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Honoring our Martyrs

Fundamentalist >I think there is a slip here - Janaza is to be prayed but buried unwashed where they fell on the battlefield as stated in the post.
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Fundamentalist >I think there is a slip here - Janaza is to be prayed but buried unwashed where they fell on the battlefield as stated in the post.

Ok so you mean the exact spot where he fells has to be reconnoitered and then the martyred has to be buried right there.

Why you people are so happy in making the easiest religion in this world the most difficult one??

Why are you so stingy about just everything?

i tell you, this riggedness of yours is getting you no where!
Ok so you mean the exact spot where he fells has to be reconnoitered and then the martyred has to be buried right there.

Why you people are so happy in making the easiest religion in this world the most difficult one??

Why are you so stingy about just everything?

i tell you, this riggedness of yours is getting you no where!
No Xeric - It is not the exact spot, but the battlefield where the war was fought that the martyrs were buried is the idea, at least that was what the Prophet did. But the practicalities may not allow such a burial in today's warfare that is vastly different from what was fought in those days - so I guess you may apply your own discretion here - but I suppose the burial without washing should be applicable.
Apply your own judgement where things get fudged. Islam is still the easiest way out for all of us - we only have to get to know it better.

No Xeric - It is not the exact spot, but the battlefield where the war was fought that the martyrs were buried is the idea, at least that was what the Prophet did. But the practicalities may not allow such a burial in today's warfare that is vastly different from what was fought in those days - so I guess you may apply your own discretion here - but I suppose the burial without washing should be applicable.
Apply your own judgement where things get fudged. Islam is still the easiest way out for all of us - we only have to get to know it better.


Being a soldier myself, what i know of is that we dont wash our martyrs, may be people with doubts should re-investigate!
I respect and honor the dead and wounded of the army. However, a question comes to the fore where I ask are they indeed martyrs fighting a war against Muslims; no matter how stray they are or not?
Regardless of the justifications of the operations, the honorable families are the Primary victims.

Army personnel are not paid very handsomely; the take home ranges from US$ 110 – US$ 400. With the rampant inflation it is a nightmare to sustain (on average) three (3) young children and see them through a decent career. Military Pensions are disbursed through an archaic system manned by thoroughly corrupted officials. It is a pathetic sight to see families hovering around PMAD offices to get pensions sorted out for months together. Some of the competent GOC’s intervene to maintain the dignity of families, others have a callous and insensitive attitude.

The best tribute to these valiant souls who laid down their lives is to create an unprecedented package for the families of Shaheeds:

1. The estimated 180 2 Star+ officers and estimated 450 One Stars (Brigadiers) are each entitled to plots in prime locations with street values ranging from US$ 120,000 – 250,000. Enterprising fellas like Lt. Gen. Zarrar Azeem virtually created real estate empires. All officers with rank of Brigadier and above should donate their plots to a Pool, as token of solidarity with their fallen men. The pool can sell the plots in the open market. Each Shaheed family will get approx US$ 50,000 in cash.
2. All the operations currently waged are part of the US War on Terror. Every day senior CENTCOM officers are coming for their VIP jaunts. Pak Army leadership should insist on a deal where our soldiers and officers automatically get enrolled in the “War and Terrorism” insurance scheme ((DBA) Insurance Mandatory Requirements Contract with CNA Insurance) . This will entitle each fallen soldier about US$ 80,000. Injuries and disabilities will range from US$ 20,000 – 35,000. The premiums to be paid by the US government as per the standard
3. US Embassy Islamabad should grant Immigration Visas to the immediate families of the Shaheeeds, besides preferential treatment for the grant of USAID scholarships.
4. Any New sector by CDA Islamabad, Defense Karachi / Lahore should allocate a high value plot to the Shaheed family.

Regardless of the justifications of the operations, the honorable families are the Primary victims.

Army personnel are not paid very handsomely; the take home ranges from US$ 110 – US$ 400. With the rampant inflation it is a nightmare to sustain (on average) three (3) young children and see them through a decent career. Military Pensions are disbursed through an archaic system manned by thoroughly corrupted officials. It is a pathetic sight to see families hovering around PMAD offices to get pensions sorted out for months together. Some of the competent GOC’s intervene to maintain the dignity of families, others have a callous and insensitive attitude.

The best tribute to these valiant souls who laid down their lives is to create an unprecedented package for the families of Shaheeds:

1. The estimated 180 2 Star+ officers and estimated 450 One Stars (Brigadiers) are each entitled to plots in prime locations with street values ranging from US$ 120,000 – 250,000. Enterprising fellas like Lt. Gen. Zarrar Azeem virtually created real estate empires. All officers with rank of Brigadier and above should donate their plots to a Pool, as token of solidarity with their fallen men. The pool can sell the plots in the open market. Each Shaheed family will get approx US$ 50,000 in cash.
2. All the operations currently waged are part of the US War on Terror. Every day senior CENTCOM officers are coming for their VIP jaunts. Pak Army leadership should insist on a deal where our soldiers and officers automatically get enrolled in the “War and Terrorism” insurance scheme ((DBA) Insurance Mandatory Requirements Contract with CNA Insurance) . This will entitle each fallen soldier about US$ 80,000. Injuries and disabilities will range from US$ 20,000 – 35,000. The premiums to be paid by the US government as per the standard
3. US Embassy Islamabad should grant Immigration Visas to the immediate families of the Shaheeeds, besides preferential treatment for the grant of USAID scholarships.
4. Any New sector by CDA Islamabad, Defense Karachi / Lahore should allocate a high value plot to the Shaheed family.

