and it is still a poor country so I do not think there was much asset left after war to split.

>>Bangladesh got rice from the west???? Was it given free???

Of course some of it was free as every government always supposed to give some fee stuff to its citizens now and then. To get the idea, just check how much Bangladesh spent in foreign currency since 1972 for rice import. Also check how much Bangladesh spent in foreign currency for cotton, sugar, salt and other food stuff import after 1972 previously it was getting in local currency from western half. I will give you hint salt was selling up to 100 Tk/kg right after independence, rice price shoot to sky so there was famine...Do you you ever wondered why?

>>Did Pakistan develop itself with Bangladesh resources..... an incontrovertible fact.... PK to date has failed to publish full data on relative contribution to the united Pakistan exchequer and expenditure by wings.....
The last time this was done was in 1948/49 i think.... after that looting began until 1970...

As I said it is pure propaganda. There was not much resources produced by east to loot. East Pakistan produced only jute which earned foreign currency that was also in decaling value. How much foreign currency since 1972 Bangladesh earned through jute export, you will get the idea??? There was not much industries in East to earn any meaningful tax revenue either and personal income tax was negligent. The industrialization in East was started by West Pakistani business families like Adamjee Jute Mills and other textile mills. The still only hydro power plant in the country built during that time and Bangladesh could not build second one yet. Except Dhaka University other major universities were built during that time.
As I told you it was only 20 years compared to 200 years under British raj, so there can not be a major economic exploitation as a state policy as done by British colonial rule ( the government was not that efficient then and not even today to create a policy and implement it successfully to get a reasonable benefit). There was not a single discriminatory rule created against East Pakistan except 1952 state language issue who was repealed immediately after opposition. If West Pakistan had force east to cultivate cotton or wheat which would only benefit West (like British forced Bengal to cultivate indigo instead of rice or forbit handlooms to benefit British textile mills.) then I would have agreed for economic exploitation.

>>I fail to see how PK supposedly want good relationship with bangladesh and continue to rob it.

Bangladesh and Pakistan is still an ocean a part. They do not need to have good relation if the do not want, Each can live with their own device. Why you spending time in a Pakistani defense forum I wonder, why even bother.

If I analyze the issue for partition of East and West wing apart from distance was more of poor governance specially military rule, lack of resources, and ethnic politics which lead to discrimination. There was some injustice done to Bengalis in jobs, language and cultural rights in the beginnings and overall dealings sure. Also the leftish mindset leanings of majority of Bengalis due to century old struggle against historic injustice served by Hindu landlords and brahman class (who left for India with creation of Muslim Pakistan) was not properly analyzed or understood by political elites of West Pakistan which some of themselves were land lords and feudal class (there is still some in Pakistan).

I am of the opinion that the civil war in 1971 and the gross violations that happened was not needed and should not have happened. West Pakistan should have left the East Bengal to its own device before that point of no return or it would have been better not even included in 1947. I sometime wonder what would have happened to East Bengal Muslim population if it was not included in Pakistan in 1947, may be same fate as rest of Muslims that left behind in India today. I also wonder if Bangladesh as they got their own nation now would ever thank Pakistan or Jinnah that they were included in Pakistan in 1947. The two nation theory of Jinnah was right as Bangladesh is its prime example. When you consider East Bengal has more linguistic, cultural and economic affinity and dependency with West Bengal and India, still just due to it being a Muslims majority even after terrible happenings of 1971 with Pakistan which it share only religion, it remains an independent country. Only for this reason I salute it for 50 years of independence and hope it remains independent for many years to come.
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Already sold to China
Pakistan is not a sattelite state of India. That's all that matters. Pakistan can easily sell itself out completely to the US or China and become the economic superpower of the region as well.
I think "tiger" economy is realistic but developed economy by 2041 is out of the question.

Better to focus on becoming a solid "middle-income" country by then with good infrastructure, education opportunity for all, decent and widely available public healthcare and a diversified industrial base.

The current criteria for a developed or high-income country is 12,000 USD or above per capita, which is definitely possible for Bangladesh in 2041 if it keeps up the pace. The number will go up due to inflation and world generally becoming wealthier, but won't change that drastically. We're around where Korea was in 1985 in per capita gdp measures, and they became high income in 15-20 years from there.
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There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than Pakistan. There are 176 countries that are economically more powerful than bangladesh. 159 countries have a far more powerful economy than india:

Nothing to see here.

True. If & when there is a worthy gap we can come back to something like this
Many different reasons.

Pakistan has been constantly on wars one after another. Wot alone caused above 130 billion$.

Pakistan is not on ldc group which prevents it from special status from Europe clean north America.

Pakistani politics is 100 times dirtier than Bangladesh. Bangladeshi pm can continue playing pakistan card and hijack elections with the help of India and one party system continues, nothing of sort can be possible in Pakistan.

Bangladeshis have a strong will power and focus to show pakistan down. Most of the discussion that happens is how Bangladesh is better than pakistan and they have to justify it. No such thing in Pakistan. Thanks to Pakistani politicians who have made a zombie mindset of Pakistanis that India is 7 times bigger and we cannot compare compete with them and other such gibberish mentality.

Bangladeshis also work hard to get money and have their women working too. While I'm sorry to say but most Pakistanis just criticize govt and sit idle for govt man o salwa. Bangladeshis focus on exporting their goods while we dislike and pick worm in anything that have a label of made in Pakistan. Example the Adam revo car.
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