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How and why is Bangladesh better off than Pakistan today?

You will see many times more mullahs marching in BD than they do in Pakistan...
That is true. In UK when we have far right apologetic governments you will see reduction of far right protests on the streets. When a left leaning government takes over the far right groups will begin to protest more.

These groups protest because they don't have any leverage inside the Bangla state which is largely secular and draws policies purely from POV of health and wealth creation for the poor Bangla citizen. This leaves the mullahs out in the cold and only option is protest on the streets.
These groups protest because they don't have any leverage inside the Bangla state which is largely secular and draws policies purely from POV of health and wealth creation for the poor Bangla citizen. This leaves the mullahs out in the cold and only option is protest on the streets.
Yes agree to your point that they are disenfranchised so making there presence felt.

Apart from this Dhaka city is known as the city of mosques. BD are as islamist as people in Pakistan are, infact could be on the higher side.

BD has to show a moderate to secular face first to India and to the west, we are different kind of vibes to the west

And current BNP and PM Hasina are not liked by the masses, if a fair and free election is held she will loose.

The RMG sector in BD is making a difference in exports and rising prosperity to about 4 million families, or close.

Goes on to show even if a few millions are into the low skilled lobor intensive jobs, there can be a rise for the country and people.

Pakistan doesn't have a labor intensive industry and value addition like the RMG...

Only now there is a change...
BD has to show a moderate to secular face first to India and to the west
I think you have it wrong with regards to India. Don't forget BD is a basket child of the love affair between India and BD Shiekh Mujib. India birthed BD. Given that BD's very existence is product of Indian Army I would suggest BD has less than expected pro India posture.

With regards to west BD's entire economic miracle is informed by it's relations with Washington and Europe etc. That is one of reasons BD exports twice more than Pakistan and while we are begging money from IMF they are enjoying huge reserves.
I don't know why we open these threads in the first place.

A self-congratulatory gloat about how we are doing so much better than Pakistan? What will this accomplish for us in real terms except temporary feel-good revenge thoughts, if at all?? This is like an immature schoolyard game.

I know why Hasina does it, it's because it gains her some sympathy votes from idiot electorate. And Indians for the same reason. But us? Nothing.

Today's Pakistanis had no part of whatever happened in 1971.

If the shoe was on the other foot then what? Perfectly possible that it can happen.

Look at how Indians were boasting five years ago about hiring white servants and look at their economy now.

Will take a long while to pull themselves out of the hole they are in...

Hasina is perfectly capable of sinking Bangladesh economy. Just like her adviser Modi.

Don't take comfort in short term glory.

I am happy that Bangladesh is doing well. That DOES NOT give us the right to gloat and put other countries down. Their circumstances are unique and VERY different from ours.

How many articles were published in this sub-forum about India's economy being in a plain $hithole, which it actually is?? Almost none.


Please refrain from publishing this sort of articles to hurt Pakistani sentiments. Let Pakistanis sort out their own problems.

This was published in a Pakistani newspaper but we Bangladeshi PDF posters decided to publish it here. Take responsibility for that please. Gloating accomplishes nothing.
I think folks know me long enough to know I haven't been on Bangladesh's case. Not only that, but I've been a vocal critic of Pakistan's status-quo. So, I don't say these things out of malice.

However, regarding Bangladesh's economic progress, I would definitely keep an eye on the following:
  1. Hasina's growing linkages with various generals
  2. If your industrial elite start looking to invest overseas
  3. % of investment going into R&D, indigenization, etc (look out for suspicious drops).

You want to keep the momentum in the right direction.
Honestly mate, I don't think Pakistan lagging behind has anything to do with the military and if it has it comes right at the bottom of the reasons. The multi-ethnic, multi-lingual factor is true but even that is insufficient to explain as Singapore has done wonders despite being a Chinese/Malay/Indian combine.

