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Homs falls to Assad


Jun 26, 2012
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Homs falls to Assad regime | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

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HOMS, Syria: The evacuation of rebel-held parts of Homs city began Wednesday under an unprecedented deal which hands back control to the government less than a month before Syria’s presidential election.
After nearly two years of government siege, civilians and rebel forces began to leave the Old City and surrounding areas on buses taking them to opposition territory in northern Homs province.
Their departure saves both sides the prospect of a drawn-out, potentially devastating battle, and it allows rebels to leave with some of their weaponry.

The deal effectively turns over the city once dubbed the “capital of the revolution” to government control ahead of a June 3 election expected to return President Bashar Assad to office.
The evacuation began at around 10 a.m. (0700GMT), with three buses carrying civilians and fighters, some of them wounded, departing the devastated Old City, a rebel negotiator told AFP.
A video posted online by opposition activists showed a group of fighters, some with their faces covered with black or white scarves, walking in a line toward green buses.
They carried backpacks and light weapons as they boarded the buses, under the gaze of regime police and accompanied by a white UN car.
Around an hour after the operation began, negotiator Abul Hareth Al-Khalidi said, a first bus had arrived in the north of the province.
And by early afternoon, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 222 people had left out of approximately 1,200 believed to be in the Old City.
The evacuees are being transferred to the rebel-held town of Dar Al-Kebira, 20 kilometers (12 miles) from Homs.
Wael, an activist in the northern Homs province village of Termaaleh, told AFP he had received some of the evacuees, who were emotional.
“I asked one of my friends, who is now resting in my house, and he said to me that he felt hungry, and in pain and tearful over leaving Homs,” he said.

“He said he felt his soul being pulled out of his body as he left Homs.”
The deal between the regime and rebels, mediated by Iran’s ambassador to Syria, was reached as part of an exchange for a number of hostages being held by opposition fighters in the northern city of Aleppo.
And under the agreement, fighters will also allow aid into two Shiite majority towns in Aleppo province, Nubol and Zahraa, where some 45,000 people are under rebel siege.
The Observatory said by early afternoon aid had started to reach the two towns, and that an unspecified number of released hostages had arrived in the regime-held coastal city of Latakia.
Once the Homs operation is complete, the evacuated areas are to be turned over to the government, which is expected to send in forces to sweep for mines and explosives.
The regime will then have control of all but one major area of Homs city.
While the area being reclaimed by the government is relatively small, it retains huge symbolic importance for the opposition.
At the start of Syria’s uprising in March 2011, Homs came to be known as the “capital of the revolution” because of its massive anti-regime protests.

And after the opposition took up arms in response to a brutal government crackdown, the city gained iconic status among the opposition for resisting multiple offensives.
During a nearly two-year government blockade, which left around 3,000 people trapped, food and medical supplies dwindled.
In February, a UN-Red Crescent operation successfully evacuated around 1,400 people, and delivered limited aid to the besieged areas.
But hundreds of fighters and wounded people unable to make it to evacuation points were left behind, and government forces launched a fresh assault last month.
Many of those evacuated in February moved to the rebel-held Waer district, which will be the only remaining opposition area left in Homs city after the Old City operation.
Negotiations are underway for a similar deal to be implemented in Waer, according to government and opposition officials.

Haters gonna Hate
Only temporally. The Nusayri rat does not even rule half of his country. His tight grip on Syria is over. Forever. It's just a question of time.

This conflict serves a great purpose. First of all thousands of Rawafid and Nusayris are getting eliminated and our own trash as well. It could not be any better.

Hopefully the hatred will be so big for the Nusaryis that the only solution when the inevitable happens (Al-Asshead's regime gets fully toppled) will be elimination or expulsion.

Then the next goal will be the elimination of the Rawafid in Lebanon and HizbAlShaitan.

By then Palestine will hopefully become an official country and other unwanted entities can be dealt with in the region. They know who they are.

I just takes a few Fatwas from the highest Sunni Muslim religious authorities to create an army of hundreds of thousands of fighters in the matter of weeks and an endless stream of men to do the business.

Unfortunalaty a lot of corrupt leaders rule the region so this cannot happen right now but will eventually. Since they will be removed.

Syria and Lebanon must become a quagmire for the Rawafid and later the other unwanted elements.
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Homs falls to Alasad? WTF IS THAT??? Homs didn't fall to Alasad and will never fall, Homs is returned back to its home, Syria... the terrorists in Homs were stepped on by the Syrian army soldiers... the terrorists in Homs like always fell...

Insha'Allah soon other cities will join Homs and return back to Syria...
Homs falls to Alasad? WTF IS THAT??? Homs didn't fall to Alasad and will never fall, Homs is returned back to its home, Syria... the terrorists in Homs were stepped on by the Syrian army soldiers... the terrorists in Homs like always fell...

Insha'Allah soon other cities will join Homs and return back to Syria...

Arab Sunni Muslim rule in Syria is just a question of time. You know it. The quagmire has just begun. Even if Syria needs to get destroyed completely this transformation will be successful.

