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Hindutva and Zionism hurdles to peace and democracy: Scholars

At last some sense. I agree with you. We in Pakistan have a small minority although very vocal and lethal of extremists who are causing havoc for all of us. What worries me about India is that Hindutva is a philosophy promoted by a a political party that commands significant support among Indians and could actually become the ruling party.

Even on this thread there is dissension between some Indians considering BJP etc to be thugs and others thinking that it is the best for India

Thats the speciallity in INDIA brother, some say its not right, some say its perfect and when the majority say say some thing else we accept that be a part of that. if the majories decission goes wrong in the long run we revoke it a new majority undertanding what they voted for is wrong.

Had it been in some other state where there are too many diversity like INDIA it would have been a civil war.

In a lot of occations forign funded agencies have tried to use this diversity as our weakness and tried to destroy a nation that evolves yet we Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Budhist, Chirstians, etc are moderate and make sure that these forces do not harm the bonding that we enjoyed so far and will enjoy until the end of times.
I didnt know that stupids are called as Scholars or May be some Scholars are stupid..On topic, just for an example, Pakisstan does not have "Hindutva or Zionism" but still there is no Peace and Democarcy...same applies to China, North Korea...
Ah, now this is progress - a set of arguments to counter! (Just remember this stuff so I don't have to keep repeating it - you can repeat my arguments to others instead.)

1) " “the pervasive influence exerted on American policy by Jewish organisations such as the B’nai B’rith, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League, the Jewish National Fund and the United Jewish Appeal...apart from the hundreds of pro-Israel public action committees [PACs] registered under US federal law led by “the leading Jewish political force in America”, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC]."

Response: the influence of the "Jewish lobby" does not only consist of votes. The power of AIPAC is to educate and reason with our elected representatives. We have a good command of the facts; senators and congressmen thank us for this as well as our advocacy.

What is wrong with this? Nothing at all. AIPAC contributes to informed decision-making.

As for the other Jewish organizations they have different agendas, not all Zionist. For example, ADL, the Anti-defamation League, is mostly concerned with the race extremism of white supremacists that can lead to violence or property crimes against minorities. It has teamed up with churches, mosques, and various police forces to track such things. B'nai Brith is a sort of local social organization for Jews, the JNF buys land from Arabs and plants trees in Israel....

You can't prove anything just by throwing out such names. Why should such accountability be demanded exclusively of Jewish organizations? That itself is anti-Semitic, is it not?

2) Accusations of manipulating the Bible to support racism Zionism is nationalism, not racism. True or not, clarity is achieved by realizing such issues are red herrings.

3) Some Jews detest Zionism Yes. Some do. Not just individuals but entire communities. Jews aren't all forced into one mold. The reasons I know of boil down to two: it is more comfortable for them not to think about Zionism, or else they feel they would exert more power over other Jews if Israel did not exist.

4) “The only way to defeat the evil designs of Zionism is for the peace loving Jews, Christians and Muslims to forge an indivisible unity”

As if Zionism is an "evil design" or that Zionists aren't peace-loving! What "evil design" could the designation of Palestine as the Jewish National Home encompass? Do Jews go to war for any reason other than self-defence? It's not like Iran or Pakistan or large and small Arab dictators, all of whom are most interested in empire-building.

Oh People of the Book! Let us come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God." (3:64)
Something for everyone to consider, is that not so? Don't you think that by elevating the denunciation of Mohammed to the capital crime of blasphemy Pakistanis are collectively guilty of the crime of idolatry?
At last some sense. I agree with you. We in Pakistan have a small minority although very vocal and lethal of extremists who are causing havoc for all of us. What worries me about India is that Hindutva is a philosophy promoted by a a political party that commands significant support among Indians and could actually become the ruling party.

Even on this thread there is dissension between some Indians considering BJP etc to be thugs and others thinking that it is the best for India

BJP came into power.... they did nothing against any minority apart from Gujrat riots which were started by some extremist muslims.
Hindutva & Zionism are just as extreme as Muslim extremism, but they have less "scope" worldwide to be used for international geopolitics, as there are far more countries with Muslim population than with Hinduism/Zionism etc.
i do not concour with your idea of eliminating the tree if some of its apples are bad.
Islam has a lot of good people and because some chose the path of violance can not be made as an excuse to hurl stone at them. we to have a few bad apples.
when did a say that...I have a lot of muslim friends..I have lived my life in a muslim dominated society. My best friend is a muslim.

I'm talking about the extremists like SIMI, IM etc. they are polluting our society ...needs to be eliminated
I'm not blaming the victims... the point was they never incited violence against muslims.

The blame should go to extremist muslims.... they should be eliminate all over the world.

Why are you so off topic?? Look at the title of the thread and note your post has to be about eliminating "extremist muslims". It shows your mindset. You are clearly obsessed with the word "muslim" hence focus on it. You pretend to focus on extremism but sadly for you - you are too dim to be able to hide your natural hatred for muslims. Shameful but true
Why are you so off topic?? Look at the title of the thread and note your post has to be about eliminating "extremist muslims". It shows your mindset. You are clearly obsessed with the word "muslim" hence focus on it. You pretend to focus on extremism but sadly for you - you are too dim to be able to hide your natural hatred for muslims. Shameful but true

:lol: I don't have any hate against muslims ..as I explained in my earlier post in some other thread. Extremist muslims are a world wide phenomenon. they justify the act of violence on the name of religion..I have never observed this thing with any other religion.
when did a say that...I have a lot of muslim friends..I have lived my life in a muslim dominated society. My best friend is a muslim.

I'm talking about the extremists like SIMI, IM etc. they are polluting our society ...needs to be eliminated

sorry my bad, removing my earlier comment.
Hindutva & Zionism are just as extreme as Muslim extremism -
Hinduism I don't know about but how, exactly, can Zionists can't be matched up with Muslim extremists? There isn't a dream of a world-wide Israel, or organizations devoted to plotting genocide, and Israel possesses the individual and collective freedoms that the Muslim extremists consciously reject.

Perhaps what you are trying to avoid, Bill, is that thought that Jews, collectively, are superior role models for Muslims than Muslims themselves? That Jews are better people that Muslims?

That may be true but I think the reasons are more rooted in politics than religion. 2,000 years ago Jews could be just as vicious with Jews and Muslims as extremist Muslims are today. Why did Jews endure defeat and long exile? The rabbis say it was due to baseless hatred.

(Does that strike a chord?)

The difference is that today Jews have widely incorporated that English invention, popular sovereignty with individual rights, as the basis for legitimate state power. (And why not - G-d told us that dictatorship/monarchy had the potential to be a terrible curse as well as a means for collective defense.)

Religious rabble-rousers are there, but they can't claim any automatic goodness or superiority. Contrast with Iran and Pakistan, where burning or throwing away the name Mohammed on a flag or business card is considered blasphemy punishable by the death of not just blasphemers but those who would defend them.
Muslim woman votes in India:

Muslim woman votes in Israel:

Hindutva & Zionism are just as extreme as Muslim extremism, but they have less "scope" worldwide to be used for international geopolitics, as there are far more countries with Muslim population than with Hinduism/Zionism etc.

Good Observation! :tup:
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