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History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

Spoken like a true Wiki scholar,I use dissertations and research papers while you rely on a flimsy source.

Show me that 漢人 was used as an ethonym during the Han dynasty.

The ethnic Chinese didn't use 漢人,it was the Xianbei who started to and so the Northern Han Chinese population followed suit.

Again you are literally too foolish to realize that you can't retroactively apply ethonyms to people who didn't even view each other as the same.

We don't have the DNA Qin Shihuang so you can't prove or disprove if he's related to modern day Han Chinese,while Confucius's descendants were enfeoffed as marquises/dukes.(Confucius's descendants also reached Korea.)

Zhou populations also clustered with Han dynasty in skeletal studies,showing that they were related.

While your premise of Confucius or Qin Shihuang as Korean is utterly ridiculous as neither the Lu or Qin states spoke Koreanic languages,and there's evidence of a Koreanic substratum in Sinitic languages etither.

There's no such thing as 越化,otherwise show a primary source where it was used this way.

Vietnamese culture was a carbon copy of Chinese culture,the identity that there was a distinct Vietnamese identity is challenged by modern day scholars.

I'm just using your logic,that non Han/Hua ethnicity means that the dynasty in no longer Chinese.

There was never an ethnic component to the concept of the Mandate of Heaven.

Otherwise look at countries such as England using your logic England ceased to exist when its rulers were of Roman,Anglo Saxon,Dane,Norman,Scot,Germanic heritage.

Hey GUYS! Did you hear that? I hear a dog barking and his name is Grand Historian!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Good question! Let me tell you why culture is evil.

Culture, so called culture, is a local thing, limited to just a specific group of people. Why it's not accepted world wide, because culture are all bad things, like bad habit. No matter Chinese culture, Vietnamese Culture, American Culture, or French Culture, ..., they are just the bad habits from China, Vietnam, America and France, etc.

On the other hand, even though culture is evil, but they always claim they are correct, or sacred things. So it's very stupid and useless to argue anything about culture. I saw many people here doing this right now, to argue which culture is better or superior than the other, that's the exact reason people fighting everyday, from religion wars, ethnic conflicts to personal attacks on this forum. Even though everyone's culture are evil, but you have to respect, or pretend to respect other's culture, including religion and beliefs, no matter how stupid it is from your personal view.

the only thing leftover could be arguable is science. Science by its nature, are something, always fallacy, all science have to obey basic scientific laws, and verified by experiments.

You can love Chinese food, or Vietnamese food, that's all your culture. No body can dispute that, but others can have their own favorites. Indians don't eat beef, but has to respect westerners eating beef. Westerners have to learn the same, to respect others eating culture, including eating dog meat. There's no sense to argue or discriminate other people's culture, because all cultures are evil. The only thing can be discussed, is science stuff, for example, to analyze each meat/food nutritional statistics or popularity statistics.

Hi, just have to tell, how can a culture be evil? not make sense, it's meaningless to judge something by human evil natural.

I would classify Chinese cooking as science, while most other cooking as culture.

What's the difference between science and culture?

Science is something fallacy. Say Newtonian theory is science because it's a fallacy proved by Quantum mechanics and Relativity. But science is good, it can move forward, always self-correct itself.

Culture is something never admitting itself wrong. All the religions are culture because none of the religion claim they are wrong. But culture is evil, it's like delusion for specific group of people, it never be a mainstream of the world.

Chinese cooking is science because Chinese cooking never fix its servicing courses or materials or whatever. Chinese cooking can evolve automatically according to the latest development of nutrition science and cooking technologies. That's the reason Chinese food are world wide accepted.

While most other cookings are not science, but culture. Say Indian cooking will never consume beef, and western cooking are very religious on serving procedures and meat selections. They cannot evolve based on science, they are served for special group of people.

That's just my 2 cents.
It's not like I eat dogs daily or weekly. Dog meat has a lot of protein and consuming them in large number can cause gout. So I often eat them every 2 months, and only when there is an event (family event, party, etc). This year I haven't eaten any dog yet.

You are correct. Dog meat may cause gout.
Tasting dog meat is on my to-do-list of "things I wanna do before I die".
Since eating dogs is forbidden in Macau and HK. :p:
Good question! Let me tell you why culture is evil.

Culture, so called culture, is a local thing, limited to just a specific group of people. Why it's not accepted world wide, because culture are all bad things, like bad habit. No matter Chinese culture, Vietnamese Culture, American Culture, or French Culture, ..., they are just the bad habits from China, Vietnam, America and France, etc.

I think you are mistaken about what the concept of "culture" really mean. A quick Google search gives a pretty good definition:

"the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society."

I'm not an anthropologist but I'm pretty sure that definition describe what most of us have in mind here when we use the word "culture".

