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Hindus hope to revive abandoned Saidpur temple

But you didn't fight??

You got slaughtered and abused because you dont have weapons and your own police, security and politicians side with the hindu mobs

Your only chance is strong muslim politicians, moving to muslim only/majority areas and hording weapons for the next attack

Brother I do not blame you. For 70 years (after you lot ran), you have had no one but musalmans to live with. So I guess you started killing each other? I don't know.

But you need to dig deeper into the history of Muslim Hindu conflict in post partition India. And see how many Muslims were killed. And how many Hindus were killed.

Now unless the Hindus were killing themselves, its obvious that both sides fight. And kill almost equally. Nothing to feel proud about. Except for the fact that our conflicts are always regional. And more often than not the police and sometimes even the army does step in to stop the killing.

We have nothing like Pakistan though. Jahan har din saikron marte hain. Whats the latest body count? 60,000 dead and counting? And you keep bringing up 700+ from an incident almost 15 years ago? A time from which 350+ Hindus were also killed?
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Mecca and Medina???
What do they and Saudi Arabia have to do with Pakistan and India

Your not threatening all of the muslims of the planet are you?

@adil_minhas see what I mean, its the average hindu around you which is your threat, who will kill you and your family unless you prepare
No if this is a religious war, then Islamic Centres will be affected. That place is the one which the fountainhead of all that's wrong in the world .
If there is a war for another partition then yes why Indian Muslims , Indian Hindus would also be prepared. The entire arc from Arabia to China will have a gory end. Look jukes are there with India Pak and China . No one is crazy as you guys to let another partition
It stands there looks all fine to me and by the way the size of this building is hardly enough to accommodate 850 people, I went inside it, seen it and respected it the way it deserved the respect and nobody asked me any questions. I don't know why Hindus deserted it they can go there no one asks you for your religion. @Arsalan you may have visited this site?
both country do not treat their minorities well... saying hindus are worse off as minority is like splitting hair... we dont even know whether its true...
Hindus hope to revive abandoned Saidpur temple
By Danish Hussain
Published: August 10, 2016
At present, the temple and dharamshala cannot be used as religious sites by Hindus. PHOTO: FILE

ISLAMABAD: There is no place in Islamabad for Hindu religious gatherings. While there is a temple, Hindus are not allowed to pray inside.

On August 11 — National Minorities Day — Hindu citizens of Islamabad plan to revive an abandoned temple at the foot of the Margalla Hills.

Indian Hindu temple lifts ban on women devotees

The temple in Saidpur Village currently serves as a tourist site, while over 850 Hindus living in the city have been barred from performing religious rituals here.

“The sanctity of the holy place will be restored and Hindu families living in Islamabad will finally have a place to pray,” said PTI lawmaker Lal Chand Malhi, who is leading the campaign.

Malhi said the campaign would be initiated by writing letters on August 11 to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, President Mamnoon Hussain and Islamabad Mayor Ansar Aziz, who is the custodian of the site.

At present, Hindu residents of Islamabad have to go to Rawalpindi to find the nearest accessible temple.

“First, we will try to force the government and its departments to allow us to make the temple operational. If no response is received, community members, political parties and civil society will open it for prayers,” Malhi said.

A pre-Partition mandir and the struggle to protect it

According to Capital Development Authority records, Rama Mandir was built by Raja Mann Singh around 1580 . The temple also had a dharamshala (rest house for pilgrims), which has been converted into a public toilet, Malhi said.

The visitors, he said, disregard the sanctity of the site and walk inside the temple with their shoes on. He said carvings in the walls of Lakshmi and Kali were painted over by the CDA in 2006 when it converted Saidpur village into a tourist site.

The PTI lawmaker said that until a few decades ago, Hindus would spend large amounts of money to keep temple intact. “The temple is ours. The community has every right to go there and pray,” Malhi said.

Islamabad Mayor Aziz told The Express Tribune that he would try to support the request, once received.

He said the Hindu community would be given every right to worship at their holy place. “I will be more than happy to help Hindus living in Islamabad to get access to their temple,” Aziz added.

Kapil Dev, a rights activist, said that before partition, Saidpur had a significant Hindu population, but most of them left for India in 1947. Soon after, the temple fell into disuse.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 10th, 2016.

And why was those Hindus were Barred from performing religious rituals.
Sister, sadly you are now trying the same mind games on me which brother @User tried sometime ago before I had to firmly rebuff him.

India will never get partitioned again sister.

You would have to try to do that over our dead bodies. I know killing musalmans has become easy for you guys. You would have to kill 180 million of us first.

What a terrific way to shut up them naysayers. We were together, are together and will be together. Baaki jai bhais charaye.

You sir, have my love and respect. Secularism Zindabad.
What a terrific way to shut up them naysayers. We were together, are together and will be together. Baaki jai bhais charaye.

You sir, have my love and respect. Secularism Zindabad.

Brother I do not get Pakistanis. I honestly do not.

They expect us to fight with the rest of India to do another breakaway. As if to prove ourselves.

To who? And why?

We are blind people? We do not see Pakistan and Bangladesh? My friend just returned from Bangladesh (business). He said flying out of Dhaka and landing in Kolkata, you feel like you have landed in some developed country from a third world country. Pakistan we of course all know. Why say more?