The primary reason and the reason the writer has skirted around. A reason most Pak members here will assidiously avoid is the elephant in the room. The Bangla state is a very boring, simple formula. To look after, care for and enable a healthy and prosperous life for it's citizens. That is it. And it has worked on this goal with much success. The future is bright and with luck Bangla will follow the path of East Asian Tigers. There might well come a day when some Pakistani's will be jumping on boats to Chittagong.

The formula for Pakistan on the other hand is grandiose and idealogical. The Pakistani state has morphed into a global contractor of Islam. It's primary goal is not welfare of citizens but the trumping of Islam. The sad part is a greedy eite has used this as a cloak under which it has raped the Islammic Republic while singing songs of Islam. To put it bluntly instead of recieving literacy and improving human indicators the masses have been fed Islam, Mullahs, Madaris, Ummah.

And you see the result.
yeah, you are right, corrupt politicians, military and civil service (who btw, for the most part, are religion hating bigots, like you ), and their self serving policies, have got nothing to do with it.
These groups protest because they don't have any leverage inside the Bangla state which is largely secular and draws policies purely from POV of health and wealth creation for the poor Bangla citizen. This leaves the mullahs out in the cold and only option is protest on the streets.
you are seriously ignorant if you think that an Islamic state (in the true sense of the word) would not provide "health and wealth creation". secularism has got nothing to do with citizen welfare, it has got everything to do with being anti religious. you are a classic case of those suffering from inferiority complex and self-haters who think that development only comes through secularism, drinking and f*cking like donkeys.
I think you have it wrong with regards to India. Don't forget BD is a basket child of the love affair between India and BD Shiekh Mujib. India birthed BD. Given that BD's very existence is product of Indian Army I would suggest BD has less than expected pro India posture.

With regards to west BD's entire economic miracle is informed by it's relations with Washington and Europe etc. That is one of reasons BD exports twice more than Pakistan and while we are begging money from IMF they are enjoying huge reserves.

BD is a basket child, yes years ago that was a basket case, pun here. It was India's Indira brainchild coming out of hatred for Pakistan, more than the love for Mujib... didn't she uttered we have drowned the two nation theory in the bay of Bengal.

Check India infringement in political, internal economic, foreign policy affairs of BD, this is like loosing sovereignty to India.

About 10 billion USD remittance to India last year, more unofficially.

Got the independence from Pakistan, lost the sovereignty to India.

Can Pakistan do this...
Got the independence from Pakistan, lost the sovereignty to India.
I disagree. It gained sovereignty from India. When PA surrendered it was to Indian Army. BD had Indian Army trampling about on the day it was born. So using that referance BD is far sovereign then it was on day of it's birth. At least it does not have IA Sikhs eyeing pretty BD lasses then having their way after ug of lassi ...
Pointless thread.

Bangladesh is leaps and bounds ahead of Pak from every possible angle. There's absolutely no reason for anyone to write a plethora of useless reasons to show why it's ahead of Pakistan.

Do we write essays to show why Finland is ahead of Congo? No we don't. We should follow the same here.

Bangladesh is destined to be the 25th largest economy in the world by the end of 2035. So we are in comparison with the big boys like China, India, Vietnam etc. A pointless thread indeed.
I disagree. It gained sovereignty from India. When PA surrendered it was to Indian Army. BD had Indian Army trampling about on the day it was born. So using that referance BD is far sovereign then it was on day of it's birth. At least it does not have IA Sikhs eyeing pretty BD lasses then having their way after ug of lassi ...
Actually it is more like this...

Bangladesh got independence from united India, of course east of Pakistan in 1947.

And 24 years later Bangladesh lost independence and sovereignty to India in 1971.

And now it is again trying to get independence from India.

Starting it all over....such a stranger than fiction thingy.
Actually it is more like this...

Bangladesh got independence from united India, of course east of Pakistan in 1947.

And 24 years later Bangladesh lost independence and sovereignty to India in 1971.

And now it is again trying to get independence from India.

