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Hollywood Wants You To Be Afraid Of The Yellow Horde (Update)

I totally agree with you. It is really amazing reading the English title of article on xinhua . Those people are really that incompetent. All they need is a Chinese American guy who grew up in America as consultant to show them how it is done. There are tons of Chinese American/Asian American guy who have an axe to grind with American media portray of Chinese/Asian. Frustrate Asian American guy are very in tune with how the Western media works.

Hell they need to hire me as a consultant.

Chinese media is always on the defense, never offensive. While Western medias are always on the offensive. I mean there are tons of negative news about America they can highlight to make Chinese feel better about China. Western media are very good at highlight negatives from other country, it is standard operating procedure for Wester news media. Murder suicide by white men on Asian ( 'Horrible scourge' of domestic violence ends lives of two sisters), racism against Asian students (South Philly), send a couple Chinese news to Detroit to high the decline of America, send them to West Virginia to do a story about poverty in America, story on obsesity. These stories might offset the Hollywood effect and make Chinese more realistic.

The Western media are perfect at techniques of making a small incident into a big news story. China should follow Western media leads in this regard.

We don't call it CCAV for no reason. The head of our propaganda department, administration of radio and film, and the ministry of culture need to be fired immediately.
:pop: Why do Chinese people in the movie to be bad boy? We want to do be Batman.
Chinese Batman? No, just no.

As far as villains go, no one can ever beat the Russians in being antagonists. Even the way they speak sounds sort of evil. A bad guy with Chinese accent (especially Cantonese) sounds more funny than anything else. I can never take them seriously.
Check out a game called HOMEFRONT, it's about a future america in 2027 and it is being occupied by North Korea who is now the new super power. Storyline is good, but gameplay is average.

Did u played the game SINGULARITY,it shows an alternative timeline in which Soviet control the world after erasing US from the globe with the fictional E-99 bomb.
We don't call it CCAV for no reason. The head of our propaganda department, administration of radio and film, and the ministry of culture need to be fired immediately.
The fact that they still call it the Propaganda Department instead of something more soothing like Communications Department demonstrates how useless these dummies are. Take the Americans for example. Once the CIA became a well known false flag organization dealing in assassinations and regime change, they created new organizations such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) to carry out the same tasks under a much more friendly sounding name and thus image.

If China's "PROPAGANDA" Department were actually any good, they would take the current Libyan crisis as an opportunity to expose Anglo-Saxon world order, aka. "Western" hypocrisy over its double standards, PROPAGANDA and aggressive war mentality. Just in the last month, we've heard Gaddafi fled to Venezuela, then the story was that he fled to Zimbabwe, then his family fled overseas, then the rebels were overtaking Tripoli, etc, etc....all proven to be lies reported in the free and fair "Western" media but yet 99.9% of which was not retracted even after they were discovered as lies. The entire rationale for the U.N. no-fly zone is based on accusations of indiscriminate government mandated killing of civilians, not rebels, of which there is NO real proof. The Russians just last week stated that the provided "proof" of these civilian atrocities never happened as described once they studied ground conditions from their satellite images and is much more indicative of bombing of rebel forces. What China should do is point this out and make it plainly understood that the Libyan no-fly zone is a blatant attempt to oust Gaddafi from power under the pretense of Humanitarianism when it's really because the Libyan rebels were losing and because of oil.

It is this sort of news that would serve China's image makers well because it would clearly demonstrate the terrible credibility of China's detractors. Do we ever see this sort of reporting from China? I would say once every blue moon and even then the report is often tinged with impotent statements like "It is unfair"...."hurt the feelings of the Chinese people"...etc. Somebody said China's reporting style is mostly defensive rather than offensive. I would describe it as not actually reporting at all. Real reporting REPORTS news, rather than responds to news.
I totally agree with you. It is really amazing reading the English title of article on xinhua . Those people are really that incompetent. All they need is a Chinese American guy who grew up in America as consultant to show them how it is done. There are tons of Chinese American/Asian American guy who have an axe to grind with American media portray of Chinese/Asian. Frustrate Asian American guy are very in tune with how the Western media works.

