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Hindutva and Zionism hurdles to peace and democracy: Scholars

Aryans Gatling gun is firing all cylinders

today youth are more right wing than the previous generation..because they can see through the likes of congress, sp, many english news channels and their minority appeasement...unless these parties change their stance to a more equal approach it is only going to increase...its the same condition as in europe where each and every country is veering more towards right wingers...

They can see though the democratically elected farce. So what you saying that democracy is bad?? make your mind up one minute you guys are so proud of your democracy???

---------- Post added at 04:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 PM ----------

That is what I said will happen. Please read my words carefully. Their current policy is that as long as you are willing to call yourself or be called by them as a Hindu, they will welcome you. Because in their minds all Indians are Hindus. You may not have any objection calling yourself a Hindu to get a warm welcome from them. But many Indians have a problem being called Hindu. Essentially they are making the word Hindu less objectionable to other religions in a questionable manner.

So if you are a Muslim go and deny your faith to them and they will accept you??? eh?

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

What is the word hindu? the word hindu comes from the persians for those living beyond the river indus so technically yes everyone living in India is a hindu thats a fact.

The word hindu does not appear anywhere in the Gita or Vedas does it?

So you saying you can be a Hindu even if you say you are Muslim if you live beyond Indus

---------- Post added at 04:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 PM ----------

By that logic Hitler should not be accused of the holocaust either. He was not at aushwitz

very good point
Hey Aryan_B my Bro, why dont we found an Pan-Indic Nationalist Organization? And call it "The Awakening" or smth

I am still trying to work out if Hindutva is racist or not some members say it is some say it isnt. back to the drawing board. must say I have appreciated so many people taking the trouble to try to explain to me.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 PM ----------

I think the least gypsies are reall criminals. They do live on social welfare though and often dont visit school and live in camps on the outskirts but also not all.

mate why don't you start a thread on gypsies and we will come and discuss with you
Explain more

I wrote the following on JTF. Inn one word: Race before Religion.

-Im a Christian myself of the Eastern Orthodox or Byzantine Variety
-I support religious freedom for religious minorities
-I do support India as Hindu Country however
-I stand against Christian Missionaries [not christians per se], they do destroy the oldest religion and culture in the world
-Also the christian missioanries stir up the "blacks" in india i mean the adivasi tribals and untouchable low castes against the caucasoid caste population
-European Origin People shouldnt be too much offended by anti-christian rhetoric of hindutva nationalists because its not against white people just against the black untouchables.
-Untouchables joined Christian Churches, Marxist Outfits called Naxalites, Islam etc. etc.
-Christianty and Islam also stand against Caste System which is racial preservation
-I put race before religion
BUT i need to rething about the part on untouchables, i get more and more into idea its not ok to hate black people
I have come to the conclusion that there is no consensus amongst even Indians/Hindus never mind the rest of us on Hindutva. Viva la difference but are they racist lol
BUT i need to rething about the part on untouchables, i get more and more into idea its not ok to hate black people

Are you saying that untouchables should serve the Hindutva nationalists forever ?
I have come to the conclusion that there is no consensus amongst even Indians/Hindus never mind the rest of us on Hindutva. Viva la difference but are they racist lol

Wrong conclusion. This inspite of reading many enlightening posts.
-Also the christian missioanries stir up the "blacks" in india i mean the adivasi tribals and untouchable low castes against the caucasoid caste population
-European Origin People shouldnt be too much offended by anti-christian rhetoric of hindutva nationalists because its not against white people just against the black untouchables.
-Untouchables joined Christian Churches, Marxist Outfits called Naxalites, Islam etc. etc.

Have you ever wondered why the lower castes are quick to convert other causes (Islam, Christianity or Communism) ?
You have in your previous posts mentioned of the unjust treatment of the Roma gypsies by the Europeans. Well the untouchables felt exactly like you. But you can seek refuge in the fact that you are not in your native land. The lower caste people of India don't have that luxury
Have you ever wondered why the lower castes are quick to convert other causes (Islam, Christianity or Communism) ?
You have in your previous posts mentioned of the unjust treatment of the Roma gypsies by the Europeans. Well the untouchables felt exactly like you. But you can seek refuge in the fact that you are not in your native land. The lower caste people of India don't have that luxury
Lower castes converting to islam/Christianity is only for moolah nothing else... which flows through saudi and western countries in respective cases,,,,,
I m not boasting but can prove here on this pdf that true hinduism is the best thing we have in this world/// and challenge anyone to have a rationale and genuine discussion...
there are some problems like caste system,,but originally it was based just based on occupation not birth,,, it was due to rise of brahmins which created divide...

why aren't untouchables not progressing?
the politicians who represents these poor group doesn't wnt them too....
they can build 7000 crore park for fake publicity but cant invest that money on education,sanitation providing clean drinking water...
only answer to this evil is education and nationalism,,,,,,
remember no country is perfect it has to be made
Have you ever wondered why the lower castes are quick to convert other causes (Islam, Christianity or Communism) ?
You have in your previous posts mentioned of the unjust treatment of the Roma gypsies by the Europeans. Well the untouchables felt exactly like you. But you can seek refuge in the fact that you are not in your native land. The lower caste people of India don't have that luxury

The lower castes will progress as well one day. Still if they are black and proto-australoid they shouldnt mix with the "gora" indians. Thats the only point i have to make. "Gora" not mixing with "Kala", if an untouchable is "gora" than i see no problem with mixing but most of the time they arent, i saw videos of dalits on youtube.

Also i see them as brothers because of discrimination. Just everyone marries within his own tribe, thats what gypsies practiced for centuries.
The lower castes will progress as well one day. Still if they are black and proto-australoid they shouldnt mix with the "gora" indians. Thats the only point i have to make. "Gora" not mixing with "Kala", if an untouchable is "gora" than i see no problem with mixing but most of the time they arent, i saw videos of dalits on youtube.

Also i see them as brothers because of discrimination. Just everyone marries within his own tribe, thats what gypsies practiced for centuries.
learn more about india my friend,,, actually the society is divided on basis of caste,not on color..
yup i agree there is mistreatment with dalits,,, but not in that extent which outsiders presume..
India need a national leader who thinks above this caste system,,, and try to unite hindus.
my personal opinion is since this caste system is a issue of religion,,, politics cannot solve this,,, jagad guru shankracharya,,, shud cme forward to unite hindus and abolish this system

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