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Historical Background of Pakistan and its People

Let me bust this myth that once upon a time people of Panjab and Sindh were 'Hindus' in large numbers.
Lets look at Hinduism.

Hindus have multiple statues of their gods , these are in the form of monkey ( Hanuman ) in the form of Elephant ( Ganesh ) and many others with some having multiple limbs and some in the form of a snake etc etc.

They make large number of these statues; big and small and of all sizes.

Now my question is WHERE in Pakistan have excavations revealed statues of monkey form Hanuman, elephant form Ganesh or Kali or Shiva and so many more , WHERE ?

You sure 'bout that?

How about this little website (thanks to University of Pennsylvania) dedicated to the Salt Range temples in Pakistan? :D

h t tp: //w w w. arthistory.upenn.edu/meister/pakistan . h t m l

Yes my friend. Very orthodox Hindu temples - Shiva, Vishnu et al. :)

Lots of other similar archaeological sites exist in Pakistan of course, but you would naturally choose to ignore them ;)

Answer is that NOWHERE in Pakistan have ANY artefacts been found that resemble these forms.


From the same university website:
The Discovery of Siva-Mahesvara Figure at Kafirkot." Lahore Museum Bulletin 9/2 (1996) [1998]: 51-56.

Perhaps you should pay a visit to the Lahore museum :D

a. There never existed in the land that is Pakistan the kind of Hinduism that is there in India.
b. If it did exist at some time, all traces of it were wiped out so extensively that noting that is there today relates to it not even any ruins.

Make up your mind m'dear. Did Hinduism exist or was it wiped out? You can't have it both ways you know :D

In any case, orthodox Hinduism DID exist in Pakistan with all the major deities - Shiva, Vishnu, Surya, etc. etc. being worshiped. Deal with it buddy!
These are small sized isolated temples and these finds further show that through out time there have been only pockets of such beliefs, nothing of large scale that left a huge foot print.

The depiction of Siva is again one of those things that Hindus can claim to be just about any thing, from any thing that looks like rod to a sitting figure in yoga position , Hindus claim that this is Siva

The case being that of 'proto-siva' that was found in the ruins of the indus valley. The 'proto-siva' is a figure of a man with bull like horns that was found in the Indus ruins , Hindus immediately claimed that this is 'siva' , there are numerous rebuttals that can found that this is not the case but Hindus doggedly claim that this is depiction of siva and somehow all ancient finds are somehow part of 'Hinduism' , they even bribe researchers ( in the form of awards and funds ) to put out theories favouring the Hindu point of view.

Pockets of Hinduism , as Hinduism is practised in India , do exist in Pakistan but these are insignificant and the 1998 census shows that there are about 2 million Hindus in Pakistan out of a total of 160 million which is about 1.25% of the total population. .: Pakistan Hindu Council :.

It just not possible that Hinduisms (as it is practised in India today) simply vanished from present day Pakistan.. It can only mean that the scope of its existence was very limited and had limited impact on the landscape and the people.

I have to say Hinduism as it exists in India today since its all too convenient for Hindus to claim everything and anything that has existed in present day Pakistan ( and India as well ) to be part of Hinduism.
Small and Isolated? Did you even bother to find anything out? :D

Hinduism was a major religion in Pakistan during pre-Islamic times, and that's something you'll have to deal with. You can try to pretend that it was "minimal" or "marginal" or whatever, but that just shows your desperation to minimize any shared heritage with India.

The proportion of Hindus has obviously been reducing in Pakistan for several centuries, and culminating in 1947 when most Pakistani hindus were forced to migrate to India.

You should really take a moment and think how ridiculous you sound when you claim that Hinduism "never existed" in Pakistan. It's completely absurd ;)
These are small sized isolated temples and these finds further show that through out time there have been only pockets of such beliefs, nothing of large scale that left a huge foot print.

The depiction of Siva is again one of those things that Hindus can claim to be just about any thing, from any thing that looks like rod to a sitting figure in yoga position , Hindus claim that this is Siva

The case being that of 'proto-siva' that was found in the ruins of the indus valley. The 'proto-siva' is a figure of a man with bull like horns that was found in the Indus ruins , Hindus immediately claimed that this is 'siva' , there are numerous rebuttals that can found that this is not the case but Hindus doggedly claim that this is depiction of siva and somehow all ancient finds are somehow part of 'Hinduism' , they even bribe researchers ( in the form of awards and funds ) to put out theories favouring the Hindu point of view.

Pockets of Hinduism , as Hinduism is practised in India , do exist in Pakistan but these are insignificant and the 1998 census shows that there are about 2 million Hindus in Pakistan out of a total of 160 million which is about 1.25% of the total population. .: Pakistan Hindu Council :.

It just not possible that Hinduisms (as it is practised in India today) simply vanished from present day Pakistan.. It can only mean that the scope of its existence was very limited and had limited impact on the landscape and the people.

