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Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with 'Om' in Tando Adam

I support hindu community symbol should be removed as a sign of respect and they should be given an apology.
The reason I am not all for sending this guy to jail is that it is not a part of the religion. My apologies if I offend you but blasphemy is a part of Abhrahmic religions not Dharmic. But now that RW in India who cannot name author of Bhagwat Gita are the thakedars of the religion, things are changing.
I respect what you say and your prudent of view
I would have been more forgiving had it been Jay Shiv Shankar written in Sansikrat scripture but OM stands out just like thw word Allah in Arabic does. its a very well sign.

in essence disrespecting the word Allah is impossible or illogical because its simply the Arabic of "THE" God.

that "God" , in Hindu faith would be called Bhagwan and Yazdan in Yazidi faith and so forth. but in all such insidents... the purpose is always to insult and provoke the followers.. just like when people burn the flags of their opposing countries... again.. its just a piece of cloth but the intent is so insult and cause offence

now it is up to the person to decide whether he takes offence or not and whatever action he takes or response he shows. but the perpetrator has already shown himself to be petty and pathetic and he thinks that since he is in majority and power then his actions are funny and shouldn't mean much since the affected party is weak
the least I expect is that the shop takes these shoes off the sale and a petition is submitted in the courts for a start.
I would expect Lawyer union or journalists or scholars make a peaceful protest about it.. making few comments on facebook wont help.

Oh I agree with you completely - if it is done to insult people, it should be remedied. I was addressing the other part of it - which is people of any religion feel hurt when their symbols - whether god or some ritual or some holy place etc- are desecrated. Such hurt lessens when you realize it is only humans who have been insulted and not their favorite divinity of religion. And why is that important? so that some lunatic translates that hurt into revenge.
Try a bigger vessel, here we are trying to replicate universe :p:
That voice is due to difference of pressure of air in the middle than around the boundary. The molecules of air lose their energy when they collide with the wall and hence their speed is reduced after losing kinetic energy to the collision. And according to Bernoulli's Theorem speed is inversely related with pressure in a fluid. Bottom line is sound waves are longitudinal waves produced by the columns of differentiating pressure in a medium.
If you don't any of what I have tried to explain above than simply whenever you try to put an empty vessel around your ear you will hear sound waves due to activity of air inside the vessel, it has nothing to do with the sound of the universe.
Get this man and fine him heavily and donate half of it to some association that run after temples in Pakistan as a sign of compensation and solitude with Hindu community in Pakistan...
I am always interested in OM, because how does they discover OM, and the importance of it thousands of years ago.

Alpha brain Frequency of 7.83 HZ on the EEG, is also known popularly as Schumann’s Resonance . These frequencies start at 7.8 Hz and progress by approximately 5.9 Hz. (7.8, 13.7, 19.6, 25.5, 31.4, 37.3, and 43.2 Hz.).


Resonances of earth, ie, 7.83, 13.7, 19.6, 25.5, 31.4, 37.3 and 43.2 Hertz of earth. We all know 7.83 hz being the strongest of all, OM or Schumann frequency.

Ohm- 7.83Hz
Gam - 13.7Hz
Hleem - 19.6Hz
Hreem - 25.5Hz
Kleem - 31.4Hz
Krowm - 37.3Hz
Sreem - 43.2Hz

The Schumann Resonances are the result of cosmic energy build-up within the cavity that exists between Earth's highly conductive surface and the conducting layer in the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere. the space between the surface of the earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a waveguide. The cavity is naturally excited by energy from lightning strikes. This ionospheric charge creates an electrical shield around the Earth.. The atmosphere is a dielectric insulator, which separates the two. Thus a spherical capacitor as well as a spherical resonator is created and maintained. Electrical signals of sufficient wavelength (low frequency) are wave-guided around and around between this "sphere within a sphere" and is the base Schumann Resonance of 7.8Hz mainly traveling from West to East.

7.83 HZ or the ALPHA frequency is the gateway that leads into deeper states of consciousness.

Most people are in an alpha state during the short time immediately before they fall asleep and when the conscious nervous system switches over to the subconscious.

Simply by closing your eyes, your brain starts to generate alpha brain waves. As more and more neurons are requited to this frequency, alpha waves cycle globally across the whole cortex. This induces of deep relaxation, but not quite meditation .

7 to 12 HZ range is frequency range for relaxed consciousness , psychic Stimulation , mind body integration , inner awareness , visualization and whole brain thinking. The alpha wave state is a sign of deep relaxation while awake.

Taking a break and meditation are two activities that produce alpha waves You experience a liberating sense of peace and well-being. The "alpha state" is where meditation starts and you begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness

Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as the Schumann Resonance, which is the resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field.

When we intentionally generate alpha waves and go into resonance with that earthy frequency, we naturally feel better, refreshed, in tune, in synch. It is, in fact, environmental synchronization.

The frequency of the living Earth, the “Schumann Resonance” of 7.83 HZ is the lowest common denominator of psychic activity repeatedly observed by EEG and EKG observations. Schumann Resonance waves propagate with little attenuation around the planet.. For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, recently due to military ELF waves from HAARP , GWEN and Woodpecker, this resonance has been slowly rising.

Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. This global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted it mathematically in 1952.

