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Hindu's don't need to prove Ganesha is God

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If Muslims need not explain their irrational religious behaviour, and nor do Christians, why are you picking on irrational Hindus? All religious beliefs are irreligious. Either mock them all, as I do, or lay off. Since you seem to be going around looking for trouble, it might be a good idea to stop right now.

That is a polite suggestion.

Zakir Naik has a good point, a bad one and something nonsensical

Good) He places a good logic challenge that a person claiming to be God, goofs up, hence he's not a god.
Bad) He forgets, Islamic (or Abrahamic) concept of God (All knowing, All powerful, All Awesome) does not apply to Hindu Gods. They are often described as flawed being, susceptible to their desires. They are God in their stories in the sense that they were magically powerful beings or that their stories do end up giving at least one good moral message. So his premise of comparison or his logic is very biased and unapplicable.
Nonsensical) Can anyone prove Ganesh existed? Or Shiva Existed... OR that god exists? Before making logic/proving points out of religious stories, can you scientifically prove the existence of God or any of these mystical beings?
BTW, there are different stories for Ganesh, because it's a 2500+ year old story. You don't need extraordinary intelligence to realize why there are so many variations.
I thought Isro2222 was the only one who thought this way.

I got the info from a pgm in History Channel where they analyzed Bible in respect to modern technology and times. Also read Chariots of Gods. The narrators said that in the past when people cannot find an explanation for something they attach divine capability to it. Almost all ancient civilizations worshiped Sun as they could not find an explanation for something that gives them light everyday and mysteriously vanish during the night. The Mayans were so terrified of Sun not rising the next day that they performed human sacrifice everyday to please the Sun God.

There are documented instances of native people of small isolated Pacific islands mistaking Americans arriving in their planes during WW2 to their islands as Gods and when they left the natives made aeroplane shapes with twigs and grasses and praying for their return. So if that can happen in mid 20th century, imagine an alien craft landing in the midst of some ancient civilization thousands of years ago.
Zakir Naik has a good point, a bad one and something nonsensical

Good) He places a good logic challenge that a person claiming to be God, goofs up, hence he's not a god.
Bad) He forgets, Islamic (or Abrahamic) concept of God (All knowing, All powerful, All Awesome) does not apply to Hindu Gods.
This is where most people are mistaken about Hinduism. In Hinduism there is this all powerful encompasing, formless, supreme universal spirit - which constitutes and permeates the Universe (Think Dark Matter?). Then we have the Trimurti - the basis of the concept of Holy Trinity.

All these Gods we worship are some form of manifestation of this Brahman or the Trimurti - depending one's personal choice. But then these idols that we tend to worship are NOT perfect - a subtle reminder that these are NOT Gods per se, but simply a manifestation of our imaginations - with all their drawbacks and imperfections, yet reminding us and teaching us that these deities chose to overcome their shortcomings and let the good and the righteous prevail. Hence they are worshiped.
They are often described as flawed being, susceptible to their desires. They are God in their stories in the sense that they were magically powerful beings or that their stories do end up giving at least one good moral message. So his premise of comparison or his logic is very biased and unapplicable.
Nonsensical) Can anyone prove Ganesh existed? Or Shiva Existed... OR that god exists? Before making logic/proving points out of religious stories, can you scientifically prove the existence of God or any of these mystical beings?
Well said.
So, once upon a time, a boy with a elephant's head roamed around India? The blood type matched and it was a perfect fit? Why couldn't god Shiva just fix the original head that was chopped off? Why can't Hindus agree what the actual true story of Ganesha is? There is at least 3 different versions that I am aware of!
you go by epic!!!
epic are tales they can be distorted in several generations. Like christian say jesus died and then become alive after 3 days. Logically, I should not believe this and make mockery of the religion like muslims do for other religion.

If you really want to know what is Hinduism go through Gita, Upanishads, Vedas and Puranas.
Mahabharat, Ramayan etc. are stories having examples of teachings of above mentioned books.
We have crores of Gods, each for every Hindu. Got a problem. No one care. Respect our religion, you will get respect too. Even we will support you if someone targets you.
We have crores of Gods, each for every Hindu. Got a problem. No one care. Respect our religion, you will get respect too. Even we will support you if someone targets you.
why should i?????Religion is not some international or domestic politics that one has to search for coalition partners and allies to earn respect.If you respect my religion or not it doesnt matter to me all is that matter to me is that i respect and believe my religion.
We have crores of Gods, each for every Hindu. Got a problem. No one care. Respect our religion, you will get respect too. Even we will support you if someone targets you.
While respect to others is in good spirit, we should not target those who dont with violence. Everybody has a view, and should be free to express it.
Which is why I am with the stupid youtube video and the blasphemous cartoon.
Respect is a codeword for fear. We should not force anybody to respect us.

I would rather somebody draw painting of nude prophet and his wife than an eminent aging painter being houded out of his own country for drawing hindu goddesses.

No comments. You are free to follow any religion. If all thinks that I should respect mine and don't care of others then indifference will rise and may result in intolerance. Hindu-Muslim existence in India is based on religious tolerance and giving certain respect to each other's religion.

Don't bring certain parts of India. People really think more about their other problems than religion.

I know you are going to search many articles but we all know even with 1.2 billion people and 80% Hindus, there is no Godhara every single day.
seriously how many guys believe that an angel said godly things to mohammad?
now if a guy comes and tells me that god spoke to him and told him that he is the prophet and everyone has to obey him, i will tell him .. mate i see a conflict of interest , so buzz off.
secondly, its a known thing that one gets hallucinations by getting high. that could be one of the ways angel was thought about.
third thing, maybe he and his companions wanted to have an empire based out of his home town mecca and conspired to copy a religion like christianity and made this all up.
so if you look at it, anyways, there is nothing divine in islam. it was an empire building enterprise.
why should i?????Religion is not some international or domestic politics that one has to search for coalition partners and allies to earn respect.If you respect my religion or not it doesnt matter to me all is that matter to me is that i respect and believe my religion.

i hope everyone thought like you.. then there would be no reason for yom-i-ishq-i-rassol
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