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Hindus too fleeing persecution in Myanmar

Every hindu should get citizenship of india while India and Myanmar should work together to ensure the end of rohingya terrorists.
86 Hindus killed alonside the Rohingyas
রোহিঙ্গাদের সাথে ৮৬ হিন্দুকেও হত্যা

রাখাইন, ০১ সেপ্টেম্বর- শুধু রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিম সংখ্যালঘুই নয় মিয়ানমারে নির্যাতিত হয়েছে হিন্দু সম্প্রদায়ের লোকজনও। রাখাইন রাজ্যে মিয়ানমার সেনাবাহিনীর সাম্প্রতিক অভিযানে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিমদের সাথে বাংলাদেশে পালিয়ে এসেছে অনেক হিন্দু পরিবারও।

গত সপ্তাহে সংখ্যালঘু রোহিঙ্গা বিদ্রোহীদের একটি দল মিয়ানমারের রাখাইন রাজ্যে কমপক্ষে দুই ডজন পুলিশ পোস্টে হামলা চালিয়ে ১২ জনকে হত্যা করে। এ ঘটনার পর নিরাপত্তা বাহিনীর অভিযানে ১০০ জনেরও বেশি রোহিঙ্গা নিহত হন এবং কমপক্ষে ১৮ হাজার রোহিঙ্গাকে বাংলাদেশে পালাতে বাধ্য করা হয়। তবে বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক গণমাধ্যমে রোহিঙ্গা সংগঠকরা দাবি করেছেন যে, এ অভিযানে নিহত হয়েছেন আট শতেরও বেশি রোহিঙ্গা।
বাংলাদেশ সীমান্তে শত শত মানুষ নো ম্যানস ল্যান্ডে আশ্রয় নিয়েছে, যাদের অধিকাংশই নারী ও শিশু। মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ভিত্তিক হিউম্যান রাইটস ওয়াচ স্যাটেলাইটে ধারণকৃত দৃশ্য থেকে জানাচ্ছে, উত্তর রাখাইনে অনেক বাড়ি আগুনে পুড়িয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

এদিকে এবারের হামলায় কিছু শান্তিপ্রিয় বৌদ্ধ ও হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বীও নির্যাতিত হয়েছে বলে জানা গেছে। বাংলাদেশের সরকারি কর্মকর্তা ও পালিয়ে আসা নির্যাতিত মানুষদের সূত্রে জানা গেছে, ইতিমধ্যে ৪০০ এরও বেশি হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বী রাখাইন রাজ্য থেকে পালিয়ে এসেছেন।
কক্সবাজারের উখিয়ার সরকারি কর্মকর্তা মঈন উদ্দিন বলেন, গত শুক্রবার থেকে তিনটা গ্রামে ৮৬ জন হিন্দু হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বীকে হত্যা করা হয়েছে বলে তিনি জানতে পেরেছেন।
বেঁচে ফিরে আসা অনেকেই জানিয়েছেন, মিয়ানমার সৈন্যরা সব জায়গায় অবস্থান নিয়েছে, তাদের সাথে থাকা কিছু সশস্ত্র দল ঘরবাড়ি জ্বালিয়ে দিচ্ছে ও মানুষ হত্যা করছে।

নির্যাতিত হয়ে বাংলাদেশে পালিয়ে একজন হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বী নিরঞ্জন রুদ্র এপি সংবাদ সংস্থাকে বলেন, 'মুখোশধারী কিছু মানুষ বন্দুক, লাঠি ও ছুরি দিয়ে তাদের ওপর হামলা চালায় এবং তাদের বাড়িঘর জ্বালিয়ে দেয়।'
মঈন উদ্দিন বলেন, ‘৪১২ জন হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বী উখিয়াতে রোহিঙ্গা ক্যাম্পের কাছাকাছি একটি হিন্দু এলাকায় অবস্থান করছেন।’
তিনি আরও জানান, ‘তারা সেখানে পরিত্যক্ত একটি পোল্ট্রি খামারে আশ্রয় নিয়েছেন এবং বাংলাদেশী হিন্দুরা তাদের সাহায্যে এগিয়ে এসেছেন।’