I have to say Hinduism as it exists in India today since its all too convenient for Hindus to claim everything and anything that has existed in present day Pakistan ( and India as well ) to be part of Hinduism.

ok ok stop explaing now, pakistan has or had nothing to do with hinduism & hinduism is nothing to do with pakistan. now are u happy.

i wonder whenever hindu word comes why u ppl. go out of ur senses.
I am a Pakistani Punjabi Jatt and I have more brotherly relations with our Pakistani brothers, whether Pashtun, Kashmiri, Balochi etc, than with so-called indian Jatts =
^They try their best to prove that they are different :D. Sadly for them, the British-drawn boundary line was not based on any such historical considerations, but a simple and brutal religious census that ignored everything else.

Why do you indians love to live in the past and always try to convince us we are the same when we say we are different.

Pakistan and india are two different countries. Your people cant enter Pakistan without visa/passport and our people cant enter india without visa/passport. And neither of us can buy property in each other's countries.

Today, Pakistan has only 1% hindu population, most live in Sindh province.

Does it matter what our ancestors believed in thousands of years ago? Even the people of Mecca believed in a polythiest pagan religion like hinduism before Islam. In Islam, once you become Muslim you have nothing to do with your past religion.

And we Pakistanis are more than happy being Pakistanis. Its time you accept that. Were you even born when partition happened? Move on.
Well of course it's a different country. No problemo. But it's still funny to see how some Pakistanis try to convince themselves that their history was always "different" from India and how the imaginary line in the sand has always existed ;)
Well of course it's a different country. No problemo. But it's still funny to see how some Pakistanis try to convince themselves that their history was always "different" from India and how the imaginary line in the sand has always existed ;)

If its just an imaginary line then try to cross it you will see yourself in Pakistani prisons like the thousands of indians who crossed the 'imaginary line" since 1947.


Well of course it's a different country. No problemo. But it's still funny to see how some Pakistanis try to convince themselves that their history was always "different" from India and how the imaginary line in the sand has always existed ;)

Yes that imaginary line has always existed, the indus people of pakistan have nothing to do with gangetic people.

Just because you bhartis stole the name of ancient pakistan(India) doesn't mean pakistanis will accept you people as their own kind. Now look at the borders of alexander the great empire, indo greek empire, hephthalite empire, ghaznavid empire, indo-sassanid, indo-parthian, they all correspond to modern day border between india and pakistan.
Keep trying hard to show the world that pakistanis and indians are same people, no sane person is going to believe this.
Greek Geographer (and considered father of Geography), Eratosthenes, Head Librarian at the Great Library of Alexandira, drew this map in 220BC.

The Map shows very accurate map of Indian peninsula with Indus river in the west and Ganga river in the east. Pataliputra, the largest city in the world at the time, is shown on the banks of Ganga river.

Here is the links to view the map:

http ://www .19thcenturyscience.org/HMSC/HMSC-Reports/1895-Summary/Plates-150ppi/Plate-3a. jpg

(Please remove the spaces to view the link. I cannot post links).

So India = Indian subcontinent for 2300 years. This is true history. Not stealing, but real history.
Drawing on primary sources, especially literature, this work endeavours to establish the separateness of Indus from India. Discarding accepted myths of Indian history, it presents a history of the political culture of the Indus region (now Pakistan) from ancient times to the modern age. It is aimed at historians and scholars as well as general readers interested in the history of the subcontinent.

The Indus Saga and the Making of Pakistan: Amazon.co.uk: Aitzaz Ahsan: Books

This book has pretty much busted the contention of a single subcontinent, and shows the difference between the Indus Civilization (Pakistan) and bharat (modern india). :)
Greek Geographer (and considered father of Geography), Eratosthenes, Head Librarian at the Great Library of Alexandira, drew this map in 220BC.

The Map shows very accurate map of Indian peninsula with Indus river in the west and Ganga river in the east. Pataliputra, the largest city in the world at the time, is shown on the banks of Ganga river.

Here is the links to view the map:

http ://www .19thcenturyscience.org/HMSC/HMSC-Reports/1895-Summary/Plates-150ppi/Plate-3a. jpg

(Please remove the spaces to view the link. I cannot post links).

So India = Indian subcontinent for 2300 years. This is true history. Not stealing, but real history.

Very clever of you, Eratosthenes lived at the time when Ancient pakistan(India) and Ganga(Bharat) were united by a Mauryan king, any historian from that time will obviously draw a map that shows indus valley and ganga as one.

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^Wrong! Eastern Pakistan and India united for much longer period. Maybe western part of Pakistan not united.
I repeat again except 100 year rule of Mauryans Indus valley(pakistan) and ganga valley(bharat) were never united until muslims came in 1200AD
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