Starting it all over....such a stranger than fiction thingy.
Did u just make that up? Ur brain is quite fertile. Very nice.
Bangladesh got independence from united India, of course east of Pakistan in 1947.
Factually incorrect. The entity gained independence from Britain.

And 24 years later Bangladesh lost independence and sovereignty to India in 1971
In 1971 it broke away from Pakistan with India as partner. Since 1971 Indian influence has decreased. Unless you think having couple of Indian infantry and mechanized divisions parked in your country is sovereignty. Since then literally the Indian footprint has reduced.
Factually incorrect. The entity gained independence from Britain.
It was an occupational power, the land was Indian subcontinent.

You have rudimentary knowledge about how much India is in control of BD, more than meets the eye.


The entire business, industry, finances, media, education, transportation, real estates, health, construction etc. of BD are controlled by the Indian Marwaris via their local Bangal agents and cohorts. Indian "experts" can work in any sector - both government and private - without any permissions or regulations whatsoever. They officially remit 10b$ to India per year....

BD's public education and services are destroyed via politicization to such an extent a medical grad can't even study a simple X-ray report....

If you're not from the ruling party you can't even open a corner store....

The top floor of BD Military's HQ building is occupied by RAW, and no Bangals are permitted there....
I think folks know me long enough to know I haven't been on Bangladesh's case. Not only that, but I've been a vocal critic of Pakistan's status-quo. So, I don't say these things out of malice.

However, regarding Bangladesh's economic progress, I would definitely keep an eye on the following:
  1. Hasina's growing linkages with various generals
  2. If your industrial elite start looking to invest overseas
  3. % of investment going into R&D, indigenization, etc (look out for suspicious drops).

You want to keep the momentum in the right direction.

very good thoughts brother.

All well reasoned and requiring some time to think through.

So far, I can definitely say, that investments into backward linkages for industries (parts and input indigenization) is on the upswing.

This is better than India in some sectors, despite having a market one-eighth as large (cellphone manufacturing is just one example where level of backward integration is quite high).

Home appliances and Kitchen electrics manufacturing have seen recent investments expansion in backward linkage industries (vertical integration) which used to be filled with inputs largely from China. Going forward, personal and commercial automobiles will see this expansion, which is the next thrust sector.
Many different reasons.

Pakistan has been constantly on wars one after another. Wot alone caused above 130 billion$.

Pakistan is not on ldc group which prevents it from special status from Europe clean north America.

Pakistani politics is 100 times dirtier than Bangladesh. Bangladeshi pm can continue playing pakistan card and hijack elections with the help of India and one party system continues, nothing of sort can be possible in Pakistan.

Bangladeshis have a strong will power and focus to show pakistan down. Most of the discussion that happens is how Bangladesh is better than pakistan and they have to justify it. No such thing in Pakistan. Thanks to Pakistani politicians who have made a zombie mindset of Pakistanis that India is 7 times bigger and we cannot compare compete with them and other such gibberish mentality.

Bangladeshis also work hard to get money and have their women working too. While I'm sorry to say but most Pakistanis just criticize govt and sit idle for govt man o salwa. Bangladeshis focus on exporting their goods while we dislike and pick worm in anything that have a label of made in Pakistan. Example the Adam revo car.

They're different stories. But t
Yes agree to your point that they are disenfranchised so making there presence felt.

Apart from this Dhaka city is known as the city of mosques. BD are as islamist as people in Pakistan are, infact could be on the higher side.

BD has to show a moderate to secular face first to India and to the west, we are different kind of vibes to the west

And current BNP and PM Hasina are not liked by the masses, if a fair and free election is held she will loose.

The RMG sector in BD is making a difference in exports and rising prosperity to about 4 million families, or close.

Goes on to show even if a few millions are into the low skilled lobor intensive jobs, there can be a rise for the country and people.

Pakistan doesn't have a labor intensive industry and value addition like the RMG...

Only now there is a change...

I agree. Also someone who didn't extrapolate their information from the internet/quora/youtube and the rest of the rubbish.
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