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Houthis beating Saudi forces 2019

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Last time I looked m8,the madness that had infected not only the middle east but most of the rest of the muslim world as well had sweet fvck all to do with either khomeini or iran and pretty much everything to do with saudi arabias export of wahabism,and its associated virulent sectarianism,to almost every part of the islamic world where sadly it found plenty of willing converts.:ph34r::butcher:
Oh..and theres also a century plus of [ongoing] foreign [mainly western] meddling in the mena region to take into account as well,but hey dont let annoying little historic realities like that distract you from your little "its all irans fault" mantra.
By the way hows the new job working out for you financially,did you ever wish that you`d stuck with cricket?[lol!]

Oh ,wait...dont tell me..you`re not THAT imran khan:rolleyes:

LOL,yep I figured thats about the best you could do......
But it still doesnt change the fact that when it comes to the us pakistan despite its nuclear armed status has never done a damned thing even when they killed your civilians and even sent a hit squad in to take out bin laden without bothering to notify the pakistani government let alone even ask for permission.
Anyway you can piss off back to the india forum now where you can bash them over not having enough toilets or drinking cow urine or some other such crap,after all thats really what posters like you are "good" at,right?:wave:
Your whole country is a sectarian hotspot and a pariah state which is looked down upon by almost all countries in the world except a few. Soleimani died like a dog in another country where he went to incite more sectarian filth.
The same cancerous ideology which you and your fellow filth follows has killed more Muslims than Zionists ever could.

Now stay like a good dog in this forum as this is a Pakistani forum and next time learn to respect our PM or I have many real pictures of your naked Khameini which I can post who even after death got exposed in front of thousands. Barking against the companions of Prophet(S.A.W) cost him humiliation even after death.
Your whole country is a sectarian hotspot and a pariah state which is looked down upon by almost all countries in the world except a few. Soleimani died like a dog in another country where he went to incite more sectarian filth.
The same cancerous ideology which you and your fellow filth follows has killed more Muslims than Zionists ever could.

Now stay like a good dog in this forum as this is a Pakistani forum and next time learn to respect our PM or I have many real pictures of your naked Khameini which I can post who even after death got exposed in front of thousands. Barking against the companions of Prophet(S.A.W) cost him humiliation even after death.
Buddy I`m neither iranian nor even a muslim.
I do have to say tho that as a long time observer of the region I have yet to see the shiite equivalent of anything like wahabism,not to mention that in syria you had iran defending a secular state that was composed of sunnis,alawaites,christians and shiites.
I think that if you`ll bother looking[lol!] you`ll see that the only "cancerous ideology" that has "killed more muslims than zionists ever could" was in fact saudi exported sunni wahabism,ironically tho most of its victims were not members of other islamic sects,or westerners or yazidis,jews,buddhists,animists,atheists etc..,but sadly were in fact their fellow sunnis.
You might just want to do a little research and see just how many times [22] pakistan had to go to the imf to beg for loans and bailouts.Sadly tho that picture may be a photoshop that doesnt mean it is not an accurate representation of the current governments situation.
Tell you what how about instead of trolling in the iranian forum you and "imran khan" both just piss off back to the pakistan affairs or pakistan defence and military forums where you can both sh!t post about india,iran,the west etc.. to your little hearts content,okay?
Buddy I`m neither iranian nor even a muslim.
I do have to say tho that as a long time observer of the region I have yet to see the shiite equivalent of anything like wahabism,not to mention that in syria you had iran defending a secular state that was composed of sunnis,alawaites,christians and shiites.
I think that if you`ll bother looking[lol!] you`ll see that the only "cancerous ideology" that has "killed more muslims than zionists ever could" was in fact saudi exported sunni wahabism,ironically tho most of its victims were not members of other islamic sects,or westerners or yazidis,jews,buddhists,animists,atheists etc..,but sadly were in fact their fellow sunnis.
You might just want to do a little research and see just how many times [22] pakistan had to go to the imf to beg for loans and bailouts.Sadly tho that picture may be a photoshop that doesnt mean it is not an accurate representation of the current governments situation.
Tell you what how about instead of trolling in the iranian forum you and "imran khan" both just piss off back to the pakistan affairs or pakistan defence and military forums where you can both sh!t post about india,iran,the west etc.. to your little hearts content,okay?
If you are not Muslim then STFU. You clearly don't know sh*t.
I didnt even watch the video. I dont like to see Muslims killing Muslims and most of them are poor Yemenis anyway. Your sick ideology makes you so blind in hatred that you enjoy watching such videos and clearly shows the religion you follow isn't the right one and it is surely not Islam.

Now a bitch Rafdi cult follower will tell me about Islam. LOL good one Irani rat
Sad to see killings but who start it.
And well as you knew very well Muslim killing Muslim is a very old tradition it date back to the time of the death of holy prophet.
Sad to see killings but who start it.
And well as you knew very well Muslim killing Muslim is a very old tradition it date back to the time of the death of holy prophet.
But we should not support any of these no matter what. It might be an old tradition but Muslims gained nothing from it. We need to grow past it and live in harmony as it only serves Zionists.
Our Forum Policy does not allow any promotion to a group as such or any other militia or proxy at all whereby mostly propaganda is being carried out. Make sure such content is not posted to create a thread as such. Sectarian Flaming/Provocation/inappropriate Language or Personal Attacks will result in straight ban. We can do better than that and discuss matter from strategical point of view. Anyone, of the opinion that can vent his anger & may flame sectarian divide or insults; needs to change approach in this regard if wanted to continue here.

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