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Hizbul commander's bullet- riddled body recovered in Kashmir

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I wonder if he goes out on a raping spree who will Kashmiris gonna blame ?

Oh yeah evil Indian army.:tdown:
Which is what they did! The JKLF cadre used to do that occasionally in the early nineties. The IA was hated in the areas. Then they were sidelined(because they were a tad less Islamic and kept their beards shaved, they still shave :D ) in the late nineties and LeT and Hizb. were funded. Being 100% Islamic terrorists, they were braindead and often kept beards along with their fake Indian uniform.
The villagers in Poonch and Rajouri (adjacent to the LoC and most popular entry routes) instantly came to know they were not 'Indian' soldiers raping their daughters and wives. It took 2 years for them to form the Village Defense Committees and even Ikhwaan armed groups. :omghaha:

Example: Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47 - Telegraph

After this she got death threats and the IA banned publishing any info about the people. So no media reports on these things. :enjoy:

They provide the Indian Army with the most upto date local information.
I donn get it, why are Indians so shocked to see Pakistanis sad after this scumbags death. I ask all Indians, wouldn't you be sad if someone from your family tree passed away ?? My advise console the poor Pakistanis over here, they lost a family member ....:(:(:(
We also support baloch movement and the separatists of kashmir whose voices r forcefully shut by pakistan adminstration
No Sir they are RAW funded terrorist now surrendering. Kashmir is a unfinished agenda must be fulfilled.
Yes .....Pakistan occupied Kashmir is disputed and the issue needs to be resolved
No again you are mistaking Indian occupied Kashmir is a issue not Azad Kashmir
No need for my personal presence, kashmiri brothers are there to fight for them selves. We stand with Kashmiri people and their struggle.

I know you do not have the guts to come and fignt for the cause you belive very important. You want those misguided innocent youth to fight against Indian army. Who so ever is killed is a matter for joy for you. However, Do not forget the law of karma. god return you what you wish for others. We show that yesterday.
But those are still terrorists who try to attack military convoys....they are no different from the ones who attacked ur base yesterday
Kashmiri freedom fighter are fighting for their right of freedom and rightly targetting the IA who have killed 1lakh kashmiri people.
They have every right to kill indian occupied forces who occupied their land.
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