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Hindu temples of Pakistan ...

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If you can't answer questions about your own country, you don't deserve answers from others as well.

Leave it, let me see how far this senior member goes?? I will answer all his Questions but I will put forth the same question again and again...
If you can't answer questions about your own country, you don't deserve answers from others as well.

How naive. What question did I ask in that post???:D

The Muslims Have faith in the govt and Judiciary that they are Fighting for there Cause where many Of us are Supporting, But they were not in a Position to seek refuge in a Country where millions of there faith lies , That only means that they are happy in India, Probably because Pakistan cannot give them a Happy atmosphere than what they find in India or they are Happy to Be In India...

The Question again: How Many Indian Muslims have sought refuge in Pakistan??

But still it doesn't change the fact to what happened in that year of 1992 in UP. May be such things are possible in "Indian Secularism" but in a secular state. No. :no:

It shouldn't have happened in a secular state and it did happened. Sorry Indian army. Can't help you with that.:)
How naive. What question did I ask in that post???:D

But still it doesn't change the fact to what happened in that year of 1992 in UP. May be such things are possible in "Indian Secularism" but in a secular state. No. :no:

It shouldn't have happened in a secular state and it did happened. Sorry Indian army. Can't help you with that.:)

It Certainly does change the so called "Fact" of an Un Secular India, The Babri Case has been framed so, If a Hindu temple would have been built upon Mecca or if a mosque was Built upon Vatican the same would have been the case..... Its all Peoples sentiments, The Secularity is In the Govt and Judiciary.... Judiciary did the best they could and Yet took consideration when the Muslims Filed a Counter Affidavit, this is secularism...

India has never said a Muslim or a Christian or any Minority cannot cannot be a part of any high level delegation unlike pakistan's ... The Word "Minority" is Put in the constitution of India only to define a selective class of People who need more attention than the majority

The Question again: How Many Indian Muslims have sought refuge in Pakistan??
But still it doesn't change the fact to what happened in that year of 1992 in UP. May be such things are possible in "Indian Secularism" but in a secular state. No. :no:

It shouldn't have happened in a secular state and it did happened. Sorry Indian army. Can't help you with that.:)

Even after that they did not think about going to Pakistan for a second. Shows what they think of Pakistan :lol:

I began with the suggestion that every Indian Muslim should offer a special, public prayer of thanks to the Almighty Allah for His extraordinary benevolence - for the mercy He had shown by preventing us from ending up in Pakistan in 1947. - M.J.Akbar
Even after that they did not think about going to Pakistan for a second. Shows what they think of Pakistan :lol:

What he's essentially saying is that facts won't change reality!

The education system is an underestimated tool in most countries, not all.
One more ques for Areesh.
"why dont your constitution sees all your citizen equal?'
It Certainly does change the so called "Fact" of an Un Secular India, The Babri Case has been framed so, If a Hindu temple would have been built upon Mecca or if a mosque was Built upon Vatican the same would have been the case..... Its all Peoples sentiments, The Secularity is In the Govt and Judiciary.... Judiciary did the best they could and Yet took consideration when the Muslims Filed a Counter Affidavit, this is secularism...

India has never said a Muslim or a Christian or any Minority cannot cannot be a part of any high level delegation unlike pakistan's ... The Word "Minority" is Put in the constitution of India only to define a selective class of People who need more attention than the majority

The Question again: How Many Indian Muslims have sought refuge in Pakistan??

No Indian army. It doesn't happen that way. It was not one or two people but a mob of thousands of thugs who demolished the mosque in day light and "secular" state of India failed to fulfilled it's responsibilities. Or else we can say that "secular" citizens of "secular" India were successful in undermining the state machinery and that's where secularism fails and Indian definition of "secularism" prevails.
The bottom line is "secular" state of India didn't deliver what it was supposed to deliver.

Even after that they did not think about going to Pakistan for a second. Shows what they think of Pakistan :lol:

Nice to see your input. Another "secular" citizen of "secular" India who is also a fan of Pandit Godse and RSS. Cool.;)
Nice to see your input. Another "secular" citizen of "secular" India who is also a fan of Pandit Godse and RSS. Cool.;)

Nice try. But fail.

