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Homosexuals of Pakistan

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I have a simple question for people fighting for rights of homosexual here

Would you guys accept it if your own daughter/sister/brother choose(or born) to be lesbian/gays? Give me answer in yes or NO. Their hypocrisy of modernity will be evident in their answers. I would have to meet any Pakistani or Indian who will give such rights to their own brother or sister before defending for others :)


And you just met one of those who would.

One cannot really control anyone's sexual orientation, even if the person is his/her kid.

And you just met one of those who would.

One cannot really control anyone's sexual orientation, even if the person is his/her kid.

yea i just met one on internet. Never met anyone in real life though who appreciate her daughter/brother for being homosexual

You ignored my others post. No one can control sexual orientation of others but there are many who can control it themselves. I have seen plenty of homosexual who are happily married now with kids and i am talking about Pakistan :)
yea i just met one on internet. Never met anyone in real life though who appreciate her daughter/brother for being homosexual

You ignored my others post. No one can control sexual orientation of others but there are many who can control it themselves. I have seen plenty of homosexual who are happily married now with kids and i am talking about Pakistan :)

Are you speaking of the nature vs. Nurture element of homosexuality?
I believe its nature and out of control....If it were nurture...children of homosexuals would be inclined to be homosexual no?
Even in an unnatural situations like prisons where straight folks tend to turn gay, it is still an element of nature ie. ones need for sex...which in essence is an animal instinct.

So to sum it up I dont believe that ones can control their sexual orientation....one can repress it, but not control it....
Are you speaking of the nature vs. Nurture element of homosexuality?
I believe its nature and out of control....If it were nurture...children of homosexuals would be inclined to be homosexual no?
Even in an unnatural situations like prisons where straight folks tend to turn gay, it is still an element of nature ie. ones need for sex...which in essence is an animal instinct.

So to sum it up I dont believe that ones can control their sexual orientation....one can repress it, but not control it....

Can you tell me what causes homosexuality ?

If sexual preference /orientation cannot be modify then what would you say about people who change their sexual preference from gay to straight or from homosexual to bisexual ?

Most people(if not all) just try homosexuality for sake of adventure. You create your fantasies be it homosexual or any other kind of sexual act. You would see people with weird fantasies. You might not feel attraction about something in the beginning and it might become your obsession later on. Its all start from mind and its also mixture. You might have people with 80 percent straight and 20 percent homosexual or you might have 50/50 in case of bisexual and its not something constant which stay same for the rest of your life..
To people that say homosexuality is a choice, why do you think these homosexuals would choose to live a life where they are discriminated against and threated like 2nd class citizens in virtually every corner of the world? Just something for you to think about...
Well in that case


I don't see how this is "gay." They're just holding hands, big deal. It's a symbolization of their countries' friendship, and I'm pretty sure countries don't have sexualities--or gender, for that matter.
Really mate? Sex education? Our mullahs and rural illiterates see a western conspiracy behind polio vaccination programe and they would allow our girls to learn about safe sex and learn how to put a condom on?

I admittedly went slightly over the top there. The thing is, when do we stop getting pushed around by the mullahs and stand against their rotten ideology? Now is as good a time as any. Appeasement has failed and its repercussions are there for everyone to see. As i see it, educating the masses is the only way out of this quagmire, once that happens, the proletariat would at least see through the mullah propaganda. Equality should be the cornerstone for any society that aims to prosper, if that doesn't exist, we are worse than animals.
I admittedly went slightly over the top there. The thing is, when do we stop getting pushed around by the mullahs and stand against their rotten ideology? Now is as good a time as any. Appeasement has failed and its repercussions are there for everyone to see. As i see it, educating the masses is the only way out of this quagmire, once that happens, the proletariat would at least see through the mullah propaganda. Equality should be the cornerstone for any society that aims to prosper, if that doesn't exist, we are worse than animals.
what do you mean by "we", you dont belong to us, you are american , keep your american views to yourself
what do you mean by "we", you dont belong to us, you are american , keep your american views to yourself

I don't need a certificate of my Pakistani identity from the likes of you. You have nothing to say about the material being discussed, don't comment. Thank you.
INDIA TODAY, the magazine which has taken it upon itself to liberate India on sexual issues, and which features (almost) naked women on its front cover regularly on some pretext trying to get its ratings up, has put the number of Indian men having had homosexual experience at a whopping 37%.

That means one guy out of three indians had homosexual experience

E=mc^2: What Percentage of India is Gay?


this surely explains indians attitudes on this issue. :)
Can you tell me what causes homosexuality ?

If sexual preference /orientation cannot be modify then what would you say about people who change their sexual preference from gay to straight or from homosexual to bisexual ?

Most people(if not all) just try homosexuality for sake of adventure. You create your fantasies be it homosexual or any other kind of sexual act. You would see people with weird fantasies. You might not feel attraction about something in the beginning and it might become your obsession later on. Its all start from mind and its also mixture. You might have people with 80 percent straight and 20 percent homosexual or you might have 50/50 in case of bisexual and its not something constant which stay same for the rest of your life..

I tend to disagree...if it were that simple, an extremely attractive woman or man could turn a homosexual person of the opposite gender to sway is what you're saying...
This is absolutely not true!

Regarding the bolded part, if a person was "straight" at some point but turned gay later, it means that the person was gay from the get go (obviously, as I mentioned prisons and unnatural conditions do not count because of aforementioned reasons).
You do have to realize that society and the pressures that come with it play a huge part in coaxing people to conform to identities that may not essentially be part of their fabric....

Besides, Im yet to hear of a case where a gay person became straight....if you know of any famous cases, please be sure to point out.

Some people may try homosexuality for the adventure aspect of it....NOT most as you mentioned...thats an absolute generalization!

Now for the question "what causes homosexuality"...
Nature, attraction, connection etc. etc....The same exact reasons that someone like you or I are attracted to a woman for...

Let me ask you something....
If you truly believe that homosexuality is nurture, ie. something someone tries gay sex because say they want to "experiment"....like have anal sex with another person...why is it that anal sex cannot be had with the woman and only with a man? If its purely about the physical aspect of things, why cant a gay person choose to go with that option instead of finding a man? Whats so special?
(Note: I have used male homosexuality as an example above, I could easily provide an example that could apply to women as well)

Of course, I have to concede that the nature vs. nurture question has not been answered conclusively just as the chicken and egg situation....I am simply postulating my theories on the same...so you could very well be right, but most evidence suggests otherwise...

Im was a student of psychology and such topics of human nature, conditioning etc interest me....
I would also suggest you read up on cultural anthropology and the prevalence of homosexuality in the most "masculine" of cultures and male dominated societies....
INDIA TODAY, the magazine which has taken it upon itself to liberate India on sexual issues, and which features (almost) naked women on its front cover regularly on some pretext trying to get its ratings up, has put the number of Indian men having had homosexual experience at a whopping 37%.

That means one guy out of three indians had homosexual experience

E=mc^2: What Percentage of India is Gay?


this surely explains indians attitudes on this issue. :)
Sir as Muslims we have to look what Quran and Sunnah has to say about this issue and they are very clear on this issue Homosexuality weather of men or women is one of the biggest crime in Islam and its punishment is death in Islam
Sir as Muslims we have to look what Quran and Sunnah has to say about this issue and they are very clear on this issue Homosexuality weather of men or women is one of the biggest crime in Islam and its punishment is death in Islam

Post Sura where it states this.
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