এদিকে কক্সবাজারের উখিয়া থেকে হিন্দু বৌদ্ধ খৃষ্টান ঐক্য পরিষদের স্থানীয় নেতা স্বপন শর্মা এই আশ্রয় নেয়াদের দেখতে গিয়েছিলেন। তিনি বিবিসি বাংলাকে জানিয়েছেন, ‘উখিয়ার কুতুপালং শরণার্থী শিবির থেকে অল্প দূরত্বে একটি মন্দিরে এবং তার আশে পাশে আশ্রয় নিয়েছেন পালিয়ে আসা ৪১২জন হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বীরা। তাদের মধ্যে কয়েকজন বৃদ্ধ ছাড়া বাকিরা নারী এবং শিশু।’
কক্সবাজারের জেলাপ্রশাসনও বিবিসি বাংলাকে তাদের আশ্রয় নেয়ার বিষয়টি নিশ্চিত করেছে।
এই আশ্রয় নেয়াদের একজন রমা কর্মকার জানিয়েছেন, রাখাইন রাজ্যের মংডু জেলার রিকটা নামের গ্রাম থেকে দুই শিশু সন্তান নিয়ে তিনি এসেছেন। তাদের গ্রামে তার স্বামীসহ অনেক পুরুষকে মিয়ানমারের সেনাবাহিনী গুলি করে হত্যা করেছে।

মিয়ানমারের রাখাইন রাজ্যের মংডু জেলার রিকটা গ্রাম ছাড়াও চিয়ংছড়ি এবং ফকিরাবাজার গ্রামে ছিল হিন্দুদের বসবাস। এই তিনটি গ্রাম থেকে নির্যাতনের কারণে হিন্দুরা পালিয়ে সীমান্তে এসেছেন বলে জানাচ্ছেন স্বপন শর্মা।
মিয়ানমারের প্রায় ১০ লাখ রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমান উত্তর রাখাইন রাজ্যে বাস করে। কয়েক দশক ধরে তারা বৌদ্ধ-সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ দেশটিতে মারাত্মকভাবে নির্যাতিত হচ্ছে। দেশটির সরকার রোহিঙ্গাদেরকে বৈধ নাগরিক হিসেবে স্বীকার করে না। তাদের দাবির প্রেক্ষিতে জাতিগত সংখ্যালঘু হিসেবেও মেনে নিতে অস্বীকৃতি জানিয়েছে দেশটি। যার কারণে সেখানে রোহিঙ্গাদের কোন মৌলিক অধিকার নেই, সেইসাথে ধারাবাহিকভাবে চরমমাত্রার মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন করে যাচ্ছে দেশটির সরকার।

এর আগে ২০১২ সালে এক রোহিঙ্গা মুসলিম কর্তৃক রাখাইন নারী ধর্ষণের অভিযোগে রোহিঙ্গাদের ওপর বড় ধরণের হামলা চালায় মিয়ানমার নিরাপত্তা বাহিনী ও বৌদ্ধ সাম্প্রদায়িক মৌলবাদীরা। সে সময় দেশটির বিরুদ্ধে রোহিঙ্গা গণহত্যার অভিযোগ তোলে আন্তর্জাতিক সম্প্রদায়।
lol so no crocodile tears when Hindus are attacked or killed by buddhists? Were you sleeping when Tamil Hindu genocide took place in sri lanka ?
That black cloth people are Rohingya terrorist. They're attacking all the other communities in Rakhine. We saved thousand of Hindu people from the hand of Rohingya.
839812598' target='_blank' style='color:


@Nilgiri @gslv mk3 @John Reese

So, Any muslim found in Rakhaine is branded as Bangladeshi and any Hindu found as an Indian? Look How much intelligent the Burmese are. :lol::lol:
lol this is because they dont understand how generation tree draw to fill in race of their ID. Most of Hindu people come from generation of hindu people from India. if u're half blood , immigration officers will write both like Indian-Burmese in race box of their ID.

Does not your Hindu gods order you to side with
persecuted Hindus against Buddhists?

Karma will be a bitch otherwise.
lol yes. Rohingya Terrorists will suffer what they did to innocent people.