The vast majority will eventually always rule a country. Nusayris are the enemies of every Sunni Muslim Arab and traitors. They must be dealt with.
Arab Sunni Muslim rule in Syria is just a question of time. You know it. The quagmire has just begun. Even if Syria needs to get destroyed completely this transformation will be successful.
you want to destroy a country, kills its people, just to please your masters in the west?? shocking news, NOT.... since the beginning of the crisis it was known that west and their puppets planned the destruction of the west, American General, and French ex foreign minister admitted it, but you're blinded with racism and hate, thus all you care about is bloodshed and war... stop pretending you care about Syria while you want its destruction.. you exposed your own lies..
This is how every Child-Murdering Nusayri will end once Syria gets liberated. This should be the fate of every traitor and Child-Murderer.
the child murders are the F$A terrorists and their supporters... Syrians were living in peace and happiness, it wasn't until the foreign terrorists came to Syria to kill and destroy the country ( You admitted that you want Syria destroyed just to reach your racist dream)... if Syrians wanted Alasad gone he would have been gone since the first month... something you won't understand because you don't know the Syrian people, nothing on this earth can stop the will and demands of the Syrian people, three years of death and destruction and Syria is still a free country, Syria will never kneel down to the west like puppets of gcc...
the child murders are the F$A terrorists and their supporters... Syrians were living in peace and happiness, it wasn't until the foreign terrorists came to Syria to kill and destroy the country ( You admitted that you want Syria destroyed just to reach your racist dream)... if Syrians wanted Alasad gone he would have been gone since the first month... something you won't understand because you don't know the Syrian people, nothing on this earth can stop the will and demands of the Syrian people, three years of death and destruction and Syria is still a free country, Syria will never kneel down to the west like puppets of gcc...

Who does not want the Child-Murdering Nusayris eliminated?

Your Nusayri rat already destroyed half of your country. Your minority started it. Just like in the 1980's. It's time for you to pay the ultimate price by now.

Of course I support this fully just like 90% of all Arabs do.

You are already a puppet of the Farsis and Ruskies. More than anyone else in the region. You basically survive due to them. Especially the Ruskies. But that is soon going to end. Let's hope that the West can stir more trouble up in Ukraine so the Ruskies get more involved in that and Syria becomes a second priority. Once Damascus falls the entire regime falls and when that happens the fun begins when the armies reach Latakia and the Nusayri areas.
Arab Sunni Muslim rule in Syria is just a question of time. You know it. The quagmire has just begun. Even if Syria needs to get destroyed completely this transformation will be successful.

The vast majority will eventually always rule a country. Nusayris are the enemies of every Sunni Muslim Arab and traitors. They must be dealt with.
what a stupid thinking
what a stupid thinking

It's not. Freedom never comes cheap. Besides the Child-Murderer and Nusayri rat (Al-Asshead) is behind 90% of the destruction in Syria. Money will not be a problem. Besides Syria was already poor.

What is important is the future. A future without Child-Murdering Nusayris and other unwanted elements including the traitors. Sunni Arabs are born to rule every single Arab country. Normality must be regained.
Who does not want the Child-Murdering Nusayris eliminated?

Your Nusayri rat already destroyed half of your country. Your minority started it. Just like in the 1980's. It's time for you to pay the ultimate price by now.

Of course I support this fully just like 90% of all Arabs do.

You are already a puppet of the Farsis and Ruskies. More than anyone else in the region. You basically survive due to them. Especially the Ruskies. But that is soon going to end. Let's hope that the West can stir more trouble up in Ukraine so the Ruskies get more involved in that and Syria becomes a second priority. Once Damascus falls the entire regime falls.
you support what? the destruction of Syria and death of innocent Syrians... not surprised.... now go back to bed so you can dream of whatever your evil mind loves... you ideology comes from the cave, it is a shame for that university to give you a degree... anyways there is no point of having a discussion with an ignorant... I should have never brought myself down and replied to you....

It's not. Freedom never comes cheap. Besides the Child-Murderer and Nusayri rat (Al-Asshead) is behind 90% of the destruction in Syria. Money will not be a problem. Besides Syria was already poor.

What is important is the future. A future without Child-Murdering Nusayris and other unwanted elements including the traitors.
BS, Syrians were never poor, there was not a single child starving in Syria or without a health care and education.... Syrians had everything they wanted and needed, especially PEACE!!
It's not. Freedom never comes cheap. Besides the Child-Murderer and Nusayri rat (Al-Asshead) is behind 90% of the destruction in Syria. Money will not be a problem. Besides Syria was already poor.

What is important is the future. A future without Child-Murdering Nusayris and other unwanted elements including the traitors. Sunni Arabs are born to rule every single Arab country. Normality must be regained.

again same kind of statements.
you support what? the destruction of Syria and death of innocent Syrians... not surprised.... now go back to bed so you can dream of whatever your evil mind loves... you ideology comes from the cave, it is a shame for that university to give you a degree... anyways there is no point of having a discussion with an ignorant... I should have never brought myself down and replied to you....

Like I give a crap. I am not dependent on a university. I am secured financially for the rest of my life and future generations too.

Well 90% of the West supports my side in the conflict. Only pariah states supports yours.
It's not. Freedom never comes cheap. Besides the Child-Murderer and Nusayri rat (Al-Asshead) is behind 90% of the destruction in Syria. Money will not be a problem. Besides Syria was already poor.

What is important is the future. A future without Child-Murdering Nusayris and other unwanted elements including the traitors. Sunni Arabs are born to rule every single Arab country. Normality must be regained.
u guys have destroyed syria for no reason but ur selfish motive.
it's a historical fact. Sunni Arabs ruled the Arab world for 1400 years and will continue to rule it. Syria has just been an exception for 40 years.

Indians better mind their own business or that of failed regional states. I suggest Bangladesh.
u don't tell indians what to do or not,,,we don't have american bases on our soil to dictate our policy.

i was talking of morality of inciting violence on purpose and destroying a country completely.
and bangladesh is not any failed state,,,,,they just don't have oil like u guys are so fortunate to have
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