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Hindu Rioters burned down the house of Muslim BSF soldier.

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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BSF Jawan’s House Burned Down in Khajuri Khas by Rioters Shouting ‘Come Here Pakistani, Get Your Citizenship’
Along with the house, the family lost all life savings kept inside for two weddings in the next three months.
Zeba Warsi | CNN-News18

Updated:February 28, 2020, 5:49 PM IST

In the two lanes of Khajuri Khas near the BSF soldier's house, 35 houses were set on fire. (Photo: News18)

Charred remains of the house now stand where the house was till three days ago. In the two lanes of Khajuri Khas near Anees’s house, 35 houses were set on fire. Only one house belonging to a Muslim family was spared.

The loss suffered by the BSF soldier’s family was perhaps greater as they had kept all their life’s savings inside: two weddings in the family were to take place in the next three months.

Neha Parveen was to get married in April and Anees himself was to get married the following month. “All the things we collected all our life, jewellery – two gold necklaces, silver jewellery, it is all gone,” the family said.

“We used to buy jewellery on instalments… used to give money every month and collected this jewellery,” they said. Rs 3 lakh in cash for the wedding arrangements also got burnt along with other valuables and all their belongings.

Khajuri Khas is a Hindu-majority area, but Anees’s family says no neighbour of theirs was involved in the attack. “People came from outside.” Instead, their Hindu neighbours were asking the rioters to leave. They requested them to leave and helped douse the vehicles on fire.

Fruits of Modi's efforts have ripped.

Two nation theory validates time & again and proven right from the get go. anti Minority campaign by Modi is now paying them well from within. Those hate speeches against Pakistan, using the so-called terrorism card, the continuous bragging merely to malign Kashmir freedom struggle & then to support against Kashmir by labeling or trying that under terrorism banner has finally came home for India.
It is free for all it seems in India.

Complete disintegration of the administrative structure.

Police killing IB officers in Delhi.

Now BSF Jawan targeted in such a detailed manner.

Everyone has gone rogue in India
After this brutal Hindutva rise fault lines within Indian defence forces are ripe and ready to be picked. Hopefully, ISI watching this carefully and instaling some sleeper cells and creating new assets.
It is called Pakistan and they should have migrated, they still can and Pakistan should offer citizenship to persecuted Muslims.
Why should Pakistan offer them citizenship? That would be a lose-lose situation for both Pakistan and Indian Muslims.

Why shouldn't they take back their country from the Hindutva usurpers? Alternatively, why shouldn't they create a new country for themselves?

Pakistan should help them do this certainly.
Pakistan doesn't have enough space for more people.

Pakistan could easily aborb those people if the government also brought in a population control policy, it is going to almost double its population in the next 60 or so years anyway.

I really fail to understand why Pakistani are so concerned with what happens to Indian Muslims, it seems we like to pick and choose which Muslim group we feel sorry for, in order to mask our desire to undermine a country. I certainly do not see a lot of posts sympathising with the Uighars who are actually being culturally genocides on an industrial scale, instead we shed tears over a handful of Indian Muslims being killed in the usual Indian communal violence.

This backlash against Muslims around the world will continue due to our group's low IQ behaviour, India was under the rule of the secular Congress for decades and yet Pakistan kept agitating because it is simply a Muslim trait to desire the destruction of others rather than building ones self up. I certainly wouldn't expect Muslims in Pakistan to not vote in a radical Islamist party if 15% of our population was Hindu and kept demanding special rights and asking for the breakup of our country.
Indians are killing and destroying each other in the name of Pakistan. And then say among themselves and world that they are not obsessed with Pakistan. When Pakistan talk about issues, they go all sensitive and say it's our internal issue.

Bunch of morons.
I really fail to understand why Pakistani are so concerned with what happens to Indian Muslims, it seems we like to pick and choose which Muslim group we feel sorry for, in order to mask our desire to undermine a country
Why are you playing dumb?

Pakistan fights against India because India threatens Pakistan. Is this not obvious?

My question is of course rhetorical. I know you are well aware of this already.
Why are you playing dumb?

Pakistan fights against India because India threatens Pakistan. Is this not obvious?

My question is of course rhetorical. I know you are well aware of this already.

Pakistan should defend itself at all costs and avoid nonsense issues like Indian Muslims, everyone in the world can see Pakistanis have no real concern for Muslims and are in fact just using it as an excuse, where is the condemnation by Imran Khan of Xianjing concentration camps which are real and are destroying Muslim identity? There is none because our moral outrage is completely fake.

Indians Muslims prefer to live in India, if we really care, offer them citizenship, but thise spending of mental power on trying tointernally destabilise India is not going to work. Khan has been using the Nazi analogy on Twitter to appeal to Western audiences, but I think you know as well as I do that Europe is undergoing a right-wing surge, the sympathy for Muslim causes is at an all time low and no one is going to sanction India for the sake of some Muslims being killed in communal riots.

You and many others fail to think critically, why do Muslims, even in tolerant Western European and liberal societies, draw the ire of the other popualation, is it really always Muslims that are innocent and the non-believers that are the instigators?
Pakistan should defend itself at all costs and avoid nonsense issues like Indian Muslims, everyone in the world can see Pakistanis have no real concern for Muslims and are in fact just using it as an excuse, where is the condemnation by Imran Khan of Xianjing concentration camps which are real and are destroying Muslim identity? There is none because our moral outrage is completely fake.

Indians Muslims prefer to live in India, if we really care, offer them citizenship, but thise spending of mental power on trying tointernally destabilise India is not going to work. Khan has been using the Nazi analogy on Twitter to appeal to Western audiences, but I think you know as well as I do that Europe is undergoing a right-wing surge, the sympathy for Muslim causes is at an all time low and no one is going to sanction India for the sake of some Muslims being killed in communal riots.

You and many others fail to think critically, why do Muslims, even in tolerant Western European and liberal societies, draw the ire of the other popualation, is it really always Muslims that are innocent and the non-believers that are the instigators?
Again, you're confused. Why should Pakistan "care" about xinjiang Muslims? Pakistan is threatened by Hindustan, or did you miss that memo?
Again, you're confused. Why should Pakistan "care" about xinjiang Muslims? Pakistan is threatened by Hindustan, or did you miss that memo?

How does complaining about the treatment of Indian Muslims help Pakistan? Do you think Khan whining on Twitter will suddenly turn the world on our side? Seems like it is yet another ploy to make certain sections of Pakistanis hysterical and angry and distracted from the real issues facing Pakistan.

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