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Hizballah secretly pulling out of its fighter in Syria


Mar 22, 2013
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Hizballah is secretly pulling its fighting men out of Syria, elated by victory

Just as the Iran-backed Lebanese Hizballah sent thousands of fighting men into Syria on the sly to fight for the Assad regime in the winter of 2012, so it is now pulling them back in the same furtive fashion in small, inconspicuous bands

Middle East sources report that 1,500 Hizballah fighters are home out of 3,500 still awaiting repatriation last month. By early November, they are all expected to be out of Syria.

Hizballah’s leaders and backers rate the operation a major success: It gave President Bashar Assad a valuable boost for his regime’s survival against a major uprising. Hizballah’s military involvement in the Syrian civil war went through unopposed by the US or any regional power, such as Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia or Qatar. And, finally, Tehran for the first time fielded a surrogate force for a winning role to determine the outcome of a conflict in one of its most important strategic arenas.
Hizballah’s rapid exit from Syria is the outcome of five developments in the region and beyond:

1. It signifies the close interdependence of the US-Russian understanding for Syria’s chemical disarmament and the deal unfolding between the US, Russia and Iran on Tehran’s nuclear program.

Progress in negotiations with Iran is clearly interlocked with progress on Syria.

2. Assad and his regime are now firm enough in the saddle to dispense with Hizballah’s military assistance.

3. Hizballah needs to whisk its militiamen out of Syria before the inspectors of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-OPCW, the first of whom arrived in Damascus Tuesday, Oct. 1, fan out across the country and get down to work. The Lebanese Shiite group is anxious to keep its expeditionary force in Syria out of sight so as to preserve the closely guarded secrets of its makeup and modes of operation.

4. The Hizballah militia comes out of the Syrian war toughened by combat experience and well-trained in the running of regular military units in battle conditions under combined Iranian-Syrian command.

In comparison, Israel’s armed forces, the IDF, have not faced combat conditions in the field since the Second Lebanon War of 2006, while Hizballah, which is dedicated to destroying Israel, despite its heavy war losses, has just survived the test of fire on the Syrian battlefield.

5. At Tehran’s behest, Hizballah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is turning his attention inward to Beirut. His assignment is to promote a political set-up that will support future accords on Syria between the US, Russia and Iran. He is therefore abandoning his strong opposition to a national unity government in Beirut and helping to get one installed.
In his latest speech Sunday, Oct. 6, at the Begin-Sadat Center of Bar Ilan University, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared: “The goal of Iran today is to control the Middle East and beyond, and to destroy the State of Israel. That is not speculation; that is the goal.”
But he had no word to offer on what Israel was going to do to stop Tehran achieving its goal or disarm Iran’s faithful operational arm to prevent it pursuing its master’s Middle East objectives.

Hizballah is secretly pulling its fighting men out of Syria, elated by victory
Victory?? :woot: My god, Iran like it's brothers have the opposite meaning of the word victory, :wacko:

On a serious note, Hz realized that they can't win such a war after they suffered hundreds of casualties and failed to capture anything except for Qusair village. They have lost their popular ground inside and outside Lebanon and created a fierce enemy on their next borders, not to mention that their relations have deteriorated to it's lowest levels regionally and internationally and turned into a terror group.
This article is just meant for Israelis' consumption, to strike fear and uncertainty

Hezbollah had decamped after al-Qusayr liberation, what remains is the defence forces for ethnic Lebanese in the border villages .
If only hamas could do the same...........

Victory?? :woot: My god, Iran like it's brothers have the opposite meaning of the word victory, :wacko:

On a serious note, Hz realized that they can't win such a war after they suffered hundreds of casualties and failed to capture anything except for Qusair village. They have lost their popular ground inside and outside Lebanon and created a fierce enemy on their next borders, not to mention that their relations have deteriorated to it's lowest levels regionally and internationally and turned into a terror group.
Hezbollah with 300 liberated baba umro and changed its name to baba ali and 1000 Hezbollah in qusyar blocked fsa and nusrah like dogs then hunted them like rats
blackpeshkel is still being a terrorist wahabi?

Give it up blackpeshkel. Leave your cave and get some fresh air. 2-3 years of screaming like a donkey didn't pay off. It's over.
And the Safavids remain who they are regardless of how miserable their life was :lol:
blackpeshkel is still being a terrorist wahabi?

Give it up blackpeshkel. Leave your cave and get some fresh air. 2-3 years of screaming like a donkey didn't pay off. It's over.

Not until the Safavids get the basement dude out of their heads :lol:
Hizballah is secretly pulling its fighting men out of Syria, elated by victory

Just as the Iran-backed Lebanese Hizballah sent thousands of fighting men into Syria on the sly to fight for the Assad regime in the winter of 2012, so it is now pulling them back in the same furtive fashion in small, inconspicuous bands

Middle East sources report that 1,500 Hizballah fighters are home out of 3,500 still awaiting repatriation last month. By early November, they are all expected to be out of Syria.

