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Hindutva and Zionism hurdles to peace and democracy: Scholars

He was the CM of the state. He failed to protect innocent life. I hope we agree on the point that innocents got killed in the riots. So he should take responsibility for human life. Upwards of 1000 people got killed in your state because of law and order problem. You are responsible.

But he already sent in the Rapid Action Force and curfew was imposed so how is that Modi's fault that the services failed? he is 1 man not God should there not be a investgation as to why the police/security failed also is that not a bigger crime?
According to the Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, "most Congress corporators" "and some Congress leaders of Gujarat had actively participated in last year's riots". The majority of the media and party remained silent over the issue Congress role in the riot

Was it just Modi and BJP to blame? if we being honest lets speak the whole truth
By that logic Hitler should not be accused of the holocaust either. He was not at aushwitz

Gujarat riots was spontaneous it was not planned like what Hitler and Himmler did with the Jews in setting up extermination camps.

Did Modi know the train was going to be burnt? these things happened so fast one thing led to another like what happened with partition rioting
But he already sent in the Rapid Action Force and curfew was imposed so how is that Modi's fault that the services failed? he is 1 man not God should there not be a investgation as to why the police/security failed also is that not a bigger crime?

To remind you again, he was the CM. He should know how much the rapid action force has to be in his state for emergencies. He has to plan for that. That is his job. You may not like that a persons' follies are picked only when there is an incident. But that is the way. Because if you let go of people even when there are mistakes, then the system is a waste.
Focus on this issue. Don't go for comparitive criminology. In the least his was an administrative failure. Not enough security personnel is HIS problem, again because he was the CM. Admit it.
At the least he should express regret for the killings that happened. If wants to express regret also for the train victims fine, nobody object to that. Because you know what even the train accident/attack was his failure to preserve law/order. You can't just say they started it and that Congress leaders also participated in it. The question is not even what did he do to prevent it. Because there is no question at all. The riots happened and he could not stop it and he was the person entrusted with the responsibility to stop it(by what means I dont care). The least I ask is of him to say that he expresses regret that people got killed.

And wat does your yes mean in earlier post. You condone the riots, really?

According to the Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, "most Congress corporators" "and some Congress leaders of Gujarat had actively participated in last year's riots". The majority of the media and party remained silent over the issue Congress role in the riot

Was it just Modi and BJP to blame? if we being honest lets speak the whole truth
To remind you again, he was the CM. He should know how much the rapid action force has to be in his state for emergencies. He has to plan for that. That is his job. You may not like that a persons' follies are picked only when there is an incident. But that is the way. Because if you let go of people even when there are mistakes, then the system is a waste.
Focus on this issue. Don't go for comparitive criminology. In the least his was an administrative failure. Not enough security personnel is HIS problem, again because he was the CM. Admit it.
At the least he should express regret for the killings that happened. If wants to express regret also for the train victims fine, nobody object to that. Because you know what even the train accident/attack was his failure to preserve law/order. You can't just say they started it and that Congress leaders also participated in it. The question is not even what did he do to prevent it. Because there is no question at all. The riots happened and he could not stop it and he was the person entrusted with the responsibility to stop it(by what means I dont care). The least I ask is of him to say that he expresses regret that people got killed.

And wat does your yes mean in earlier post. You condone the riots, really?

Because you know what even the train accident/attack was his failure to preserve law/order.

By your logic Dr Singh should apologise and step down as he failed to prevent 26/11, Pune blast and Delhi blast :lol:

BTW how long was Modi CM before the Gujarat riots happened? :D

---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 AM ----------

In 2001, Narendra Modi was chosen by the party to be the Chief Minister of Gujarat

Only 1 year into the job he was before the riots hit India I think some people fail to see the whole picture.

---------- Post added at 11:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 AM ----------

He has to as he is from the Land of Conspiracy Theories.

It's only conspiracy when it is India :azn: but when Pakistani Christians were burnt alive not a whisper :agree:
Whatever I say about Mumbai will only help you in sidetracking from the topic. As I said earlier dont resort to comparitive criminology or comparitive anything. Technicalities are what cold blooded murderers use to prove that they are not as cold.

If you have something else on the topic, I would like to hear it.
Gujurat riots was not the first or the biggest religious riot in India..but some vested interests blows it out of proportion and even now the Gujurat state and its people is some how vilified for electing Modi (One Communist MP in Kerala was suspended from party for glorifying Gujurat Model of Development), but Gujuratis it seems doesn't give a s*** what the pseudo secular media and intellectuals think. Keep it up Gujjus.
Whatever I say about Mumbai will only help you in sidetracking from the topic. As I said earlier dont resort to comparitive criminology or comparitive anything. Technicalities are what cold blooded murderers use to prove that they are not as cold.

Issue is I do not consider Modi a culprit for the Gujarat riots which happened as they did in partition days as a spontaneous event which got out of control. Our security forces/police failed big time to get it under control just like when 26/11 hit and our police was firing 1950's pistols aganist ak47's we must see the bigger picture and ensure it does not happen again and learn from the past.
Issue is I do not consider Modi a culprit for the Gujarat riots which happened as they did in partition days as a spontaneous event which got out of control. Our security forces/police failed big time to get it under control just like when 26/11 hit and our police was firing 1950's pistols aganist ak47's we must see the bigger picture and ensure it does not happen again and learn from the past.

Where did I ever say he is the culprit. I am asking him to admit of administrative failure. If not that at least, at leeeast express regret about the people killed in the riots.

You will be sad if any person died, won't you? Oops I am talking to the guy who condones a riot because it was based on revenge(a worthy cause apparently).

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