On the other hand, even though culture is evil, but they always claim they are correct, or sacred things. So it's very stupid and useless to argue anything about culture. I saw many people here doing this right now, to argue which culture is better or superior than the other, that's the exact reason people fighting everyday, from religion wars, ethnic conflicts to personal attacks on this forum. Even though everyone's culture are evil, but you have to respect, or pretend to respect other's culture, including religion and beliefs, no matter how stupid it is from your personal view.

No it's not stupid and useless to argue about culture. This is what anthropologists do. It is simply a study or analysis of human behaviours. When you are arguing that all culture are evil, that it's not worth talking about, you are fundamentally doing what they are doing. Your beliefs and ideas about "culture" is also part of your culture. As long as you interact in a society and have beliefs and ideas, you yourself are embedded in a culture.

the only thing leftover could be arguable is science. Science by its nature, are something, always fallacy, all science have to obey basic scientific laws, and verified by experiments.

The science community also have a "culture". All scientists have certain basic set of rules, law and beliefs that guide their behaviour in their academic community.

You can love Chinese food, or Vietnamese food, that's all your culture. No body can dispute that, but others can have their own favorites. Indians don't eat beef, but has to respect westerners eating beef. Westerners have to learn the same, to respect others eating culture, including eating dog meat. There's no sense to argue or discriminate other people's culture, because all cultures are evil. The only thing can be discussed, is science stuff, for example, to analyze each meat/food nutritional statistics or popularity statistics.

Your statements and claims in the above paragraph is also your ideas which is a part of your culture. So are they evil like all other culture?

also... :welcome:
. . .
Trần and Hồ Dynasty is Vietnamese Dynasty, because they were 越化 vietnamized culturally after many hundred of years and fought against Chinese invaders to protect independence of Vietnam.

Theo sách An Nam chí lược của Lê Tắc thì nguồn gốc Nhà Trần là người Giao Chỉ. Tôi thấy điều này là khá tin cậy vì lý do sau:
- Lê tắc từ nhỏ học giỏi được vào hầu cận Trần Thái Tông.
- Là quan chức phục vụ Trần Kiện, người họ Trần, theo Trần Kiện đầu hàng giặc Minh chạy sang TQ.
- Vợ sau của Lê Tắc là con gái Trần Ích tắc.

Như vậy Lê Tắc là người rất am hiểu gia thế của họ Trần và làm sách An Nam Chí Lược khi lưu vong ở TQ và Nhà Trần đang tại vị ở Việt nam. Thời gian làm sách sớm hơn rất nhiều so với Đại Viêt Sử ký Toàn Thư.

Hơn nữa, trong sách của mình Lê tắc rất quan tâm đến nguồn gốc của các nhân vật lịch sử. Như trường hộp nhà Lý, ông viết: "có kẻ bảo là người Phúc Kiến, không đúng ". Trong khi đó khi viết về Trần Thừa, ông viết: "Người giao Chỉ, ngoại thích của Nhà Lý".


so origin of Tran Dynasty is disputed, bro.
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so origin of Tran Dynasty is disputed, bro.

Base on Family Tree of Trần clan in Vietnam, who are direct descent of Tran Dynasty Emperor, It stated that the ancestor of Tran clan was named Tran Minh he has been came to Vietnam from period of Qin invasion before time of Zhao Tuo founded Nan Yue Guo. :cuckoo:

In the same case of Barack Obama.
Tasting dog meat is on my to-do-list of "things I wanna do before I die".
Since eating dogs is forbidden in Macau and HK. :p:
are you nuts?
ok man then why not try trinking blood and eating a live heart of a cobra as well? as special and very expensive dish in VN :cool:

are you nuts?
ok man then why not try trinking blood and eating a live heart of a cobra as well? as special and very expensive dish in VN :cool:

Dude, there is a high chance that you will get allergy. I ate cobra liver and gut once and got rashes for the whole winter.
Big disadvantage hrr? Hmm, let's see, how about I:

冚家鏟快尐仆街跳樓死, 無喺度浪費我哋人類嘅寶貴資源,

Well, not so 'disadvantage'.

I can comprehend…… characters ……haha!!because I am Cantonese……hahaha!!!
. .
You both share the fate with your flags:

1. Manchus sold you Hongkong NanYue_ren to Britan , you were slaves of UK.
2. Japan won on First Sino-Japan war and Taiwan was part of Japan Empere. You were humiliated again by Japan in WW II.
3. Stop tell such joke like " vast majority of the human history, we lead the world ", its wet dream.
interesting, in fact, lots of Vietnamese heroes are Chinese, not Vietnamese. It's easy to find from their family names, so I guess you should learn some correct history first.

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