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Hindutvas can protect Muslims, says right wing leader


Jan 28, 2012
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Senior BJP leader Uma Bharati's statement made on Sunday that only right-wing Hindutva leaders can be the saviour of Muslims and guarantee their security reveals a new synthesis in Indian politics, and that is between the right-wing political style and minorityism. And Narendra Modi's model of development in Gujarat acts as a bridge which makes this otherwise impossible synthesis possible. Bharati's statement has unearthed an irony of Indian politics and that is: the self-proclaimed secularists of this country have let the minorities down and now the latter have to look forward to the Hindutva forces for their betterment. Bharati's confident call that only she and those who belong to her political colour "can instill confidence and erode fear from the Muslim psyche" opens a new horizon for those who seriously study Indian politics.

The secularists in this country have traditionally let down both the majority and minority groups, if we can categorise it simply. The centrist and left-of-the-centrist forces in this country have used the minority card exclusively for electoral success and they continue to do so. It is disappointing to see that these political forces have not succeeded to raise their level from brazen minority appeasement and do something really constructive for the betterment of an undivided society. The Congress party is mainly responsible for carrying on this tradition in the name of Nehru's secularist legacy while other regional parties have mastered the art of projecting themselves as the messiah for the minority sections in later years. Never have they pursued an agenda for the betterment of the minorities but only used their name whenever a poll approached. This hypocrisy has helped the minorities little. The BJP is the only major Indian party which has never relied on minority appeasement to make a mark on national politics. It succeeded to tap the political space, which was left open by the secular and leftist forces, in the 1980s and 1990s and got the taste of forming a government at the Centre within 15 years of its formation. Before it turned 24, the BJP had already led a government which had served its full tenure. The rise of the saffron party in Indian political scenario, thus, has been enviable. The party, however, has not been able to keep the flames burning in the later years and had to synthesise Hindutva with development mantra to ensure a bigger sustainability in politics.

If L K Advani remained a man ambitious about his Hindutva project, the tendency was well-camouflaged by the pro-governance credentials of Atal Behari Vajpayee. The party, backed by an organisational strength, proved itself to be a party with a difference for it did not believe in appeasing the minority to come to power but yet lead a secular republic. The trust was there. It is essential that BJP regains this trust to reap electoral dividends in the next big elections. To regain the trust, it is essential for the party to reach great heights in terms of governance and none else but Modi is the man who can take the party forward in this regard at the moment. It may sound ironical but Modi's hard work in the last 11 years have made this irony a possibility. It can not be denied that the leader had to fight all opposition to scale the heights of administrative ability, something which even the 'protectors of minorities' in this country have not been able to do despite having all advantages. The hardliner sanyasin's mellowing down is also pointer to the fact that only majoritarianism no longer can serve the saffron brigade's interest. The country's character has changed and so has its demands. The secularists' tokenism instead of affecting a change in the ground has given the Hindutva forces a fresh opportunity again, and this time to capitalise on the majority-minority divide in terms of development and not religion. Moditva has shown how development can be made an inclusive agenda. Can the others grab the opportunity?

Hindutva can protect Muslims: Ironic truth of today's India - Oneindia News
sometime back there was a talk show of a Muslim poet on ABN news. He told a story when he lived in Allahabad. here it goes.
The poet a had a large garden in front of the house and every morning worshipers going to temple would knock their door asking for permission to pluck flower for prayer. As the things were, poet's wife used to not only allow them but sometimes plucked flowers for some kids as well. She was one of the most respected person around.
There was an instance of communal riots in the locality and the well wishers advised the person to move from the area as it was Hindu dominated. When he asked his wife to move, she simply refused stating "we live in tender care and vigilance of so many Hindus here, there can't be a place safer than this.

I've heard of similar stories of Muslim families taking care Hindus in times of distress.

My grandmother used to say, God protects all His children in the time of their need by sending Humans. they appear to us as Angels or farishtey afterwards.

Don't go by what politicians preach, jab tak insaaniyat baki hai, insaan insaan key kaam aata rahega.
sometime back there was a talk show of a Muslim poet on ABN news. He told a story when he lived in Allahabad. here it goes.
The poet a had a large garden in front of the house and every morning worshipers going to temple would knock their door asking for permission to pluck flower for prayer. As the things were, poet's wife used to not only allow them but sometimes plucked flowers for some kids as well. She was one of the most respected person around.
There was an instance of communal riots in the locality and the well wishers advised the person to move from the area as it was Hindu dominated. When he asked his wife to move, she simply refused stating "we live in tender care and vigilance of so many Hindus here, there can't be a place safer than this.

I've heard of similar stories of Muslim families taking care Hindus in times of distress.

My grandmother used to say, God protects all His children in the time of their need by sending Humans. they appear to us as Angels or farishtey afterwards.

Don't go by what politicians preach, jab tak insaaniyat baki hai, insaan insaan key kaam aata rahega.

:cheesy: now imagine if she dint allow flowers for hindu temples??
if that happens who will taunt congress as Muslim appeasing party??

@Spring Onion

Congress looted the minority showing them safron fear, and if minority can instil some faith in themselves about BJP they wont be used for political gain anymore.

Off topic: Thank god you have bought a dog from India, if at all you bought it from pakistan the dog would have biten you only rather than neighbour. :lol:
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Uma B.h.a.r.a.t.i never married. @WebMaster why is B.h.a.r.a.t.i censored?

I can't answer for WebMaster, but many of us, I included, had protested against some Pakistanis using Bharati instead of Bharatiya, and using it in an abusive context, like the other abusive term P-a-k-i. Both are hateful, and this being PDF, it is sensitive to such things. Be aware that no one's voice goes unheard. You just have to be polite.
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I can't answer for WebMaster, but many of us, I included, had protested against some Pakistanis using Bharati instead of Bharatiya, and using it in an abusive context, like the other abusive term P-a-k-i. Both are hateful, and this being PDF, it is sensitive to such things. Be aware that no one's voice goes unheard. You just have to be polite.

What...I didn't know that - I've used Bharati loads of times ! :undecided:

Sorry ! :kiss3:
I can't answer for WebMaster, but many of us, I included, had protested against some Pakistanis using Bharati instead of Bharatiya, and using it in an abusive context, like the other abusive term P-a-k-i. Both are hateful, and this being PDF, it is sensitive to such things. Be aware that no one's voice goes unheard. You just have to be polite.
@Joe Shearer P-A-K-I is hateful? To whom? :undecided: I thought P-A-K-I = Pakizah cheez! :angel:

Why is it hateful or even censored? :unsure:
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@Joe Shearer P-A-K-I is hateful? To whom? :undecided: I thought P-A-K-I = Pakizah cheez! :angel:

Why is it hateful or even censored? :unsure:

Its used as a racist slur against Pakistanis (sometimes other South Asians) in Britain ! :undecided:

Not something that matters us though - Hamareiii liyeee Pakkki busss Pakkki haii ! :)
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