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Hoax? If Mars and other space missions were real, why is India unable to create lesser products?

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I was talking about aptitude. Mathematics, Chess and coding seems different fields. But the aptitude required is same for all these three fields. That's why Russians excel in all of these three fields.
Oh well, aptitude is a very, very, very vague thing. I have seen folks with no aptitude for mathematics write the most brilliant piece of code because they learnt the right skills. For almost all the useful human endeavors the only aptitude required is that of hardwork and that is also situational. Give a person a comfortable setting and she will not do a thing, make her life hard and she will work hard.

Aptitude is like courage. It can be God given but most of the courage is learnt in the battlefield where you have no where to run.
Oh well, aptitude is a very, very, very vague thing. I have seen folks with no aptitude for mathematics write the most brilliant piece of code because they learnt the right skills. For almost all the useful human endeavors the only aptitude required is that of hardwork and that is also situational. Give a person a comfortable setting and she will not do a thing, make her life hard and she will work hard.

Aptitude is like courage. It can be God given but most of the courage is learnt in the battlefield where you have no where to run.
My pal @Bharat Muslim has said something. It applies to your post of this. I am not sure about your other posts.

I have the same feeling. All Indians I have seen in real life are so predictable and dull. This shows in the quality of posts by Indians and Mohajirs on PDF. Posts by ethnic Pakistanis are interesting and thrilling to read while those by Indians are mostly repetitive, uninspiring and boring.
Another reason for suspicion about India's missile and space programmes:

I have never seen any Indian of extraordinary intelligence in real life. I have only heard or read about Indians of scientist's caliber in media television channels, newspapers, magazines, books etc but never in real life. I have been to many technological universities. But I have never seen any Indian worthy of being called a scientist.
Take the case of this major engineering college in South India. It is closely associated with a polytechnic college because both colleges are owned and run by the same private management. Whenever there is a defect in any computer of polytechnic college, with great grandeur it is sent to engineering college for repair. The folks at engineering college in turn send the defective computer to commercial hardware servicing providers. They can't do the repairs by themselves. So much for India's reputation.
Was it a hoax? If Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan missions were real, why is India unable to create lesser products?

USA faked the moon-landing in 1969. Did India do the same about Mars and Lunar space missions?

How would you explain that while India claims to travel such enormous distance in outer space but is unable to create products requiring much less ingenuity like military arms and equipments, mobile phones, computers, better trains, nuclear power plants, online social network, medicines, softwares etc?

How would you explain why India is still dependent on crap Russian technology for military items and nuclear power plant? The agreement for Kudankulam nuclear power plant was signed in early 1990s. But then came the dismantling of Soviet Union and the project was suspended for at least a decade. Why couldn’t Indians finish it on their own?

All this gives rise to suspicion. Indians didn’t produce this little above said things. How the hell they achieved Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan?
Someone from ground zero should explain. I have access to only what RAW & IB fabricates. Someone who actually works in international industries should throw light. Hence tagging @somebozo
The whole world is a delusion in a delusion, and that is the truth and nothing but the truth.
Both are real, but the spotty success in limited area are not the indicator of overall strength of industrial base. NK made a H-Bomb, but they can't even make cars.
Was it a hoax? If Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan missions were real, why is India unable to create lesser products?

USA faked the moon-landing in 1969. Did India do the same about Mars and Lunar space missions?

How would you explain that while India claims to travel such enormous distance in outer space but is unable to create products requiring much less ingenuity like military arms and equipments, mobile phones, computers, better trains, nuclear power plants, online social network, medicines, softwares etc?

How would you explain why India is still dependent on crap Russian technology for military items and nuclear power plant? The agreement for Kudankulam nuclear power plant was signed in early 1990s. But then came the dismantling of Soviet Union and the project was suspended for at least a decade. Why couldn’t Indians finish it on their own?

All this gives rise to suspicion. Indians didn’t produce this little above said things. How the hell they achieved Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan?

its same like claiming the the surgical strikes inside Pakistan...:p:
Was it a hoax? If Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan missions were real, why is India unable to create lesser products?

USA faked the moon-landing in 1969. Did India do the same about Mars and Lunar space missions?

How would you explain that while India claims to travel such enormous distance in outer space but is unable to create products requiring much less ingenuity like military arms and equipments, mobile phones, computers, better trains, nuclear power plants, online social network, medicines, softwares etc?

How would you explain why India is still dependent on crap Russian technology for military items and nuclear power plant? The agreement for Kudankulam nuclear power plant was signed in early 1990s. But then came the dismantling of Soviet Union and the project was suspended for at least a decade. Why couldn’t Indians finish it on their own?

All this gives rise to suspicion. Indians didn’t produce this little above said things. How the hell they achieved Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan?
Was it a hoax? If Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan missions were real, why is India unable to create lesser products?

USA faked the moon-landing in 1969. Did India do the same about Mars and Lunar space missions?

How would you explain that while India claims to travel such enormous distance in outer space but is unable to create products requiring much less ingenuity like military arms and equipments, mobile phones, computers, better trains, nuclear power plants, online social network, medicines, softwares etc?

How would you explain why India is still dependent on crap Russian technology for military items and nuclear power plant? The agreement for Kudankulam nuclear power plant was signed in early 1990s. But then came the dismantling of Soviet Union and the project was suspended for at least a decade. Why couldn’t Indians finish it on their own?

All this gives rise to suspicion. Indians didn’t produce this little above said things. How the hell they achieved Mangalyaan and Chandrayaan?
@Shajida Khan
There are brilliant Indians allover the world, but they are all overseas or born in Western countries, because in India the quality of education is not up to world standard. The Indian social structure is falling apart, have any of you guys been to a government hospital in India? If you have the money you would never step foot in a government hospital in India, you would go to a private hospital, India's private hospitals are top notch some better than anything we have in the west.

I love India but you have to criticize India as well, I was in Mumbai and the infra structure is falling apart, I must admit they are trying to build modern infra etc and that is a good thing. I find it amazing that India is such a beautiful country but the people that live in it don't have any respect for their country. They just throw rubbish everywhere, I was disappointed by the lack of care for the beautiful nature in India, there are no bins either.

For example in Australia there is a bin every 200 meters, in India you would be hard pressed to find 1 bin, so every time I spoke to Indians in India all they said was India is great etc, but when I said something like India is dirty, where are the bins the subject was quickly diverted to how Indians are so great when they go overseas. Look I have no problems with Indians being proud of their country, but if they were so proud of their country don't you think they would keep it clean first?
There are brilliant Indians allover the world, but they are all overseas or born in Western countries, because in India the quality of education is not up to world standard. The Indian social structure is falling apart, have any of you guys been to a government hospital in India? If you have the money you would never step foot in a government hospital in India, you would go to a private hospital, India's private hospitals are top notch some better than anything we have in the west.

I love India but you have to criticize India as well, I was in Mumbai and the infra structure is falling apart, I must admit they are trying to build modern infra etc and that is a good thing. I find it amazing that India is such a beautiful country but the people that live in it don't have any respect for their country. They just throw rubbish everywhere, I was disappointed by the lack of care for the beautiful nature in India, there are no bins either.

For example in Australia there is a bin every 200 meters, in India you would be hard pressed to find 1 bin, so every time I spoke to Indians in India all they said was India is great etc, but when I said something like India is dirty, where are the bins the subject was quickly diverted to how Indians are so great when they go overseas. Look I have no problems with Indians being proud of their country, but if they were so proud of their country don't you think they would keep it clean first?
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