Great Idea - For those who perished so that we may live - the DEAR ones they leave behind deserve the best of the best that the nation can give.

I am all for it and more - any one else?
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Army has been giving financial assistance, free education and plots to the dependents of Martyrs.

The administration of such compensations and benefits, especially to the soldiers and lower ranks has been improved a lot under the initiative of Gen Kiyani...he has been very dynamic and has been tremendously popular in the Army due to his initiatives to ensure that the soldiers are given the priority they deserve and their life is made easier in terms of due compensations and timely allocation of such.

His declaration of the year of the soldier in 2008 was no mere illusion and that is what i personally like about the man, he took necessary action and turned around the morale whereas others only pointed out the problems.

The key areas which have been focused upon are housing, health and education for the family of the common soldier and to support this the funding has been diverted from the top to the bottom, a fact appreciated by many soldiers.

Still, anything more we can do is always a good deed, let us see whether there is any account opened by Army for this purpose where we can donate as well.

Maybe Xeric can give more details on how to help on a personal level through an established channel.

I too will be glad to donate a reasonable amount towards the welfare of Army widows and orphans. Please get the Bank A/C #. We should post the receipt right on this page.

This is despite the fact that I am against the operations waged by the Army on Pakistani territory, whatever the noble cause may be (past operations in East Pakistan, Baluchistan and Sind too were for “noble” causes).

All the valiant souls who made the ultimate sacrifice were bound by orders and had no choice. Given a choice they would have preferred to lay down their lives for the cause of national defense against the real enemy to the East.

Please remember that our paltry donations cannot make a substantial difference to their lives. Gen. Kiyani’s initiatives are highly commendable, but these are incremental improvements (perhaps 30%), do not ensure long term sustainability. This time give them an UNPRECEDENTED COMPENSATION.

As I pointed out in my earlier post there is hell of a lot of money sloshing around in the system:
 Our 700+ corps of 1-2-3 Star Generals can donate their plots worth about Rs 10 billion.
 For once the US Army should pay the 4% Insurance that all US Army contractors are entitled to.
 Given a choice most affected families may prefer to Immigrate to the USA. They have made the ultimate sacrifice and are entitled.
 Every Defense housing scheme must have guaranteed reserved plots for Shaheeds.

There should be no discrimination on the basis of Rank or Arm. All widows and children suffer the same way.
Not sure this has been posted already, but a very moving tribute to the sacrifices of those serving:

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There should be no discrimination on the basis of Rank or Arm. All widows and children suffer the same way.

There should be no discrimination on the basis of Rank or Arm or being a civilian

Ordinary civilians have faced the brunt in this war they should also be compensated.

RIP be it civilians or military.:pakistan:
I fully agree with xeric, and would like to add my 2 cents worth.

These so called Talibans don't even deserve to be called Talibans, a pious word for a person who is keen to learn things that are based on goodness, decency and honesty, that is what Talib-ilam is all about, but these guys beat women, destroy girl schools, kill Muslims and most of all kill innocent citizens in the cities of Pakistan.

And that my friend in simple words is not a Talib-ilam, These so called Talibans are a manance working for our enemies. And must be stoppped ,even at the cost is that of our brave soldiers lives, it is very sad and very annoying that our soldiers have to fight these trouble makers instead of fighting our enemies. But than they are acting like our enemies, so infact they are so, in many cases they ar worst than the enmeis since our enemies donot kill civilians in such a brutal way.

Little they know that by fighting Pakistan they are costing us everything dear to us. And bringing Pakistan a reputation it does not deserve and they are making Islam look like a religion of war, They are totally out of their line and have no clue of Islam.

I can refer to them the Last Khutba of our grear prophet P.B.U.H. who clearly layed down rules of war, and these guys are acting totally against it.

The leastthey could do it lay down their Arms and ask for forgiveness and for help if theyhave any Islamic value left in them, mind you they still have to stand trial for kilings of innocents

May Allah S.W.Tala help us all. Ameen
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They Say we are paid with their taxes,
They Say we enjoy privileges,
They Say we are corrupt,
They Say we are dictators,
They Say....and they only Say,


When we Sit facing bullets - They Dont Say,
When our Boxed Bodies come home - They Dont Say,
When we Die and our Mothers Weep - They Dont Say,
When our Bodies are Shattered in pieces - They Dont Say,

We Are Sons of the Soil.

Pakistan Army:pakistan:
They Say we are paid with their taxes,
They Say we enjoy privileges,
They Say we are corrupt,
They Say we are dictators,
They Say....and they only Say,


When we Sit facing bullets - They Dont Say,
When our Boxed Bodies come home - They Dont Say,
When we Die and our Mothers Weep - They Dont Say,
When our Bodies are Shattered in pieces - They Dont Say,

We Are Sons of the Soil.

Pakistan Army:pakistan:

I say Pakistan Army we are proud of you :pakistan:
How should we treat the dead body? whether we should bury them on spot or in the garden of their homes? Should we give them a bath or two or not?.... These are highly technical question and according to the best of my knowledge. It is the job of religious experts to answer. We can only do guess. So better do not do that.

Instead, if you want to do something for the martyrs. All you need to do is to become a good citizen of Pakistan, pay your taxes, fulfil your religious, legal and moral duties, help others and stay in good health.
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