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His Highness Nawaz Sharif

It was a short and standard speech but he spoke well. Credit where it's due.
nothing unusual, as always...but Im not sure, if this is latest picture...

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yes it's a latest picture. there were atleast 400 or more pakistani americans both of pti and pat combined protesting in front of the UNO office in new york. i mean, you have to be doing something right that even those who don't have a care in the world like the expatriates high class and even the expatriate taxi drivers have come out. #gonawazgo
yes it's a latest picture. there were atleast 400 or more pakistani americans both of pti and pat combined protesting in front of the UNO office in new york. i mean, you have to be doing something right that even those who don't have a care in the world like the expatriates high class and even the expatriate taxi drivers have come out. #gonawazgo
ahaha true that I just saw on PTI's official fb page one of the top comments was the same thing and in the end he asked everyone else to call too and in the reply comments section many people said they called and asked to deliver the message.
also here's pictures of pakistani americans protesting as i earlier said : Photos from We Want Imran Khan To Be The... - We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan | Facebook
Photos from We Want Imran Khan To Be The... - We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan | Facebook
Photos from We Want Imran Khan To Be The... - We Want Imran Khan To Be The Next Prime Minster Of Pakistan | Facebook
You are very concerned about the rigging which harms democracy but support army rule?
We are living in the rule dont you think we would know better than someone from outside...

The only reason army rule is frowned upon is coz USA says so...otherwise the same USA was ok with Saddam, Ghadaffi both of whom were general and had no problem "ruling their people" in the sight of America and the world....

But just coz USA says its bad it somehow is frowned upon forget it can be good for the citizens?!

I am not sure how can anyone make such a mistake as to calling this creature his highness and whoever gave in the names seemed to have really kissed his feet!

And how did the UN not realize this itself was breaking god knows how many laws of "DEMOCRACY" (man what a joke!)
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