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Hockey: Mens Group A Match 20 - Pakistan vs India!

Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal India 6th goal
Why the hell last plenty corner was awarded and even the one before that?
Last plenty corner was awarded because ball went even further high when Pakistani goal keeper tried to block a rising hit of Indian Sikh.
The before was awarded because ball jumped high after touching the hockey of Pakistani player... exactly the point i was trying to tell earlier.
Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal India 6th goal

:lol: aray paa jee aukat main raho kahin khushi say mar hee na jao
For Indian member saying ARE U JOKING when i said Pakistan team is young and have few young players arround 15 - 16. Now commentators satying once again. One of them is Tosiq who is 15.
My point is --> You are still resting on your past laurels which will not help you in todays match. Simple.

It is the past laurels that tell us we shouldn't to a team like India in the present manner.
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