I did not provide any input. The 'input' was from M.J.Akbar and last time I checked he is neither Hindu nor a RSS member. :lol:
Pak's Hindu temples turned into picnic spots, hotels

Hindus in Pakistan are watching helplessly as ancient temples turn into ruins due to the apathy of authorities, reports Tahir Ali from Islamabad.


Despite being the second largest ethnic majority in the country,

Well Hinduism is not really an ethnic group. And Hindus and Christians are around the same population in Pakistan (around 3 million each) Hindus making a bit larger population than Christians, and most Hindus of Pakistan live in Sindh province of Pakistan. The rest of Pakistan's provinces have a very small population of Hindus.

Religious population In Pakistan
Muslims: 175,376,000 (Sunnis are the majority while Shi'as make up 5-20%[35] and Ahmadiyya 4 million (approx 2.3%)[36])
Hindus: 3,200,000 (approx. 1.6%[35])
Christians: 2,800,000 (approx. 1.6%[35])
Buddhists: 20,000
Sikhs: 20,000
Zoroastrian/Parsis: 5,000
Others (included Animists, Atheists, Jews, etc.): unknown

Demographics of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I dont hear Hindus of Pakistan complaining, I hear only Hindus of India complaining who should mind their own business.
Nice try. But fail.

I did not provide any input. The 'input' was from M.J.Akbar and last time I checked he is neither Hindu nor a RSS member. :lol:

But you are and you did tried to provide us your "valuable" input quoting M J Akbar. And I was answering you not M J Akbar or else I have many quotes from the same guy for you too. By the way nice job being pundit godse fan and "secular" at the same time.;)
And I dont hear Hindus of Pakistan complaining, I hear only Hindus of India complaining who should mind their own business.

I wish both sides would do that, but thats never the case.
And I dont hear Hindus of Pakistan complaining, I hear only Hindus of India complaining who should mind their own business.
Same way as Pakistanis complain about the plight of Indian Muslims...
(whereas I am yet to see an Indian Muslim on this forum complain on such topics)
But you are and you did tried to provide us your "valuable" input quoting M J Akbar. And I was answering you not M J Akbar or else I have many quotes from the same guy for you too. By the way nice job being pundit godse fan and "secular" at the same time.;)

Why dont you give your input on what M.J. said rather than ad-hominem attacks on me. ?

Guess you dont have an answer to Mr.Akbar. And no mincing the words that is exactly what Indian Muslims think of Pakistan. :lol:

So much for the Land of Pure.
No Indian army. It doesn't happen that way. It was not one or two people but a mob of thousands of thugs who demolished the mosque in day light and "secular" state of India failed to fulfilled it's responsibilities. Or else we can say that "secular" citizens of "secular" India were successful in undermining the state machinery and that's where secularism fails and Indian definition of "secularism" prevails.
The bottom line is "secular" state of India didn't deliver what it was supposed to deliver.

Do you think a Country which is Secular has a security system where the crimes are stopped even before its Committed?? Absolutely not, a Secular India took an affidavit from Hindus, a Counter affidavit from Muslims and another affidavit from Muslims after the hearing of court's Decision.... The Muslims are given the right to Protest, the Muslims were not pushed away from justice, Can you disprove it?? If Muslims were pushed away from taking any legal action then you can call my country un secular, not when India Has given every right probably even more than what the Majorities Enjoy....

Do you want to know the Extra rights of Minorities in India, They have right to register there way of Educational Institutions and Courts under HRD and City civil court, Not even Hindus can do that....

My usual question, I know you can not answer, But still I will ask, let me see, For How Long you escape,The Question again: How Many Indian Muslims have sought refuge in Pakistan??
Same way as Pakistanis complain about the plight of Indian Muslims...
(whereas I am yet to see an Indian Muslim on this forum complain on such topics)

Their was one named as Bharati Muslim or something like that. According to Indians he was a Pakistani but mods confirmed that his IP is from India.:)
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