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Horn of Africa-A strategic strait for Superpowers.


Dec 6, 2015
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The Horn of Africa Often shortened to HOA; alternatively Somali Peninsula is a peninsula in Northeast Africa. It juts hundreds of kilometers into the Arabian Sea and lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden. The area is the easternmost projection of the African continent. the Horn of Africa denotes the region containing the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.


This region is of strategic importance to many SUPERPOWERS in the Region,The babel-Mandeb,a strait located on red sea it of importance to FRANCE,USA,CHINA,JAPAN ,SAUDI ARABIA,And Even South Korea.
Oil ships ,Cargo Ships cross this Strait every hour of the day,Closing the strait for few hours will see the price of the Oil sour up effecting the evarage consumer in any part of the World.
That is why Many Countries have and Maintan MILITARY NAVY BASES in Djabouti-a small muslim nation with somali speaking population.

Djbouti -Small nation in Horn of africa.


Currently USA maintains a Military Navy Base in Djabouti It is called
Camp Lemonnier Which is a United States Naval Expeditionary Base situated at Djibouti's Djibouti-Ambouli International Airport and home to the Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa of the U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM).
It is the only permanent US military base in Africa. The camp is operated by U.S. Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia; CJTF-HOA is the most notable tenant command located at the facility as of 2008.
in 2014,there was an US-DJBOUTI agreement,to extend the lease of the Base for another 10 years,USA currently pay 63$ Dollars to Djbouti for the use of the Base.Not bad for a small country with a population of 1 million people!!!


13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion Is Stationed in Djabouti.


Since Djbouti indepence ,French never left the country it maintains a navy base in Djbouti with elite french troops ,French pays the country 40 million $ dollars per year for the use of the Base.


japan mains its base to combat piracy in the region and also other tasks.

The red army is coming.


interestly CHINA announces that it will also open a navy base in DJbouti soon.
this will put burden on the gov of Djbouti.China will use the base for 10 years for 100 million Per year.


besides the humanatarian and recosntruction aid that Turkey has pooled into the country which saw alshabab run into the jungles and the public supporting turkish presence in the country.
Turkey made huge investment in the basic infrastracture of the country from buildings hospitals(5),roads-300km road which 30km with street lights,schools(20) which has connections to turkish schools,universities and bussiness investment.
besides all these civilian projects
The enforcement of an agreement between Turkey and Somalia on training, technical and scientific cooperation in the military began on Wednesday, the Official Gazette has announced.
The deal, officially titled “Agreement between the Government of the republic of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Somalia on Military Training Cooperation,” was signed on May 22, 2010, in Ankara to establish cooperation mechanisms in the field of military training.
This is good news for somalia which needs all the technical help it can get.

Turkey will also safeguard international ships from pirates as well as deter illegal fishing baots from thailand,spain and south korea.


President Hassan of Somalia Welcoming Turkish Navy in Mogadishu seaport

Given the popularity of the Turks in Somalia,Turkey will not have problem with stablishing a navy base in Somalia which has the Longest Coastline in the continent and Numerous Seaports.

Turkish Projects in SOMALIA-MOGADISHU
so Many projects to count but i will concentrate on major ones.

Turkish operated Mogadishuairport -They transformed it from rusty port into a majorclass port in just two years.

Bussiness Boom in Mogadishu PORT

They have build more than 5 Hospitals,the largest and most famous one is here.

Turkey largest Embassy in africa.Mogadishu somalia


It is already completed and open now.
Turkey will have base in Qatar in in SOmalia... Turkey is very smart, they know that without good economic satisfaction, they cant get the heart of people... unlike, Russia annexed Cremia and there is no electricity(also no plan to build one for next 5 years at least), Ukrain stopped water supply to cut their main business one wine, also no touristic place sea shores were sold out...

I would love to hear more news about Somali and Turkish presence there... Pros and cons! Please also tag me next time your share anything about there...
How is the security and army projects going on? what are futuristics project to push the economy? I heard that Turkey wants to bring agrecultural development to make people work and earn their own money.. and so on..

somalia has also good tourism potential if peace prevails and alshabab weakening by the day.
every friday,thursday thousands of people march to enjoy the sea






i will post new threat in turkey forum when i get the time however,this thread will discuss all the main issues in this part of the world with special focus on Kenya,Somalia and Djbouti respectively.
Firstly all thanks is due to Allaah and secondly may Allaah bless the

Turkish people in abundance(in this life and the next). This is the

beginning of a very strong brotherhood, not only friendship between the

two nations. Somalia today knows who we can call friend and who is a

snake acting like a friend. Turkey came to our aid when Ahmed Gurey was

fighting the abbysinians in the 1500′s. We defeated them and took control

of 3/4 of Ethiopia. The ottomans supplied us with cannons- which made us

Somalis the first in Africa to use modern warfare. We will never forget

this and Somalia will soon in shaa Allaah become a powerhouse like it

used to be. We will come back from our dark past. And we will never

forget who was the friend and who was the enemy. We will never forget

who was trying to help in the time of hardship and who was trying to

take advantage of our weakness. To the people of Turkey thank you! You

have done what the U.N DIDN’T WANT TO DO, for the past 24 year

I am Less worried about ETHIOPIA but More about Alshabab or ISIS infiltration into Somalia and Kenya.
security is being made by a combination of factors most importantly AU-UGANDA,Brundi ,Turkey presence and it is also important to note that we have many contributions from EU countries like Spain,Hungary and indepedently USA in few numbers training somali peace security.
Education is the biggest gift to fight poverty, hopefully we can help Somalia for a better future.

