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His Highness Nawaz Sharif

And when did Nawaz consume the entire 30b pakistan budget? Certainly that's what you meant by "state money not completely reserved for country's ruler" He used many thousands of dollars, but not millions or billions for this UN visit, which is state visit, not personal visit.

No country is in great economic situation (unless oil). It doesn't mean the head of state, as a result, needs to ride on a donkey to UN.
Did I say he had to ride on a donkey? Situations don't have two extreme ends, my friend. Ever heard of the middle road?
Did I say he had to ride on a donkey? Situations don't have two extreme ends, my friend. Ever heard of the middle road?
Surely middle road is going to cost as well. Donkey is cheap, eat grass(?) and drink water, both free.

Also he can setup tent in NYC. If Imran can have his container to live in, why can't Nawaz as well?

The point is, gov'ts can't be cheap, such as saying why go for 800 hotel vs 900 one. If you're really about saving money, you'd go for 100 one. If you buy suzuki mehran, you'd not pay thousands of rupees for automatic windows, but if you buy honda civic, you'll choose expensive leather seats.
Surely middle road is going to cost as well. Donkey is cheap, eat grass(?) and drink water, both free.

Also he can setup tent in NYC. If Imran can have his container to live in, why can't Nawaz as well?

The point is, gov'ts can't be cheap, such as saying why go for 800 hotel vs 900 one. If you're really about saving money, you'd go for 100 one. If you buy suzuki mehran, you'd not pay thousands of rupees for automatic windows, but if you buy honda civic, you'll choose expensive leather seats.
You don't get my point. Lavishly spending is just stupid. The same is living in a tent. He can stay in a comfortable, but cheaper hotel.
One more thing. What's the use of dozens of courses in a dinner? The food will just go to waste. The same money can be used to help your citizens. You just can't deny that NS wastes tax money.
You don't get my point. Lavishly spending is just stupid. The same is living in a tent. He can stay in a comfortable, but cheaper hotel.
One more thing. What's the use of dozens of courses in a dinner? The food will just go to waste. The same money can be used to help your citizens. You just can't deny that NS wastes tax money.
comfort isn't important, security is. Cheap hotels don't come with security

food gets eaten by servants, no?

Yes he wastes tax money, but so do other leaders. Kpk minister uses gov't helicopter to attend weddings or dharna.
It was not a good decision to attend the UNO while he is facing a crucial political situation at home, he have no any big meeting with any big boss like Obama or Moodi,China etc. Any of his low class minister can go and attend this on his behalf, a useless visit just moj mela on public tax.

Well.. Well.. Well.... What we have here...? A Pakistani thinking of Modi Jee as Big Boss.... Progressive indeed...

OT: I do agree that since no meeting was planned and he only was supposed to read from a note, even Sartaz Aziz could have done it. But then the PTIans would have claimed this as their victory. Its certainly a very bad time to be a PM of Pakistan.
Well.. Well.. Well.... What we have here...? A Pakistani thinking of Modi Jee as Big Boss.... Progressive indeed...

OT: I do agree that since no meeting was planned and he only was supposed to read from a note, even Sartaz Aziz could have done it. But then the PTIans would have claimed this as their victory. Its certainly a very bad time to be a PM of Pakistan.
there was some talk with norway and turkey
comfort isn't important, security is. Cheap hotels don't come with security

food gets eaten by servants, no?

Yes he wastes tax money, but so do other leaders. Kpk minister uses gov't helicopter to attend weddings or dharna.
Modi stayed in a cheaper hotel, and he's still alive :P
And why have so much food prepared, anyway? When I go to a restaurant, I don't order the whole menu. Sure, some food may be left over and it's given to the needy. If you want to feed the poor, have a dedicated program for them. Don't think you're fulfilling your obligations by giving them the last drop from the tap :P
And any source to confirm what you say on KPK's minister?
Modi stayed in a cheaper hotel, and he's still alive :P
And why have so much food prepared, anyway? When I go to a restaurant, I don't order the whole menu. Sure, some food may be left over and it's given to the needy. If you want to feed the poor, have a dedicated program for them. Don't think you're fulfilling your obligations by giving them the last drop from the tap :P
And any source to confirm what you say on KPK's minister?