Hell they need to hire me as a consultant.

Chinese media is always on the defense, never offensive. While Western medias are always on the offensive. I mean there are tons of negative news about America they can highlight to make Chinese feel better about China. Western media are very good at highlight negatives from other country, it is standard operating procedure for Wester news media. Murder suicide by white men on Asian ( 'Horrible scourge' of domestic violence ends lives of two sisters), racism against Asian students (South Philly), send a couple Chinese news to Detroit to high the decline of America, send them to West Virginia to do a story about poverty in America, story on obsesity. These stories might offset the Hollywood effect and make Chinese more realistic.

The Western media are perfect at techniques of making a small incident into a big news story. China should follow Western media leads in this regard.

Couldn't have said it any better.

It pisses me off more that China is so pathetic in this regard than the US media's assault on China. I mean, wtf? Who are these people running this sh*t? Even any Chinese member on this forum would be a far better candidate than anyone in this "propaganda" department.

If China is thinking about improving its soft-power; fire this entire group of incompetent journalist/writers, who in reality are making China's image far worse than good and hire some Chinese Americans who knows all too well how the US media works.

There really is no excuse for this.
Couldn't have said it any better.

It pisses me off more that China is so pathetic in this regard than the US media's assault on China. I mean, wtf? Who are these people running this sh*t? Even any Chinese member on this forum would be a far better candidate than anyone in this "propaganda" department.

If China is thinking about improving its soft-power; fire this entire group of incompetent journalist/writers, who in reality are making China's image far worse than good and hire some Chinese Americans who knows all too well how the US media works.

There really is no excuse for this.

Completely agreement. Hire Chinese Americans and especially Malaysian Chinese as consultants. Only those who have been treated as subhuman scum can counteract the real subhuman scum.

The unfortunate problem is, China's education system does not produce sharks on the most part. It produces mostly sheep. China needs sharks. We need sharks like Russian oligarchs. Let's face it, we make fun of Russian/Indian oligarchs and call their countries feudal dictatorships, but the fact is, those oligarchs are superior human beings than we are. Chinese people love to complain and take no action. We complain about housing prices. The solution is not to complain, but to become sharks and work, steal, fight, anything except complain! Sheep complain. Then they're butchered and eaten. Sharks eat others. This is why Li Ka Shing is a hero. He's a shark. Mao Zedong was the biggest shark of them all, but Deng is a sheep, and he wanted to turn everyone into a sheep. Of course, being the dominant sheep of the time, he suppressed all the sheep with sharklike tendencies and instead brought in foreign shepard dogs to control the other sheep. Only in the past 5-6 years have we broken free of the foreign shepard dogs.

Sharks and sheep even talk differently. Sheep talk about feelings. Sharks have instincts. Sheep love to huddle together. Sharks hunt alone. China needs sharks.
The title is misleading.

Western media is against the Chinese government, but they are extremely positive towards Asians as a race.
Completely agreement. Hire Chinese Americans and especially Malaysian Chinese as consultants. Only those who have been treated as subhuman scum can counteract the real subhuman scum.

The unfortunate problem is, China's education system does not produce sharks on the most part. It produces mostly sheep. China needs sharks. We need sharks like Russian oligarchs. Let's face it, we make fun of Russian/Indian oligarchs and call their countries feudal dictatorships, but the fact is, those oligarchs are superior human beings than we are. Chinese people love to complain and take no action. We complain about housing prices. The solution is not to complain, but to become sharks and work, steal, fight, anything except complain! Sheep complain. Then they're butchered and eaten. Sharks eat others. This is why Li Ka Shing is a hero. He's a shark. Mao Zedong was the biggest shark of them all, but Deng is a sheep, and he wanted to turn everyone into a sheep. Of course, being the dominant sheep of the time, he suppressed all the sheep with sharklike tendencies and instead brought in foreign shepard dogs to control the other sheep. Only in the past 5-6 years have we broken free of the foreign shepard dogs.