<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">True Story of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BengaliTerrorists?src=hash">#BengaliTerrorists</a> Attacks in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a>:<br>Exclusive report from Maungtaw in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a> <a href="https://t.co/wkUJ7fTDoC">pic.twitter.com/wkUJ7fTDoC</a></p>&mdash; Phay Sit Gyi (@phaysitgyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/phaysitgyi/status/903575079832903680">September 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


See what Rohingya terrorist did , still innocent. ?

Rohingya themselves who love to live peacefully arrested the attackers.

Every hindu should get citizenship of india while India and Myanmar should work together to ensure the end of rohingya terrorists.
nope. they are already our citizens and lived in Myanmar for generation. they are hard-work people , unlike trouble maker rohingya.

Both religion and ethnicity are at odd with Burmese xenophobe.They expelled half a million Hindus in 1960s branding them Indian and another 400k are stateless awaiting deportation.Those xenophobe want an ethnically pure, buddhist bamar state although 40 percent of total population there are ethnic and religious minority.That's why they are persecuting and discriminating every non-bamar people there.Insurgency is raging on over half of Myanmar territory where those ethnic and religious minorities are majority community, most of these ethnic minority are Buddhist as well but still at war against Myanmar.That's tell you something about those ethnic burmese.
lol who said over half of Myanmar territory..? insurgency is on border line of China.
Does not your Hindu gods order you to side with
persecuted Hindus against Buddhists?

Karma will be a bitch otherwise.

Do you really beleive Indian Hindus stand by Hindus around the world???...Of course...India will get involved if any Indian are impacted...
Lets wait and see the results of the Indian Supreme Court's judgement,your secularism, respects for Human rights and moral /ethical principles.:-):-):-):-)

You will be disappointed as usual.

The issue has more to do with ethnicity then religious differences.
Would they behave the same if these hindus looked east asian?

Very well said.
if true then we should take the hindus also as refugees
That black cloth people are Rohingya terrorist. They're attacking all the other communities in Rakhine. We saved thousand of Hindu people from the hand of Rohingya.
839812598' target='_blank' style='color:


@Nilgiri @gslv mk3 @John Reese

lol this is because they dont understand how generation tree draw to fill in race of their ID. Most of Hindu people come from generation of hindu people from India. if u're half blood , immigration officers will write both like Indian-Burmese in race box of their ID.

lol yes. Rohingya Terrorists will suffer what they did to innocent people.



<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">True Story of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BengaliTerrorists?src=hash">#BengaliTerrorists</a> Attacks in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a>:<br>Exclusive report from Maungtaw in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a> <a href="https://t.co/wkUJ7fTDoC">pic.twitter.com/wkUJ7fTDoC</a></p>&mdash; Phay Sit Gyi (@phaysitgyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/phaysitgyi/status/903575079832903680">September 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View attachment 422498

See what Rohingya terrorist did , still innocent. ?
View attachment 422509
Rohingya themselves who love to live peacefully arrested the attackers.
View attachment 422510

nope. they are already our citizens and lived in Myanmar for generation. they are hard-work people , unlike trouble maker rohingya.

lol who said over half of Myanmar territory..? insurgency is on border line of China.

Great Job of killing "Terrorists"


Last edited:
01:26 PM, September 02, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 01:30 PM, September 02, 2017
Rohingya issue in Modi's Myanmar visit

Star Online Report

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarks on his first-ever bilateral state visit to Myanmar from September 5-7, the Rohingya issue will figure in his talks with the Myanmar’s top leadership.

Sriprya Ranganathan, Joint Secretary in India’s External Affairs Ministry heading the Bangladesh-Myanmar desk, told the media here on Friday that the spiral in violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine province and the exodus of people from there will figure in Modi’s talks with Myanmar’s President Htin Kyaw and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi.

Our New Delhi correspondent quoted her as saying: “We will be discussing how India can help them in addressing the situation that is prevailing in the (Rakhine) state.”

Ranganathan disagreed with a questioner if New Delhi is viewing the Rohingya problem only through a security prism and suggested a holistic view of the issue by also including developmental and humanitarian aspects.

