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His Highness Nawaz Sharif


Sep 7, 2010
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Really? even the UN official is honest, and didnt insult the democratically elected Premiers by counting Nawaz as so.


scared as hell, nawaz hides from media and protesters in NYC.


Nawaz jidher bhi jata hai zaleel hi hota hai har banday kay hatho..

He should be ashamed of even saying that he has the mandate of millions. You have to respect that mandate yourself too, if you think people elected you fairly.
(I don't think he was elected fairly.)

only Kuwait and Qatar so far were termed as His Highness and then they said to our prime minister as his highness..

Nawaz brings nothing but shame to Pakistan
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View attachment 87958

Nawaz jidher bhi jata hai zaleel hi hota hai har banday kay hatho..

only Kuwait and Qatar so far were termed as His Highness and then they said to our prime minister as his highness..

Nawaz brings nothing but shame to Pakistan
Calling him our Prime Minister is also an insult to Pakistan.
View attachment 87958

Nawaz jidher bhi jata hai zaleel hi hota hai har banday kay hatho..

only Kuwait and Qatar so far were termed as His Highness and then they said to our prime minister as his highness..

Nawaz brings nothing but shame to Pakistan
Common man give respect to your prime minister! He is doing his best to improve Pakistan. In my view Imran Khan is hell bent on destroying Pakistan to service his greed.
Calling him our Prime Minister is also an insult to Pakistan.

I preferred the insult be upon us, then to call him Pakistan's prime minister. :)

Common man give respect to your prime minister!

you guys can be okay with a terrorist Modi leading India, I am not that low on integrity to call a corrupt rigger as my country's prime minister !
I preferred the insult be upon us, then to call him Pakistan's prime minister. :)

you guys can be okay with a terrorist Modi leading India, I am not that low on integrity to call a corrupt rigger as my country's prime minister !
Really pathetic you guys
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