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horrible Islamophobic attack in France

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You know what’s more epic they are 1.08 BILLION NON Muslims in India. I hope they are more Indians as hateful as you are, it would be interesting to see how the NON Muslims of India will react.
Corrected :;): :pop::devil::o:
Works fine both ways sooner the better ;) :pop:

True.I'm just telling you the old "action-reaction".
What would have been your reaction if someone said that on the Paris thread and by the way you were criticizing something you just did yourself in the exact same post. Anyways next time a terrorist incident occurs in the West I’m guessing you would be fine with people saying the old ol saying actions equals a reaction.:disagree:
Works fine both ways sooner the better ;) :pop:

What would have been your reaction if someone said that on the Paris thread and by the way you were criticizing something you just did yourself in the exact same post. Anyways next time a terrorist incident occurs in the West I’m guessing you would be fine with people saying the old ol saying actions equals a reaction.:disagree:

Not really,i'm (we're) not the one(s) saying that Pakistan (as an example) should be Atheist/Christian,nor am i living there and mocking them by threathening "assimilation".The ideea is,simply,that you can only push so much untill civilisation is forgotten.And Europe has/had patience,lots of it.
In India we don't have these problems. Indian muslims are very different and doesn't support islamic terrorism.

All i knew was hindu terrorism... burning women alive, burning pastors alive, using its military to abduct kids.... etc. etc.
Muslims in India are not free to practice their religion or eat or wear what they wish.
They don't get govt. jobs and they are not allowed to live, where high cast hindus live.

Muslim villagers burned alive in India | World news | theguardian.com

Pastors Attacked, Tied to a Car and Paraded Half Naked in Karnataka, India

Muslims, Christians in India forced, tricked into converting to Hinduism | The Columbian
Not really,i'm (we're) not the one(s) saying that Pakistan (as an example) should be Atheist/Christian,nor am i living there and mocking them by threathening "assimilation".The ideea is,simply,that you can only push so much untill civilisation is forgotten.And Europe has/had patience,lots of it.
Same logic can be used for the other side. Muslims can only take so much of Western interference (starting two pointless wars, arming extremist rebels, using the excuse of giving them freedom/democracy to pretty much destroy a country.) The difference is the West has actually done it, rather then a bunch of idiots in the West shouting some stupid meaningless slogans. I hope you can see the massive difference.
RIP.Situation getting out of control now in europe.

Gonna get happen sooner or later. People will take matter in their hands in the view of islamic terrorism spreading all over the world.

Hope it can be controlled sooner than later.
What a bunch of stupid posts. Nothing is getting "out of control", not in France...and not in "Europe". Couple of isolated incidents does not speak for an entire nation, just like - a few of rape incidents not being representative of the whole of India. I know because I live here in France.
May his soul achieve Moksha!

Such stupid attacks are not only immoral and inhuman, also counter productive. I hope the EU governments are smart enough to crack down hard on racism, reactionary or not!
It's getting to the point where sometimes - despite my very lucky and cushy lifestyle (thank God) which I studied and worked really hard to achieve at school, university and now workplace -- I wish my parents had never emigrated from Pakistan. Its actually soul-destroying not having a real place to belong, to call home. I've seriously thought about moving back to Pakistan even though I'm sure it would be hard for me to adjust to the change in lifestyle and living standards. At least then any future children won;t have identity issues.

Despite everything I think you people who live and grew up in India or Pakistan are REALLY lucky --despite everything and all the problems of both countries -- you are living in your own land. That must be an amazing feeling.

I know that felling. I think most of people just want to live a normal life and not get involved with this non sense going on in the world. It would be great if humans could just stop annoying each other and let other live how they want to live.
Just like in Gujarat :disagree:

Your equation of this deceased gentleman with the dirty cavemen terrorists who carried out the attacks by saying that his "religion" struck first. Don't try and act innocent now.
You guys really need to work on either your english skills or common sense. Did you miss the post from your brethren that I responded to ?

Religion of peace strikes again...........................oh wait !
R.I.P --- French Muslims have to understand that even free society has a threshold point.
It did strike first..

Cheer leading for violent murderers of a Muslim now. And here bharatis have problem when Pakistani member posts on a Chinese and Indian related thread. While they can cheer lead for the whole world whenever they want to.
It's getting to the point where sometimes - despite my very lucky and cushy lifestyle (thank God) which I studied and worked really hard to achieve at school, university and now workplace -- I wish my parents had never emigrated from Pakistan. Its actually soul-destroying not having a real place to belong, to call home. I've seriously thought about moving back to Pakistan even though I'm sure it would be hard for me to adjust to the change in lifestyle and living standards. At least then any future children won;t have identity issues.

Despite everything I think you people who live and grew up in India or Pakistan are REALLY lucky --despite everything and all the problems of both countries -- you are living in your own land. That must be an amazing feeling.
I feel you bro.. but every day educated muslim in UK showing hatred towards native culture in UK. Just today read a highly educated lawyer in a top law firm posted an youtube video calling brits and rest kaffir and inferior (and much worse things).. if a local watches the video, he gets the impression that all immigrants think like this.
the guy apologized and still has the job, but wonder he is really fit to live here.
First of all this is an act which need to be condemn. No one is allowed to kill other on the name of religion be it Islamist or Islamophobic. Second, Those who are shedding so much tears on one such criminal act and condemning Indians should have cried when Boko Haram killed thousands of people. Your tears weight is always for your religion and not for the others and that is displaying hypocrisy.
Cheer leading for violent murderers of a Muslim now. And here bharatis have problem when Pakistani member posts on a Chinese and Indian related thread. While they can cheer lead for the whole world whenever they want to.

Don't bother coming in and Blaming Indians.

No one asked those morons to go into Charlie Hebdo and take the lives of 17 people.
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