“It is a fact that the situation in Rakhine state has variety of aspects. It has a developmental aspect, it has a humanitarian aspect and it has security aspects. All aspects have been correctly highlighted by the Kofi Annan committee in their report recently submitted. We are not by any means diminishing any of the aspects. They are all relevant, important,” she said.

The senior MEA official said that India has “reached out Myanmar government after that (attack) on what is state of play and what can be done”.

Modi’s forthcoming visit to Myanmar comes as violence broke out afresh in Rakhine province forcing thousands of Rohingya Muslims to seek shelter in neighbouring Bangladesh. Many of them drowned as they attempted to cross the border river in makeshift boats.

The fresh influx of Rohingyas followed the attack by Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army on 30 police posts and an army base in Rakhine on August 26.

On August 24, the Advisory Commission on Rakhine state, chaired by former UN secretary general Kofi Annan, submitted its final report on how to deal with the Rohingya issue.

“It is a fairly elaborate report with exhaustive recommendations. We are told by Myanmar government that they are giving very careful and positive consideration to the recommendations in the report,” Ranganathan said.

“We will be discussing how India can help them in addressing the situation that is prevailing in the state,” she said.

Ranganathan said that boosting economic activity in Rakhine could help reduce tensions there and that discussions on that front would be held during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Nay Pyi Taw, capital of Myanmar.

The Indian diplomat pointed out that India has been “consistently” trying to encourage Myanmar government to “find ways to stimulate some socio economic development”.

“Because if there is active economic activity, then many of the problems will at least reduce, if not disappear,” she added.

India has given one million dollar humanitarian assistance to Myanmar in the past, which was mainly used to re-build schools destroyed in previous bouts of violence in the area.

India’s biggest development project in Myanmar – the multi-modal connectivity project on Kaladan river– starts in Rakhine state. “We are very confident that once entire corridor is functional, it will have a positive impact on the state and we will continue to work with the government of Myanmar and see how much more we can do to support this”, Ranganathan said.

Indicating that Myanmar government must be given time and space to draw up plans for development, she said that “I think that the (Myanmar) government (led by Suu Kyi) is a new government. It is obviously taking its own steps towards devising policies that it believes are correct for the country and people”.

Ranganathan suggested that the implications of violence in Rakhine and exodus of Rohingya refugees from there go beyond the borders of Myanmar. “A lot of countries are impacted... but ultimately it’s for the government of Myanmar to address the situation,” she said.

New Delhi maintains that the infiltration of Rohingyas from Rakhine into India besides being a burden on the limited resources of the country aggravates security challenges.

Ranganathan refuted suggestions that India’s proposed move to send back Rohingyas marked a change in Indian policy and insisted that “It is very much in line with Indian government’s position on illegal immigrants. “In so far as illegal immigrants, that is again a very long state and established procedure based on Indian law, which we will continue to follow. There is absolutely no change on that.”

Rights groups including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have called on India to reconsider its plan to deport the Rohingyas, saying it should abide by its international obligations.

India is not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.
That black cloth people are Rohingya terrorist. They're attacking all the other communities in Rakhine. We saved thousand of Hindu people from the hand of Rohingya.
839812598' target='_blank' style='color:


@Nilgiri @gslv mk3 @John Reese

lol this is because they dont understand how generation tree draw to fill in race of their ID. Most of Hindu people come from generation of hindu people from India. if u're half blood , immigration officers will write both like Indian-Burmese in race box of their ID.

lol yes. Rohingya Terrorists will suffer what they did to innocent people.



<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">True Story of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BengaliTerrorists?src=hash">#BengaliTerrorists</a> Attacks in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a>:<br>Exclusive report from Maungtaw in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a> <a href="https://t.co/wkUJ7fTDoC">pic.twitter.com/wkUJ7fTDoC</a></p>&mdash; Phay Sit Gyi (@phaysitgyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/phaysitgyi/status/903575079832903680">September 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View attachment 422498

See what Rohingya terrorist did , still innocent. ?
View attachment 422509
Rohingya themselves who love to live peacefully arrested the attackers.
View attachment 422510

nope. they are already our citizens and lived in Myanmar for generation. they are hard-work people , unlike trouble maker rohingya.

lol who said over half of Myanmar territory..? insurgency is on border line of China.
Ya right .. Hindus are killed by rohingya terrorist.. then the corpse came back to life and ran away with the terrorist themselves.