I LOVE living with Hindus and Christians and Sikhs man. Am I MAD to give that up? What nonsense man. And I am not blind or stupid. I know that India today is an emerging power because of ALL Indians. Why would I deprive myself of the brilliance and hardwork and talent and contributions of Hindus and Christians and Sikhs by hypothetically breaking away from them to only live among a smaller more homogeneous sub group of the same?

Sometimes I believe that Pakistanis live in some la la mental state.
I know its not logical and its got nothing to do with us, but I cannot help cringing and getting extremely embarrassed when I read such things.

Pakistani members tell me they got Pakistan to be free.

But does being free mean you make others miserable?
Government should construct new temples for them in Pindi and Islamabad

No. Government should stay away from religious activities.

Why ?

Why ?

What the hell !

Very unfortunate.

Sensibilities for the minorities ?

A lot of temples were abandoned at partition. There is no use for them as nobody prayed there. They stood abandoned for decades. Government sealed them to protect from land encroachment. All functioning temples are property of Hindu community and they are responsible for it just like churches which are responsibility of Christians.

Islamabad is new city and there were no Hindus in that locale to keep any temple in functioning condition.
Brother I do not get Pakistanis. I honestly do not.

They expect us to fight with the rest of India to do another breakaway. As if to prove ourselves.

To who? And why?

We are blind people? We do not see Pakistan and Bangladesh? My friend just returned from Bangladesh (business). He said flying out of Dhaka and landing in Kolkata, you feel like you have landed in some developed country from a third world country. Pakistan we of course all know. Why say more?

I LOVE living with Hindus and Christians and Sikhs man. Am I MAD to give that up? What nonsense man. And I am not blind or stupid. I know that India today is an emerging power because of ALL Indians. Why would I deprive myself of the brilliance and hardwork and talent and contributions of Hindus and Christians and Sikhs by hypothetically breaking away from them to only live among a smaller more homogeneous sub group of the same?

Sometimes I believe that Pakistanis live in some la la mental state.
Your reply makes me cry.you are a gemstone of an indian

both country do not treat their minorities well... saying hindus are worse off as minority is like splitting hair... we dont even know whether its true...
Sorry India treats minorities well. Yes understand that there are localities where it s not there but the Govt official position is to treat them well and equal. Pakistan discriminates officially and insults minority's religious figures
Brother, a Bangladeshi Israeli? Seriously? I thanked your post man.

Just read comments section of TOI and a lot becomes clearer. However my problem is not what you guys think. If you are happy, good for you. My only concern is you guys tend to flock to my nation when they start screwing you over there. And no. I am not talking about partition. I have full respect for people who endorsed the idea of Pakistan and sacrificed for it. But that gate is closed. What is happening now can be seen in Karachi. There are many Gujarati Muslims who illegally obtain Pakistani citizenship. So nothing personal here. Just that face the music yourself and stop running to us as if it is your 'Jageer'. Pakistan is NOT your 'yateem khana'.
Brother I do not get Pakistanis. I honestly do not.

They expect us to fight with the rest of India to do another breakaway. As if to prove ourselves.

To who? And why?

We are blind people? We do not see Pakistan and Bangladesh? My friend just returned from Bangladesh (business). He said flying out of Dhaka and landing in Kolkata, you feel like you have landed in some developed country from a third world country. Pakistan we of course all know. Why say more?

I LOVE living with Hindus and Christians and Sikhs man. Am I MAD to give that up? What nonsense man. And I am not blind or stupid. I know that India today is an emerging power because of ALL Indians. Why would I deprive myself of the brilliance and hardwork and talent and contributions of Hindus and Christians and Sikhs by hypothetically breaking away from them to only live among a smaller more homogeneous sub group of the same?

Sometimes I believe that Pakistanis live in some la la mental state.

As muslims we expect you to defend yourselves against a nation lurching to the hindu right.

One of the main plus points of Modi was his perceived culpability in the Gujraat Masacre

You have a P.M and a government that is infected by the hindu right, ever prepared to murder indian muslims because they bare the scares of 1000 years of muslim domination

Let me tell you something you are going the way of the German Jew
They too thought of themselves as German, not convinced that their German friends and neighbours would turn against them
Happy that they were part of wider German society

They laughed at the jews who saw the signs and escaped before the Holocaust

You are a GERMAN JEW
you are blinded and not seeing the signs of a growing hindu right, from Babri to Gujraat to Muzafarnager to the Gau Rashkars or whatever they are called and you will be left counting the costs

Now you can walk blindly if you want to but it will be your family, your mother, your sisters and children who will pay the costs

Wake up now, understand the risk snd prepare, Pakistan can help you because our nation is closed to you but we can help you defend yourselves
Just read comments section of TOI and a lot becomes clearer. However my problem is not what you guys think. If you are happy, good for you. My only concern is you guys tend to flock to my nation when they start screwing you over there. And no. I am not talking about partition. I have full respect for people who endorsed the idea of Pakistan and sacrificed for it. But that gate is closed. What is happening now can be seen in Karachi. There are many Gujarati Muslims who illegally obtain Pakistani citizenship. So nothing personal here. Just that face the music yourself and stop running to us as if it is your 'Jageer'. Pakistan is NOT your 'yateem khana'.

Brother, to put it very brutally in a way you would understand. Karachi is an Indian city.
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