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Hizbul commander's bullet- riddled body recovered in Kashmir

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It's this romanticizing of death and glory of after life which makes one suicidal. Stop playing with the future generations of Kashmir and Pakistan.
Glory belongs to brave and daring like kashmiri freedom fighters.

Stop worrying about pakistan and kashmir.
We condemn terrorism in India but Kashmiri People fighting their right of Independence our chief is correct Kashmir is a unfinished agenda.
Yes .....Pakistan occupied Kashmir is disputed and the issue needs to be resolved
Yes .....Pakistan occupied Kashmir is disputed and the issue needs to be resolved
No i am talking about Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, we do morally support all separatists movements in India.
Charity begins at home..

Ladies First..

make Independent P-O-K first.. :D
There is nothing like it.
Withdraw your forces from IOK otherwise there will be more funding to so called P-O-K ;)
No i am talking about Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, we do morally support all separatists movements in India.
We also support baloch movement and the separatists of kashmir whose voices r forcefully shut by pakistan adminstration

How can we compare afghan fighting against occuption of Afghanistan by america by ttp which are raw and cia proxy pets.
You cant becoz we dont
It is your duty to fill the palce vacated by your beloved freedom fighter and continue the Zihd against Kafor Hindus. When are you coming to Kashmir?
No need for my personal presence, kashmiri brothers are there to fight for them selves. We stand with Kashmiri people and their struggle.
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