How do you that Modi stayed in cheaper Suite..? Dont quote hearsay...
How do you that Modi stayed in cheaper Suite..? Dont quote hearsay...
Nawaz Sharif stayed in Waldorf Astoria, which is one of the most expensive hotel in NYC, and has a five star rating.
Modi stayed in The New York Palace which has a 4 star rating.
Don't take a wrong interpretation, I actually commend Modi for staying in a cheaper hotel.
Nawaz Sharif stayed in Waldorf Astoria, which is one of the most expensive hotel in NYC, and has a five star rating.
Modi stayed in The New York Palace which has a 4 star rating.
Don't take a wrong interpretation, I actually commend Modi for staying in a cheaper hotel.

I know sir that you were commending Modi. What I meant to say that Modi may very well be staying in a costlier suite than Nawaz even though Newyork Palace is 4*.
I know sir that you were commending Modi. What I meant to say that Modi may very well be staying in a costlier suite than Nawaz even though Newyork Palace is 4*.
5 star hotels are a hell of a lot more expensive than 4 star ones. I have heard on the news, that Modi was staying in a cheaper suite. I don't remember the exact rent, tho :P
A post received on face book is placed below that portrays a ruler's conduct when Pakistan was considered second only toJapan.

"For the information of all and sundry, I am reproducing below what FM Ayub's ADC, Adm [R] Ahmad Tasnim has to say about his State visit to the USA:

From: Ahmad Tasnim <at54b@yahoo.com>

Date: September 28, 2014 at 1:56:30 PM GMT+5

Since I accompanied Ayub Khan as his NAVAL ADC, allow me to add following for knowledge.

A. We travelled by PIA commercial flight which proceeded on schedule with full load of passengers. Ayub Khan shook hand with every passenger once flight was air borne. President shared toilet with other first class passengers and no one was offloaded for any reason.

B. For transit stop at London (both ways)President stayed with High Commissioner and I roughed it out in small room next door.

C. There were only about dozen people in official delegation including one lady ( daughter Nasim). NO MAIDS. She will help herself with borrowed iron from hotel. Only one batman(Havaldar Abdus Salam) and because of language problem I mostly helped him out. For short trips outside Washington needing change of dress etc President helped himself, politely asking for my assistance if required

D. Any body taking Spouse in delegation paid for it. This is absolutely correct.

E. Strict Code of Conduct was expected from Delegation Members including Personal Staff. During one such visit a VIP was sent back to Pakistan by next flight because he overslept??

F. Though unbelievable yet it is true that President never went for shopping. Some ties and shirts were purchased by personal staff from his personal account. During my tenure at least shopping for President never exceeded couple of hundred Pounds.

Let me add another point that in Ayub Khan time office of ADCs and their living quarters were not air conditioned as we were not entitled according to our rank. Can you believe this?

NOW COMPARE THE ROYAL STYLE OF OUR RULERS FROM 1972 onwards.....of course present ones have beaten all record for spending Tax Payers money.

Ahmad Tasnim"
A post received on face book is placed below that portrays a ruler's conduct when Pakistan was considered second only toJapan.

"For the information of all and sundry, I am reproducing below what FM Ayub's ADC, Adm [R] Ahmad Tasnim has to say about his State visit to the USA:

From: Ahmad Tasnim <at54b@yahoo.com>

Date: September 28, 2014 at 1:56:30 PM GMT+5

Since I accompanied Ayub Khan as his NAVAL ADC, allow me to add following for knowledge.

A. We travelled by PIA commercial flight which proceeded on schedule with full load of passengers. Ayub Khan shook hand with every passenger once flight was air borne. President shared toilet with other first class passengers and no one was offloaded for any reason.

B. For transit stop at London (both ways)President stayed with High Commissioner and I roughed it out in small room next door.

C. There were only about dozen people in official delegation including one lady ( daughter Nasim). NO MAIDS. She will help herself with borrowed iron from hotel. Only one batman(Havaldar Abdus Salam) and because of language problem I mostly helped him out. For short trips outside Washington needing change of dress etc President helped himself, politely asking for my assistance if required

D. Any body taking Spouse in delegation paid for it. This is absolutely correct.

E. Strict Code of Conduct was expected from Delegation Members including Personal Staff. During one such visit a VIP was sent back to Pakistan by next flight because he overslept??

F. Though unbelievable yet it is true that President never went for shopping. Some ties and shirts were purchased by personal staff from his personal account. During my tenure at least shopping for President never exceeded couple of hundred Pounds.

Let me add another point that in Ayub Khan time office of ADCs and their living quarters were not air conditioned as we were not entitled according to our rank. Can you believe this?

NOW COMPARE THE ROYAL STYLE OF OUR RULERS FROM 1972 onwards.....of course present ones have beaten all record for spending Tax Payers money.

Ahmad Tasnim"
is this the same person who comanded PNS Hangoor
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