Besides nobody believes your Burmese propaganda unless unhindered access is given to the peacekeepers in the affected areas.
That black cloth people are Rohingya terrorist. They're attacking all the other communities in Rakhine. We saved thousand of Hindu people from the hand of Rohingya.
839812598' target='_blank' style='color:


@Nilgiri @gslv mk3 @John Reese

lol this is because they dont understand how generation tree draw to fill in race of their ID. Most of Hindu people come from generation of hindu people from India. if u're half blood , immigration officers will write both like Indian-Burmese in race box of their ID.

lol yes. Rohingya Terrorists will suffer what they did to innocent people.



<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">True Story of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BengaliTerrorists?src=hash">#BengaliTerrorists</a> Attacks in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a>:<br>Exclusive report from Maungtaw in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a> <a href="https://t.co/wkUJ7fTDoC">pic.twitter.com/wkUJ7fTDoC</a></p>&mdash; Phay Sit Gyi (@phaysitgyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/phaysitgyi/status/903575079832903680">September 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View attachment 422498

See what Rohingya terrorist did , still innocent. ?
View attachment 422509
Rohingya themselves who love to live peacefully arrested the attackers.
View attachment 422510

nope. they are already our citizens and lived in Myanmar for generation. they are hard-work people , unlike trouble maker rohingya.

lol who said over half of Myanmar territory..? insurgency is on border line of China.
Look at this pathetic lying faggot...

Bring neutral source, not your north korean type propaganda...
Lol, you don't get it do you? To the Burmese, all of them are "kalar" whether they are Hindu or Muslim. Around the second World war, xenophobia in Burma was its highest just like today. British Indians used to be an elite business community and formed the majority in urban areas before the Japanese invasion. Most fled the Japanese, but some left after the war after having their business nationalized. My Great Grandfather had a rubber business in Rangoon as well.

The difference today is that the Rohingya aren't an elite immigrant community that's being persecuted, but rather poor farming and fishing people with centuries of history in the Arakan region, which makes their suffering even worse. Even if you're a bigoted Bhakt, I'm sure even someone with a drop of humanity would feel somewhat sorry for them, if not sympathize.

The most important thing is that BD takes back its people now. "Centuries of history" lol....these are for most part illegals that moved there quite recently and have obviously stirred up massive trouble (given every other non-Bamar group is more or less peaceable with majority, much less being driven out).

So Rohingya can go the hell back whatever their religion. Why should sympathy be measured by pandering to who you deem as "affected"? Myanmar people in Arakan suffered for quite some time now with your people there clamoring to have their own country and even asking Pakistan to intervene and invade when you were busy pandering to that concept of a country....till you weren't. Sorry such fickle hypocritical people like you lot buy zero credibility with neighbours that know you better than any globalist media can. In the end you get your dues.

60,000+ and counting returned to BD in just this wave. Should reach 100,000+ quite soon. They are sticking the hell with you....and will never return to MM. This is what you get while you lot keep crying "time to time to time to".

Does not your Hindu gods order you to side with
persecuted Hindus against Buddhists?

Karma will be a bitch otherwise.

"Ummah" style concept only applies in your particular thought process. I don't automatically take some "Hindu's" side just because they are Hindu. They are in the right or wrong about an issue.... regardless of their religion.... period.

Why you think I also supported the re-repatriation of the most recent wave of Hindu Tamils (happened mostly under British raj) from SL during 50s and 60s? Many similarly overstayed their welcome (for multiple reasons), tensions created with majority (again because they did not want to make compromises in a new political situation), hence they should very well return and this was going on (India ferried many back to her shores and gave them citizenship) in a formal negotiated manner for cpl decades till extremist on both sides wrecked the situation on the ground and created the civil war. You can ask @Gibbs.

I don't take their side automatically just because they are Hindu or even Tamil. Heck the very long-term SL (jaffna) Tamils had their issues with them too. In the end a migrant group of people have to be accepted by a majority (and this is done by integrating, negotiating, synthesizing to different degrees on the majority who were there first) or they ought to move the hell back where they came from.....goes for anyone in the world.

