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HK student leader Joshua Wong goes on hunger strike

To the chinese he is an idiot. He took peace and prosperity for granted. Student only why bother politics. Prove yourself as an adult first then only you can talk.
in case you don´t know. it is not unusual of student led politicial protests. there are many in history. for example here is one in germany in 1968, demanding political reforms.
Vietcongs need the movement now :cheesy:
no, more in HK :yahoo:

you should know the student protest in germany led to a later victory of a socialist government. so to say, student protest is of useless is too early.
Hahaha look at these.... a s s h o l e s... hunger strikes? WTF:haha: :dance3::omghaha::yahoo:

The scumbag is hated by the public
Someone threw him eggs when he left the police station on bail for some prior charges





You and Chinese Tiger reminded me about this:

Hongkong is another system, Chinese friends. remember "one country, two systems".
What happening is one system trying to dominate and control the other system, and was protested.
Hongkong has their own flag, legal rights.

If we want to get Chinese visa, we apply to China embassy in Hanoi, and get the visa after few days because the embassy approves right in Hanoi. If we want to get Hongkong visa we send application to China embassy in Hanoi, and wait for them to transfer to Hongkong and may get the visa after 2 weeks once HK ok for it.
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LOL don´t you like pho? I will donate some money for freedom fighter wong, so he can enjoy free pho´s in one of VN restaurants :)

send you name and email address to me through pm
I'll give it to the HK police for locating an overseas accomplice of the hooligan J wong
Thanks 8-)
send you name and email address to me through pm
I'll give it to the HK police for locating an overseas accomplice of the hooligan J wong
Thanks 8-)

They can keep running the show, but at the end, it is HK's economy is going to suffer.

And the HKers will lose their GDP per capita compare to the Mainland cities.

They still hasn't realized that they are killing HK, not CPC.

HK and Taiwan represent the western democratic model in China, but the more these two places falling apart, the less chance for the Mainland Chinese to accept the western democracy.
Joshua Wong, the teenage student leader in Hong Kong, has gone on hunger strike in an effort to galvanise the two-month old pro-democracy movement in the Chinese territory.

The 18-year-old, who was arrested last week, said he took the decision following Sunday’s failed student-led effort to boost the protests by surrounding government buildings.

“I cannot walk on the front lines of the street movement because of bail restrictions, so we will use our bodies to wake people up to our demands,” said Mr Wong.

He has been joined on hunger strike by two fellow members of Scholarism, one of the two student groups spearheading the protests.

Mr Wong’s move highlights a growing schism in Hong Kong’s two-month old pro-democracy movement. While he and other student leaders say the only way to maintain pressure on the Hong Kong government and Beijing is to continue to block the streets, others worry they are damaging the long-term cause by sparking public anger at their tactics.

Leaders of Occupy Central, the pro-democracy group that played a key role at the beginning of the protests before being eclipsed by the students, on Tuesday vowed to turn themselves in to the police. Benny Tai, Chan Kin-man and Reverend Chu Yiu-ming urged the students to clear the protest sites amid falling public support for the so-called Umbrella revolution – named for the umbrellas that protesters used as shields against tear gas.

“We are not abandoning the occupiers, said Mr Tai, a university law professor. “We are urging them to understand the fight for democracy is a long battle and we need to preserve energy to fight on in the long term.”

The protests were sparked by China’s move in August to introduce a controversial electoral reform plan in the former British colony.

China agreed to introduce universal suffrage for the 2017 election of Hong Kong’s chief executive, the top political role in the territory, but it refused to allow the public to nominate candidates, and included conditions that effectively allow Beijing to prevent critics from getting their names on the ballot.

CY Leung, Hong Kong chief executive, on Tuesday reiterated that the protesters would not persuade China to change course. When asked about the hunger strikers, he said the weather was turning cold and that he hoped they “can take care of themselves”.

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Hunger strike, ok good for him. If he really want to make a statement he should set himself on fire--become a martyr!

I recommend him and the students to get some AK 47s :lol:

“We are not abandoning the occupiers, said Mr Tai, a university law professor. “We are urging them to understand the fight for democracy is a long battle and we need to preserve energy to fight on in the long term.”
well, a women can change her look quickly if she has make-up and a nice dress. she can pass a southern, northern chinese or even a japanese or viet girl.

I've seen the true North Chinese phenotype among the oversea Vietnamese, but they are the minority among the Viet population, probably about 1-2%.
Sure, the Vietnamese illegal in HK should only eat the Vietnamese food, not the Chinese one.

This guy is not even Chinese.
HK people do not like Viets in general. During the 80s they caused a lot of trouble for HK people while in refugee camp in HK. The ungrateful bastards legacy is still felt by HK people.

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Bắt đầu từ nay, một chính sách mới về thuyền nhân Việt Nam đã được chấp hành tại Hồng Kông. Từ nay về sau, những thuyền nhân Việt Nam kiếm cách nhập cảnh Hồng Kông với thân phận những người di tản vì vấn đề kinh tế sẽ bị coi là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp. Là những người nhập cảnh phi pháp, họ sẽ không có chút khả năng nào để được đi định cư tại nước thứ ba, và họ sẽ bị giam cầm để chờ ngày giải về Việt Nam.

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