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Hizbul commander's bullet- riddled body recovered in Kashmir

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Great!!! Hope thousands of them die ... And are treated worse than pigs.
What would you do If I say these kind of word's fo those who attacked PAF base yesterday?
Kashmir insurgency fell to groung level..after 10 years there will be nothing

I'd say that you sympathise with the TTP and condone and support their cause. Or that your hatred for Pakistan is such that you'd fall low enough to support animals who butcher little children. The question is, are you finally ready to admit one or both?

We on the other hand whole-heartedly, openly and vociferously condone, support and pray for the cause of the Kashmiri Freedom-fighters.

bye the way quest. arises, if a girl goes to jannat, she gots 72 mustande.

You're awefuly interested in "72 mustande".....an appetite that big means time to come out? :azn:
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