BD never started anything like this with Myanmar, i.e even accepting that yes a lot of Rohingya are recent arrivals and start process to delineate them from those Arakan muslims that were there much longer and have much greater inherent right to stay (like the new British Raj Tamils vs Jaffna Tamils in SL).

Instead you made it into black and white issue....that they have ALL been there for ALL time since some claimed history of yours (Tamil Tigers and their earlier incarnations did much the same thing in their area and it took much violence in the end to defeat that). Well when you make it black and white like that, Myanmar has the right to do so as well....and its their country....they thus persevere and make their cause successful in the end....that's on you how it manifests on your end. That's how it happens worldwide....no special treatment for BD.

Yet you want that special treatment for BD and no one else in the world and then try to put words in others mouths or assume they apply your "logic" for situations that relate to them more closely ..... so you can try assuage your hypocrisy. You are instrumental in this mess in the first place yet you feel you should have 0 blowback on some warped definition of perceived morality on the issue or worse .....superiority. The only karma in this instance is you now reached 60,000+ rohingya returned to BD (whether they are recent or been there for however many generations) in just this recent wave.....and you lot cry about "time to time to time to" over here....but squat happens on the ground (no big power cares enough and BD is puny)....because thats BD for you

@LA se Karachi

lol so no crocodile tears when Hindus are attacked or killed by buddhists? Were you sleeping when Tamil Hindu genocide took place in sri lanka ?

Hey @Gibbs look at this one. Tamil Hindu genocide in SL lol.

See what I mean about these BD people projecting and assuming and making false equivalencies?

That black cloth people are Rohingya terrorist. They're attacking all the other communities in Rakhine. We saved thousand of Hindu people from the hand of Rohingya.
839812598' target='_blank' style='color:


@Nilgiri @gslv mk3 @John Reese

lol this is because they dont understand how generation tree draw to fill in race of their ID. Most of Hindu people come from generation of hindu people from India. if u're half blood , immigration officers will write both like Indian-Burmese in race box of their ID.

lol yes. Rohingya Terrorists will suffer what they did to innocent people.



<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">True Story of <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BengaliTerrorists?src=hash">#BengaliTerrorists</a> Attacks in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a>:<br>Exclusive report from Maungtaw in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Rakhine?src=hash">#Rakhine</a> <a href="https://t.co/wkUJ7fTDoC">pic.twitter.com/wkUJ7fTDoC</a></p>&mdash; Phay Sit Gyi (@phaysitgyi) <a href="https://twitter.com/phaysitgyi/status/903575079832903680">September 1, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

View attachment 422498

See what Rohingya terrorist did , still innocent. ?
View attachment 422509
Rohingya themselves who love to live peacefully arrested the attackers.
View attachment 422510

nope. they are already our citizens and lived in Myanmar for generation. they are hard-work people , unlike trouble maker rohingya.

lol who said over half of Myanmar territory..? insurgency is on border line of China.

Thank you, we need more information from other side. It is being suppressed as usual by world media.

Please destroy all the rohingya terrorists.

And don't worry about how those that lied (and continue to perpetrate these lies BY threat of prosecution from their own govt) to form their country in first place calling you liar. They have no credibility after all.

Keep doing the job needed to save and bring stability to Arakan. Thanks!
Do you really beleive Indian Hindus stand by Hindus around the world???...Of course...India will get involved if any Indian are impacted...
yup thats right , its internal matter of myanmar. Only stupid ppl will intervene and cause more damage. Moreover no one asked for India's help in the first place.

Hey @Gibbs look at this one. Tamil Hindu genocide in SL lol.
problem with these brainwashed jihadis is that they neither have the facts nor have a brain to think on their own. These morons dont even know that most of the LTTE cadres were christians not hindus.
Rohingyas are not outsider in Arakan.They are an indigenous people of Arakan along with Rakhaine community.It is the Burmese people who are outsider in Arakan. Arakan was never part of Myanmar until British conquer that areas and joined it with than British Burma for administrative purpose.

The Muslims who immigrated there from India
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