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HK student leader Joshua Wong goes on hunger strike

For those who don't know Joshua Wong, this is him:

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View attachment 160187
He looks like a grey.

Some HKers with the Hakka or Teochew ancestry often give people some Mainland vibe, of course they are the living proof that some Han Chinese has migrated from the Central Plain to Guangdong.

But guys like Wong and Chiu, no no no. I can hardly imagine that they are the offsprings of the Han Chinese from the Central Plain.
So Billy Chiu is really Billy Trieu. Fucker should Vietnamize his surname.
You need to visit the Vietnamese restos over here. That's like the #44 order in the menu. ;) ;)


You referring to this guy?

Buahahaha to the guy on the left with the red shirt...

I've lived in Los Angeles for over a decade and had met many Vietnamese that can speak Cantonese due to the influence of huge amount of Cantonese speakers living there for business as well as students.

As someone who is native in canto, I can tell the guy on the left with the red shirt in the video has an EXTREMELY heavy Vietnamese accent when he tried to speak in Cantonese.
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I've lived in Los Angeles for over a decade and had met many Vietnamese that can speak Cantonese due to the influence of huge Cantonese speakers living there for business as well as students.

As someone who is native in canto, I can tell the guy on the left with the red shirt in the video has an EXTREMELY heavy Vietnamese accent when he tried to speak in Cantonese.

Many Vietnamese are Cantonese wannabes.

Yeah, compare to the average Cantonese speakers, the guy with the red shirt in that video indeed sounds very alien to me, but Billy Chiu seems to have successfully hidden his Vietnamese accent.
They can keep running the show, but at the end, it is HK's economy is going to suffer.

And the HKers will lose their GDP per capita compare to the Mainland cities.

They still hasn't realized that they are killing HK, not CPC.

HK and Taiwan represent the western democratic model in China, but the more these two places falling apart, the less chance for the Mainland Chinese to accept the western democracy.

These suckers dont know democracy is OUT now
It is not suitable for all countries
There are more countries that have failed their people under democracy
The core condition you need to know whether you need a democracy for you is
are you a friend of the hegemony?
If yes you can steer your country out of trouble at least from attacks
If no then another question to ask is are you militarily strong enough to avoid invasion?

Good governance and ample resources (human and natural) are the keys to success. :china:
I've lived in Los Angeles for over a decade and had met many Vietnamese that can speak Cantonese due to the influence of huge Cantonese speakers living there for business as well as students.

As someone who is native in canto, I can tell the guy on the left with the red shirt in the video has an EXTREMELY heavy Vietnamese accent when he tried to speak in Cantonese.

I could care less what nationality he is, the way he reacts and the way he talks , he's truly odd looking.

And the one guy on the right with the V for vendetta mask. Seriously? What kind of lousy protesters are these?

First of all, they should consider the issue of not enflaming other civilians.
Many Vietnamese are Cantonese wannabes.

Yeah, compare to the average Cantonese speakers, the guy with the red shirt in that video indeed sounds very alien to me, but Billy Chiu seems to have successfully hidden his Vietnamese accent.

This guy in OC is chinese, no Vietnamese at all. This is china's affair.
According to the local news these on hunger striking students haven't eaten for 2 days and the sugar level inside their bodies hasn't reached critical level according to a checkup. However should it approach that level they will or might start eating. :eek:
by his eyes, it's Chinese eyes. You could rarely find any Vietnamese with those eyes.

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by his eyes, it's Chinese eyes. You could rarely find any Vietnamese with those eyes.

The Vietnamese can also produce this kind of eyes, so Joshua Wong can definitely be the offspring of the Vietnamese immigrant in HK.

OK. Let assume that what you claim is true. Now what?
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