Tesla transmitted scalar waves mainly through the Earth, and Hertz waves between ground and the Heaviside layer, and found the resonant frequency of Earth of 7.83 HZ. This is the Schumann resonance—LIFTED FROM TESLA TECHNOLOGY— OR REINVENTED MATHEMATICALLY several years later.

Tesla had also discovered the exact frequency at which the earth normally pulsates. These natural waves are created as a result of electrical activity in the atmosphere. These are quasi-standing [LONGITUDINAL SCALAR] ELF waves that naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity, the space between the ground and the Ionosphere.

The one sided use of Schumann (YANG) wave simulation without the geomagnetic (YIN) signal caused serious health problems. An underground bunker which completely screened out magnetic fields. suffered emotional distress and migraine headaches. After only a brief exposure to 7.8 Hz (the very frequency which had been screened out), the volunteers health stabilized again.

The same complaints were reported by the first astronauts and cosmonauts, who, out in space, also were no longer exposed to the Schumann waves. Now modern spacecrafts are said to contain a device which simulates the Schumann waves. by producing a 7.83 Hz pulse with a field generator (Schumann device), we can counter the effects of the irritating man-made fields. By replicating the Earth's natural rhythm, we may be providing ourselves (at least in our immediate vicinity) with a more healthy environment.
The molecules of air lose their energy when they collide with the wall
Where do these tiny particles inside the molecules are getting energy to keep on revolving since the birth of Universe ? any idea ?
i am agreed if some one has did it intentionally he should be put in to trial and punished accordingly.
The seller and the manufacturer or importer be charged under bleshfamy law and put in prison.
Where do these tiny particles inside the molecules are getting energy to keep on revolving since the birth of Universe ? any idea ?
That is totally different discussion and unrelated to how sounds are produced.
Confiscate the inventory, and fine the idiot who was selling it and the manufacturer. I think that is enough.
Action should be taken against these shopkeepers. No religion should be abused knowingly or unknowingly. I wish the best to my Pakistani Hindu brothers and hope they can be proud living in a secular nation where their interests are protected. Also this isn't just a Hindu issue. The muslim word Allah has also appeared on sandals in the west. It is lack of knowledge and understanding of religion that leads to this.
Shopkeeper charged with blasphemy over selling shoes with Hindu symbol
By Reuters
Published: June 20, 2016

Picture shows the sandal which is being sold at shops in Tando Adam inscribed with Hindu sacred word "OM". PHOTO: PAKISTAN HINDU COUNCIL

ISLAMABAD: Sindh Police arrested a man under blasphemy laws on Monday for selling shoes with a sacred Hindu symbol, police and Hindu leaders said.

The shopkeeper, Jahanzaib Khaskhili, was arrested in Sindh’s Tando Adam district and the shoes, which carried the “Om” symbol, were confiscated, said Farrukh Ali, the district police chief.

Hindu community leaders called for the shopkeeper to be punished. “The state must play a proactive role in punishing the culprits under the blasphemy laws,” Ramesh Kumar Vankwani, the patron of the Pakistani Hindu Council, said in a statement.

Hindus object selling of shoes inscribed with ‘Om’ in Tando Adam

Tando Adam, about 200km northeast of Karachi, is in Sindh, where the vast majority of the country’s approximately three million Hindus live.

The blasphemy laws make it a crime to insult any religion and have specific sections for defiling the Quran or insulting the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that carry a life sentence and mandatory death sentence, respectively.

If convicted, the shopkeeper faces a maximum of 10 years in prison, in addition to a possible fine. Ali, the police chief, said Khaskhili had cooperated with authorities and appeared not to have intended to inflame religious sentiment.

We will do this according to law, but prima facie it seems that he did not have any intention,” said Ali, adding that police were now investigating the supplier of the shoes, who is based in Punjab province.

Removal of hate material against minorities from curriculum stressed

“The responsibility in this case will be with the people who actually manufactured the shoes … they would probably have done it intentionally,” he said.

Rights groups say Hindus are often at risk of discrimination and hate crimes, including forced conversions and economic discrimination.

Vankwani had on Sunday raised concerns over some shopkeepers offering shoes with sacred Hindu names in Sindh. “Since the last three years on the occasion of Muslim Eid festival, some shopkeepers in Tando Adam are offering shoes on which Hindu religious holy name ‘Om’ is displayed,” he said, adding “Its purpose is just to insult the sentiments of local Hindus.”

Pakistan Hindu Seva, a group working for religious harmony in the country, had also urged the locals of Tando Adam to address the issue by remaining “within the jurisdiction of law to avoid any violence”.
Vankwani had on Sunday raised concerns over some shopkeepers offering shoes with sacred Hindu names in Sindh. “Since the last three years on the occasion of Muslim Eid festival, some shopkeepers in Tando Adam are offering shoes on which Hindu religious holy name ‘Om’ is displayed,” he said, adding “Its purpose is just to insult the sentiments of local Hindus.”

If this has been happening for past three years, then it sounds pretty deliberate to me. Both for the shopkeeper as well as manufacturer.
If this has been happening for past three years, then it sounds pretty deliberate to me. Both for the shopkeeper as well as manufacturer.
The particular shopkeeper is not involved in this for last three years.

The statement of Pakistan Hindu Council can be taken with a pinch of salt since Ramesh Kumar is recently have climbed to recognition for such statements. Still I can't give verdict because I do not know the situation on ground in Sindh.
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