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Hinduvata Leaders and their BS

exscelllennt point!

@ rest of the posters,
This was a thread on Hindutva leaders and their BS, why did it turn to Kashmir?

And just my $0.002, majority of those VHP, RSS leaders are indeed morons - for want of a better (sic) word.

Actually Gujarat was waiting to happen. I was touring the state with my local friends back in '99 and could sense the simmering communal tensions. I had already seen communal clashes, albeit on a very small scale (fortunately there were no fatalities). I did sense such undertones in Gujarat then, but call it my naivete, did not think it could blow up to such proportions.

Basically, all religious fundamentalists are nutcases.
(If Freud was alive, he would classify them as sexually underdeveloped, carnally deprived, pathetic excuses for human beings who find some sort of sexual gratification in exploiting spiritual weaknesses in the less fortunate).

I rest my case.

Gujarat was not waiting to happen, it was orchestrated by Moron of politicians who use these psychopaths to do their dirty work.

these psychopaths are there in every society, and are used by the politicians who are not smart enough to convince masses to vote for them, instead they use these dirty tricks/psychopaths to get elected.

It is therefore is important that common man is taught to know the bad from good by those who are brains of the society to function as good humans.

I think some people are born smart, but education ruins them. So smart can be found in any shape and form and not in Universities only.

But many nincompoops take over the helms of societies as politicians and breed violence and contempt for every human trait to get elected and control the world by wars and by violence.
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