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Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

duran i agree with u and still they call india democracy world biggest where common people treated like that india should be shamed of it
I just puked a little inside!! and to know that this guy is still roaming around the country as if nothing happened is shameful and belittling to humanity in a way so despicable that its beyond any human recognition.

Shameful and clearly despicable to say the least.. I loathe this guy and wish he gets pregnant from behind by a one fifty foot pole.:angry:

Babu Bajrangi is actually living comfortably today, remember Chief Minister of Gujarat a Hindu fanatic extremist violent and rapacious orchestrator of the Gujarat Holocaust/Massacre was completely complicit in the event. He provided oversight and protection to Babu Bajrangi, angry Hindu mods, VHP, and more. Modi even ordered the Police in Gujarat to stand down as the massacres, looting, and rapes were in progress. In their eyes Babu Bajrangi did not commit a crime therefore he should not be in jail...Such is the evil we face.

Therefore, what Babu Bajrangi did had government approval.

It's crazy how no justice has been served even after this monster openly boasts his horrific crimes.

"We didn't spare a single Muslim shop, we set everything on fire … we hacked, burned, set on fire … we believe in setting them on fire because these bastards don't want to be cremated, they're afraid of it … I have just one last wish … let me be sentenced to death … I don't care if I'm hanged ... just give me two days before my hanging and I will go and have a field day in Juhapura where seven or eight lakhs [seven or eight hundred thousand] of these people stay ... I will finish them off … let a few more of them die ... at least 25,000 to 50,000 should die."

-Babu Bajrangi, leader of VHP and now the Shiv Sena.
What the Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi and Babu Bajrangi, Haresh Bhatt, and the other criminals did and planned in Gujarat 2002. Is by all means considered "religious cleansing" or what the UN would call "ethnic cleansing", meaning genocide against a different group of people...

This case should be brought in front of an International court. There is great evidence, plenty of eye witnesses, news reports, documents, radio transmissions, video footage, to prosecute these men for the most severe form of justice.

The India government has many convicted criminals in it's government both state and national levels, let it be known to India if you are protecting these terrorist, these genocidal maniacs, these criminals you to should be punished.
we all know what india is half of ur gdp comes from muslims. shiv senha operated by muslim doctor last month if muslims are bad than why u come to them shiv senha is anti muslims when he is dying he needed muslim doctor
Lets not take this as an opportunity to show mean and bad India is.

We all know how screwed up the judiciary and legislation is, in the subcontinent. This is not something to that India is the sole proprietor of.. The basic reason behind this kind of idiocy happening in the judicial is coz of the lack of culture, self respect and pride in one's self and from what i see, this is not gonna see any solution atleast for the next 100 years
I would like to take this time to pay my respect and most heartfelt condolences to the victims of the Gujarat Genocide and Holocaust.

You will not be forgotten, I can only imagine the terror and horror you felt as the World stood idly by as you were facing oppression, brutality, and rapacious attacks. You were a defenseless people you were a innocent people.

I will never forget and forgive this attack on Muslims, InshAllah the opportunity will be granted to avenge these crimes as Allah wills.

I would specifically like to give my condolence to the pregnant Muslim woman who fell victim to one of the most heinous unimaginable crimes in human history...

Your death and tears will not be forgotten and the crimes against you will not be forgiven.

Inna lillahi wa inna illahi rajioon
lol.. this guy went through more religious dogma than i ever did lmao, i just used common sense.. but that website you linked at the bottom is one of the dumbest sites i have seen!! some people there are absolutely retarded and ignorant of how the real world works.. but Ali Sena is a very intelligent and bright guy though and his ideals are exactly that of mine
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What the Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi and Babu Bajrangi, Haresh Bhatt, and the other criminals did and planned in Gujarat 2002. Is by all means considered "religious cleansing" or what the UN would call "ethnic cleansing", meaning genocide against a different group of people...

This case should be brought in front of an International court. There is great evidence, plenty of eye witnesses, news reports, documents, radio transmissions, video footage, to prosecute these men for the most severe form of justice.

The India government has many convicted criminals in it's government both state and national levels, let it be known to India if you are protecting these terrorist, these genocidal maniacs, these criminals you to should be punished.

Bravo Bravo! Everybody take a bow!
The finest piece of hypocrisy on display if you can find any other!
The sense of Irony is not lost upon informed readers.
Bravo Bravo! Everybody take a bow!
The finest piece of hypocrisy on display if you can find any other!
The sense of Irony is not lost upon informed readers.

Whats wrong with his post.. What happened in Gujrat WAS religious cleansing by extremists. There is ample evidence out there to back up that claim.
Whats wrong with his post.. What happened in Gujrat WAS religious cleansing by extremists. There is ample evidence out there to back up that claim.

Please do put forth the evidence which points to "extremists" being involved in "ethnic/religious cleansing" in Gujarat? Apparently the Indian population does not know something which you do.

It was a religious riot, and though I do not condone such gruesome atrocities, they do sometimes happen in a diverse country as India. There is no doubt that outrageous atrocities were committed by both the religious groups. When you incite a mob, there's no telling as to what its gonna do. Its the proverbial 'who will bell the cat' scenario when a mob is incited. Mobs committed atrocities and those responsible will face the sweet music of justice.

But the show of apparent 'solidarity' with only Indian Muslims epitomizes hypocrisy. When your fellow followers of the Book are slaughtered else where no one raises a even a squeak of protest - eg Iran or even recently in China. Why? Got an explanation for that? So, its an atrocity only when Muslims die at the hands of 'Kafirs'? And its alright for Muslims to kill Kafirs or for that matter the more purer followers to kill tainted or lesser followers? Somehow I don't agree with all that kinda crap.
Muslims shower blessings,praises on Narendra Modi...:)
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