Sharks and sheep even talk differently. Sheep talk about feelings. Sharks have instincts. Sheep love to huddle together. Sharks hunt alone. China needs sharks.

If you wanna the shark, then Prince Xi is your best example.
Completely agreement. Hire Chinese Americans and especially Malaysian Chinese as consultants. Only those who have been treated as subhuman scum can counteract the real subhuman scum.

The unfortunate problem is, China's education system does not produce sharks on the most part. It produces mostly sheep. China needs sharks. We need sharks like Russian oligarchs. Let's face it, we make fun of Russian/Indian oligarchs and call their countries feudal dictatorships, but the fact is, those oligarchs are superior human beings than we are. Chinese people love to complain and take no action. We complain about housing prices. The solution is not to complain, but to become sharks and work, steal, fight, anything except complain! Sheep complain. Then they're butchered and eaten. Sharks eat others. This is why Li Ka Shing is a hero. He's a shark. Mao Zedong was the biggest shark of them all, but Deng is a sheep, and he wanted to turn everyone into a sheep. Of course, being the dominant sheep of the time, he suppressed all the sheep with sharklike tendencies and instead brought in foreign shepard dogs to control the other sheep. Only in the past 5-6 years have we broken free of the foreign shepard dogs.

Sharks and sheep even talk differently. Sheep talk about feelings. Sharks have instincts. Sheep love to huddle together. Sharks hunt alone. China needs sharks.

na, china doesn't need people with small packages who need to overcompensate.
:pop: I think we fit to do be Batman. Look, We do not participate in war over 30 years, We do not support any war.
We don't need a Chinese Batman, We already have many Kungfu Heros
made by Hongkong Movie.:P
You guys are lucky to be the bad guy. We were portrayed as savages in Indiana Jones. That ar$ehole Speilberg never realized that more than 75% of Hindus are vegetarians and majority of the remaining eats chicken, mutton and fish not some fancy items.

I love Hollywood movies more than Indian ones but can't stand their stereotypical portrayal of people and their cultures.
Completely agreement. Hire Chinese Americans and especially Malaysian Chinese as consultants. Only those who have been treated as subhuman scum can counteract the real subhuman scum.

The unfortunate problem is, China's education system does not produce sharks on the most part. It produces mostly sheep. China needs sharks. We need sharks like Russian oligarchs. Let's face it, we make fun of Russian/Indian oligarchs and call their countries feudal dictatorships, but the fact is, those oligarchs are superior human beings than we are. Chinese people love to complain and take no action. We complain about housing prices. The solution is not to complain, but to become sharks and work, steal, fight, anything except complain! Sheep complain. Then they're butchered and eaten. Sharks eat others. This is why Li Ka Shing is a hero. He's a shark. Mao Zedong was the biggest shark of them all, but Deng is a sheep, and he wanted to turn everyone into a sheep. Of course, being the dominant sheep of the time, he suppressed all the sheep with sharklike tendencies and instead brought in foreign shepard dogs to control the other sheep. Only in the past 5-6 years have we broken free of the foreign shepard dogs.

Sharks and sheep even talk differently. Sheep talk about feelings. Sharks have instincts. Sheep love to huddle together. Sharks hunt alone. China needs sharks.

This is overly simplistic but on some levels I agree. Most of China's elite and professionals lacks the sort of cut throat business mentality that thrives in places like America. These are the people who are the trend setters in industry and can be very valuable to an economy BUT remember these are also the people who make wallstreet the way it is.
You guys are lucky to be the bad guy. We were portrayed as savages in Indiana Jones. That ar$ehole Speilberg never realized that more than 75% of Hindus are vegetarians and majority of the remaining eats chicken, mutton and fish not some fancy items.

I love Hollywood movies more than Indian ones but can't stand their stereotypical portrayal of people and their cultures.

I was wondering why vinod and other Indians brought up Indiana Jones. Yeah his stereotypes probably didn't go down well in India, though you can't really say that he was all that sensitive the way he portrayed Chinese people either.

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