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History Forum ? Request

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
Hello Sir,

I have keen interest in history in particular Pakistan history. It is vital that our people should know Pakistan's history as well the history of our land and the history of the people's of Pakistan.

If people with no history are rootless, like orphans. We badly need our people informed of our proud past. If you could open a dedicated section I would request you have one given over to Ancient History. I have done lot of reading and prepared various presentation's.

I would love to bring that here and also invite others to contribute. I was a member of another world history forum but I was thrown out because I all the Indian's their ganged up against me. This has made me even more determined me to make our history known to Pakistani and the world at large.

Thank you.
Would love it!!!!!! Cant wait to watch it materializng!!!!

And Atanz bro if you are gonna share history how u shared in land swap thread (no i didnt have any issues with that, irather sat back ,watched the show and enjoyed bowling over with laugh) the way it had indians shooting through the roof well i think upon ur forum's arrival they wont need any rockets to shoot up into the space. Your history posts will suffice for this job.

omg !lolz.
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Thank you, it's always nice to get a positive comment. I was pretty cheesed off at the Indian's. They mobbed me in another forum - like 10 to 1 and when I landed at PDF I was not in any mood to take prisoners so I let it rip.

Any way I hope the Admin. agree to giving PDF a dedictared History forum. I would love to build a complete work of our history because I think we have badly neglected it.

The reason why all the Indian's went crazy like Bees was because in that World History they had built up this edifice of lies. They had convinced all these British, Americans, Canadians, French, Italians, Germans, Poles, Turks, Japanese, South Koreans about 'Shining India'.

So I went in there and plastered them. By the time I finished all the westerners actually said that all they thought of Pakistan was bombs, bombs, bombs. Now they knew about Soanian Culture, Gandhara, Alexander the Great. Everything that the is ours the Indian's had been 'milching'.

So I thought it is time more Pakistani's became aware of this and then spread the word around. That is why I want to build a internet resource base here. Soft power is very important in today's world because it makes people partial to you. They are thus less inclined into accepting Indian propaganda against Pakistan.

At any rate I leave this with the Admin.
Hello Sir,

I have keen interest in history in particular Pakistan history. It is vital that our people should know Pakistan's history as well the history of our land and the history of the people's of Pakistan.

If people with no history are rootless, like orphans. We badly need our people informed of our proud past. If you could open a dedicated section I would request you have one given over to Ancient History. I have done lot of reading and prepared various presentation's.

I would love to bring that here and also invite others to contribute. I was a member of another world history forum but I was thrown out because I all the Indian's their ganged up against me. This has made me even more determined me to make our history known to Pakistani and the world at large.

Thank you.

Excellent idea sir. :cheers:

I remember reading this quote somewhere: "A person who doesn't know history, is like a leaf that doesn't know they are a part of a tree".
My grandad did,
his grand did,
his grand did.
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
his grand did,
need I go on?

* In this context the term 'Pakistan' for sake of brevity is being used and is to be considered as coterminous with the geographic Indus Basin.

** Is to be considered as history of the Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Baloch and Kashmiri peoples of the said Indus Basin.
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I agree, a 'History of Pakistan' section is needed, i'm willing to regularly contribute as well.

A problem with this is that such a forum or rather such topics will be troll fests. So any potential sensitive topics need stricter policing. You will have Indians coming back again and again to ruin threads and for that we need effective monitoring and ruthless action.

Section bans will fix that issue.
Section bans will fix that issue.
If they can be done with the same flexibility as the thread bans then they will solve a lot more than just the problems pertaining to that section.
There is no such thing as history but different perspective of different people on issues and events of past basically a formula for massive trolling
Section bans would have to applied on certain members rather quickly if pak history gets a full section -- unless it gets sub sections based on countries / continents

Or we can place a subsection in seniors cafe-- restricting new members under 2000 posts
Il contribute to this section too. Atanz im Shaheen from the other forum :). I can vouch for Atanz and as I said to him on that forum too although there are some points at which I disagree with him but no doubt the guy has a passion for our history. I agree that if we dont study our own history then we will remain orphans, so it is imperative that individuals who have an interest in our culture and history should be given the platform to spread their knowledge and spark that interest for history in our people. This will ultimately lead to our people becoming more confident and comfortable with their idenity.
Indians will troll the posts bringing in Arab camels etc. and then derail it with their own dynasties and personalities. and the usual so the forum will need to have some limit like the seniors cafe so that dedicated troll accounts wont be able to post there.

rest it is fine as long as it is not a dick measuring contest which is not entirely avoidable but should be contained.

Il contribute to this section too. Atanz im Shaheen from the other forum :). I can vouch for Atanz and as I said to him on that forum too although there are some points at which I disagree with him but no doubt the guy has a passion for our history. I agree that if we dont study our own history then we will remain orphans, so it is imperative that individuals who have an interest in our culture and history should be given the platform to spread their knowledge and spark that interest for history in our people. This will ultimately lead to our people becoming more confident and comfortable with their idenity.
I can tell it will start with the argument if we are Arabs, Turks or Persians or one of the more native races of the sub-continent. religion should be mentioned as a passing reference and not be made a prime focus of argument otherwise this section will be no different to countless others.
Desperately needed to educate and inform ppl. Indians are hijacking our glorious history. Ivc, harrappa, mohenjadaro, gandhara, mehrgarh legacy is shunned by us and indians are claiming by default. We need to reclaim it
I can tell it will start with the argument if we are Arabs, Turks or Persians or one of the more native races of the sub-continent. religion should be mentioned as a passing reference and not be made a prime focus of argument otherwise this section will be no different to countless others.

I see your point but ultimately we cant leave our history ignored forever. We need to somehow make it more mainstream as I blame our lack of interest in our history and culture as one of the main reasons why extremist religion has taken such a foothold in certain sections of our society. Turks have their Turkish nationalism based on Turkish history, Persians have their Persian nationalism based on the history of the Persian people but we Pakistanis have no real nationalism on which to base our identity even though there have been numerous empires in history whose core has been the Indus River such as Menander's Indo-Greeks with their capital at Sagala (Sialkot), or of course the Indus Valley Civilization. This is why Turks always care about Turkey's interests, Iranians always care about Irans interests, Arabs always care about their own interests but we Pakistanis in the middle get meddled into other's conflcits on the basis of Islamic brotherhood.
With regards to this other forum (historum) the mods there have done the intelligent thing of banning all discussions related to genetics. If this is implemented in the history section or on PDF in general, then I think discussions on Turko-Arab origins, Dravidian origins could be controlled as ultimately these discussions fall back on genetic "evidence". Alternatively you could completely ban any discussion on such topics in the history section.
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