250 Somalia students off to Turkey for further studies



Somalia students boarding a Turkish Airlines plane in Mogadishu to go for further studies in Turkey October 21, 2012. ABDULKADIR KHALIF | NATION MEDIA GROUP

Some 250 Somali students have left for further studies in Turkey under a scholarship programme.

The students left Mogadishu on Sunday for Istanbul.

They came from different parts of Somalia, with most of them having qualified after being vetted online.

The Turkish Ambassador to Somalia, Dr Koni Torun, saw the student off and disclosed that the scholarship holders would be attending diverse universities.

Said Dr Torun, “150 students will be attending masters and doctoral studies”, with the rest pursuing undergraduate courses.

Ever since Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the Somali capital Mogadishu in August 2011, Turkey has been offering humanitarian and development assistance to Somalia.

Last year, hundreds of Somali students benefited from Turkish scholarships.

In addition, there were diverse projects run and funded by Turkish institutions including schools, colleges and hospitals in Mogadishu.

Others are planned elsewhere in Somalia, according to Turkish diplomats in the Horn of Africa country.

All the 250 scholarship holders left aboard a Turkish Airline plane.

“This is, nevertheless, another gesture to help Somalia recover from years of neglect,” said Dr Torun.

Since Djbouti indepence ,French never left the country it maintains a navy base in Djbouti with elite french troops .

ahahahahahha..........I Thought so. Who even said Djibouti is an independent country? It's still a french colony, as we say in French its part of 'le pré carré français en afrique' . My French brothers @FrenchPilot , @Taygibay know what i'm talkingabout.;):enjoy:

13th Demi-Brigade of the Foreign Legion Is Stationed in Djabouti.


Wow,the unit left the country since 2011.... The unit left Djibouti for the UAE.... But now it has been decided that the unit will leave the UAE to be stationed in France in 2016.
The size of the unit will be increased : 69 personnels today to ~1.200 in ~2018.
ahahahahahha..........I Thought so. Who even said Djibouti is an independent country? It's still a french colony, as we say in French its part of 'le pré carré français en afrique' . My French brothers @FrenchPilot , @Taygibay know what i'm talkingabout.;):enjoy:

France maintains bases/military facilities in a lot of our former african colonies.


In case of a crisis in Africa,or to defend our people/interests,we can deploy troops within a very short period of time.;) @Taygibay
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Somalia-Mogadishu Gated Community-project status completed.

AH! Nothing spells trust in your society quite as much as Gated Communities. :enjoy:

As for Djibouti, French troops now at 1 700 will go down to 1 300 by 2018, not due to disinvestment
but to re-organizing of personnel. France and America make good use of these smallish contingents
by maximizing inter-operability training. SFs training, commando as well as some desert specifications
and the likes often involve both nations. From recent memory, the last presence of an Osprey on a BPC
happened off the coast of Djibouti.

Helicopters : BATALAT / AdlA Ba 188 : 3/11 Corsica attack and 88 Larzac suds / Royale ( Fr Navy ) 2 landing transports, SFs and an Atlantique2 surveillance plane. Various company level units : 2 Artillery, one infantry,
one Cavalry, etc.

So yes, everyone wants in on the big Qat party in Djib' but we were there first and nabbed the best b...

And GN gang, Tay.
in 2014,there was an US-DJBOUTI agreement,to extend the lease of the Base for another 10 years,USA currently pay 63$ Dollars to Djbouti for the use of the Base.Not bad for a small country with a population of 1 million people!!!

Are you happy with it? ;p
who am i to object when the dj parliament approved it.


it is actually being built by people of common interests and hobbies(bussinesmen,doctors,teachers,diaspora returnee),we have a community of somali americans wanting to live close to eachother and also for security reasons.
Are you happy with it? ;p[/QUOTE
That is alot of money,63 million per year

I take a different view of why the United States is in Somalia. A close examination of the geography leaves one with an inescapable conclusion. As a source of air and naval bases, Somalia is first-rate. Currently, all we can control is Diego Garcia, a tiny island in the Indian Ocean that is too small and further away from the oil-rich gulf.

Land-based U.S. warplanes and naval power in Somalia would be in a position to dominate the Persian Gulf and much of North Africa. Ground forces stationed in Somalia would be able to respond quickly to any Iraqi or Iranian threat. This ability to dominate the Persian Gulf is why the Russians built air bases there in the first place.Starvation caused by political chaos gave us a reason to enter the country. The continued threat of clan warfare and more starvation gives the U.S. a humanitarian reason to remain.

Any new Somali government will be strapped for income and will welcome the opportunity to lease military bases to the United States. The continued presence of the U.S. military will provide a level of stability in Somalia not otherwise attainable.

Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern oil nations need us but don't want large numbers of U.S. military personnel stationed in their countries. American soldiers can't help upsetting Islamic and monarchistic value system. However, U.S. military bases in Somalia will suit U.S. and Saudi national interests very well. President Bush has pulled off a coup of the first water.
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