Hizballah’s leaders and backers rate the operation a major success: It gave President Bashar Assad a valuable boost for his regime’s survival against a major uprising. Hizballah’s military involvement in the Syrian civil war went through unopposed by the US or any regional power, such as Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia or Qatar. And, finally, Tehran for the first time fielded a surrogate force for a winning role to determine the outcome of a conflict in one of its most important strategic arenas.
Hizballah’s rapid exit from Syria is the outcome of five developments in the region and beyond:

1. It signifies the close interdependence of the US-Russian understanding for Syria’s chemical disarmament and the deal unfolding between the US, Russia and Iran on Tehran’s nuclear program.

Progress in negotiations with Iran is clearly interlocked with progress on Syria.

2. Assad and his regime are now firm enough in the saddle to dispense with Hizballah’s military assistance.

3. Hizballah needs to whisk its militiamen out of Syria before the inspectors of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-OPCW, the first of whom arrived in Damascus Tuesday, Oct. 1, fan out across the country and get down to work. The Lebanese Shiite group is anxious to keep its expeditionary force in Syria out of sight so as to preserve the closely guarded secrets of its makeup and modes of operation.

4. The Hizballah militia comes out of the Syrian war toughened by combat experience and well-trained in the running of regular military units in battle conditions under combined Iranian-Syrian command.

In comparison, Israel’s armed forces, the IDF, have not faced combat conditions in the field since the Second Lebanon War of 2006, while Hizballah, which is dedicated to destroying Israel, despite its heavy war losses, has just survived the test of fire on the Syrian battlefield.

5. At Tehran’s behest, Hizballah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah is turning his attention inward to Beirut. His assignment is to promote a political set-up that will support future accords on Syria between the US, Russia and Iran. He is therefore abandoning his strong opposition to a national unity government in Beirut and helping to get one installed.
In his latest speech Sunday, Oct. 6, at the Begin-Sadat Center of Bar Ilan University, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared: “The goal of Iran today is to control the Middle East and beyond, and to destroy the State of Israel. That is not speculation; that is the goal.”
But he had no word to offer on what Israel was going to do to stop Tehran achieving its goal or disarm Iran’s faithful operational arm to prevent it pursuing its master’s Middle East objectives.

Hizballah is secretly pulling its fighting men out of Syria, elated by victory

Does IRAN gave them their inventory of old Surface to Surface missiles to them to be used against Israel and Western forces present in Iraq....
Why secretly if you know it?

The propaganda always say that Hezbollah has secret alliances with Israel only with their mouth

We never have real acts like the Quincy pact, the David camp treaty signed by the fake Sadate
And the Safavids remain who they are regardless of how miserable their life was :lol:
Not until the Safavids the basement dude out of their heads :lol:

i really dont know how to treat u brah!! :undecided:

shall i treat u like your troll friends or like someone with a peanut logic? :undecided: :cheesy:
So much focus on Hezbollah involvement. Lets keep in mind they only entered the conflict at a very late stage. And exit quickly.
On the other hand, figthers from KSA, Libya, Chechnya, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia etc etc have been pouring in to Syria from the get go.

its very simple no need to bring big sunni countries names here its just,"hezbollah is on run back to home after heavy casualties from FSA and Al nusra Front. "

Why secretly if you know it?

The propaganda always say that Hezbollah has secret alliances with Israel only with their mouth

We never have real acts like the Quincy pact, the David camp treaty signed by the fake Sadate
one thing is for sure America is only invading and trying to destroy sunni countries.
one thing is for sure America is only invading and trying to destroy sunni countries.

like iraq and lebenon ?? :wave:

plus the shia countries have the bulls to protect their country from invasion !!1

no insult bro , but us tries to destroy all muslim countries , no matter shia or sunni....
Hezbollah with 300 liberated baba umro and changed its name to baba ali and 1000 Hezbollah in qusyar blocked fsa and nusrah like dogs then hunted them like rats

Hezbollah with 300 liberated baba umro and changed its name to baba ali and 1000 Hezbollah in qusyar blocked fsa and nusrah like dogs then hunted them like rats

Baba Amro is in FSA hands, and in Qusair they hunted nobody as it was evacuated. In Qusair battle alone which took more than 40 days, I remember Hz fans used to post pictures of their rotten terrorists on their FB pages, at least 20-22 of them used to get killed on daily basis, but then they stopped posting anything.

You losers still whining over breaking in the evacuated teeny tiny Qusair while several areas and villages get liberated by the FSA every single day and we don't whine like this, you people are pathetic.

blackpeshkel is still being a terrorist wahabi?

Give it up blackpeshkel. Leave your cave and get some fresh air. 2-3 years of screaming like a donkey didn't pay off. It's over.

Here is my Psycho pagan terrorist, getting mad..:D Go fling yourself left and right damn you..


blackpeshkel is still being a terrorist wahabi?

Give it up blackpeshkel. Leave your cave and get some fresh air. 2-3 years of screaming like a donkey didn't pay off. It's over.

Here is my Psycho pagan terrorist, getting mad..:D Go fling yourself left and right damn you..

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