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Cops in IOK post resignation videos after 3 are killed

Mass desertion in the Indian camp is normality of life due to PTSD
Pakistanis cheering the death of Muslim Kashmiris by their sent militants who enter their home and kill them when they are unarmed and from behind.

They were supporting an oppressor and working for a hindu state to kill the innocent Muslims. Thus when Mujahideen kill these rats, they go to hell burn to there till the eternity

So now Mujahideens started taking orders from Pakistani army :lol:
Pakistanis cheering the death of Muslim Kashmiris by their sent militants who enter their home and kill them when they are unarmed and from behind.

So now Mujahideens started taking orders from Pakistani army :lol:
We are just rejoicing Mujahideen's excellent effort that has left shaken up the GTA (Gangadeshi Terrorist Army) to the core and now they are committing suicides and resigning due the fear of Mujahideen so even a number of 800,000 rats is not enough to provide them refuge from the fury of the brave Mujahideens.
now they committing suicides and resigning due the fear of Mujahideen so even a number of 800,000 rats is not enough to provide them refuge from the fury of the brave Mujahideens

So that means Kashmiriyat is in danger due to Pakistani sent militants.
So that means Kashmiriyat is in danger due to Pakistani sent militants.
Keyboard warrior, why don't you take up arms and go to IoJ&K and fight the freedom fighter.... shitting in your chaddi now
why doesn't your army come and fight instead of sending dogs.
We don't need to send anyone because the brave Kashmiris are butchering your pigs and dispatching them to hell fire ...BTW why don't you go save the *** of your state sponsored terrorist army because they are getting killed mercilessly.
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