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"Hopefully, we will see the Antonov aircraft production in Turkey," Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Bodnar said


Feb 25, 2021
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Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Bodnar made statements about the Ukrainian-Turkey strategic relationship and the Crimea Platform initiative.

Some highlights from his statements-

"This year, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of our strategic partnership and it is very important to have a good dialogue between the leaders of the two countries. We hope the High-Level Strategic Council will be held this year. There will be important decisions about the relations between the two countries."

Pointing out that the defense sector is one of the driving forces in the relations between the two countries, Bodnar said, "We understand our mutual interests and the risks in the region. Most importantly, we have complementarity in technology development and production that enables joint projects which beneficial for both sides."

Noting that there is cooperation between the two countries in the field of R&D as well as trade-in the defense sector, Bodnar continued as follows: "For example, Akıncı using Ukrainian-produced engines. However, we have many projects from land to sea, from the sky to space. I believe that our companies will strengthen our cooperation and this will bring results. We also cooperate with a NATO country. NATO standards very important for us to getting membership soon. "

"We are strengthening our ability compliance in the field of military industry. This is good for NATO also because we strengthen our NATO capability," he said.

Bodnar also underlining that there may be opportunities between the two countries' aviation industries in the near future, "I hope that we will see the Antonov aircraft production in Turkey soon and these aircraft will fly in the Turkish skies."

Noting that the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations are also continuing and he also added: "With the providing of some flexibility in terms, we will sign an agreement."

Regarding the Crimea issue:

"We are grateful to Turkey does not recognize the illegal policies of the annexation of Crimea."

"Our goal with the Crimean Platform is to take the international attention to our territories occupied by Russia. And we will be successful. We are grateful to Turkish participate in the platform and I believe that Turkey's president will be one of the most important leaders in the platform." Bodnar stated that Crimea was traditionally the center of tourism, security, and stability, but now it has become a closed and military region."

In the Donbas region crisis, Russia is trying to be a party, and that is wrong, Bodnar said, "The solution is in the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin. If he withdraws his military forces, it is easy to deal with the locals."

source- https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/ukra...r-nato-ulkesiyle-is-birligi-yapiyoruz/2191202

As is known, Aselsan signed an agreement with the Ukrainian aircraft manufacturer Antonov in 2017 to produce cockpit avionics, including the autopilot system, on its new generation aircraft programs. Agreeded cooperations and studies between the two countries in this field gradually expanding. In the evaluation of Antonov aircrafts into a NATO-compatible systems, Turkey found itself as one of the prominent solution partners. In the meantime, undertaking risk partnerships over directly joint manufacturing and development with Antonov has been among the topics discussed in the defense and aerospace circles.

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Ukraine doesn't have the funding to build a world class transport. Hell, not even Russia can. Only a very rich country like China can build a world class transport like Y-9 or Y-20.
Ukraine doesn't have the funding to build a world class transport. Hell, not even Russia can. Only a very rich country like China can build a world class transport like Y-9 or Y-20.
Also the birds only sing in China and the sun also only shines in China.

@Pakistani Military Uncles you're missing out big time. Then you will beg these same people for these airplanes when your beloved American Hercules are spent(already are to some extent).
Ukraine doesn't have the funding to build a world class transport. Hell, not even Russia can. Only a very rich country like China can build a world class transport like Y-9 or Y-20.

You are funny and wrong again ... since both the Y-9 and Y-20 started their live as concepts developed in close cooperation or even based on designs made by Antonov.
Producing AN-188s would be cool imo

Actually, AN-188 is an extension of the incomplete AN-70 project. But the most important anecdote for this project is that An-188 is one of the landmark projects representing Antanov's transition to the NATO flank. An aircraft without Russian subsystems and planned within US-European solution partners. Aselsan was determined as one of the important solution partners of this project.

The biggest challenge of this project is that it directly addresses the A-400M's market and potential expansion areas. Although the project contains important promises, there are serious risks in terms of meeting development&acquisition costs. The economic problems experienced by Antonov are not a secret either. Ukraine needs to find partner countries to share the risk in this regard. The Turkish Armed Forces is an important and one of the biggest militaries in the NATO wing with its crowded inventory. Therefore, the TAF's being users of Antonov can help reduce these risks. Moreover, Turkey may be a stronger partner in joint production and marketing to third countries.

Although many people do not know, the procurement of multi-purpose aircraft(which the C295 stands out) is on the agenda. We also read news about the Turkish Airlines A330's MRTT transformation for the TAF, in the past months. Turkey entered to A400M project with an official order of 10 aircraft, but if I remember correctly, it was originally planned as 20 aircraft in the initial period. In addition to these previous cost-saving policies, both the aging of the C-160 Transall fleet and the TSK's outer circle doctrine are the factors that increase the air transport needs or simply create expansion pressure.

In light of all this, the An188 project have already been offered to Turkey. It is one of the topics we have been discussing since 2018. If a consensus is reached on the partnership model and production planning, the new transport fleet of the TAF could be shaped by Antonov aircraft in addition to the A-400M.
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