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Hindu right rewriting Indian textbooks

pakistanis have no problem teaching their kids that all non muslims are kafirs and deserve to be hated, that pakistanis are talland fair while Indians are dark and short and now you are preaching us. nice try i must say:D

besides, no matter what, conditions in my country will always be far better than that in yours, now go and watchout for the drones.

First, in order to patch up your bruised ego, you bring in Pakistan. Then you claim that conditions are much better. Only fools believe so.
Thank you for the clarification. The inability of some people across the border to comprehend this part should serve as a warning to us of why mixing mythology with history should not be done. It affects objectivity.

The writer of this feature Hindu right rewriting Indian textbooks - Features - Al Jazeera English is an Indian HINDU. The views of those aired in this write up are of Indian Hindu educationists who are concerned and NOT the people from this side of the border. So comprehension problem is with you NOT us.
Well.I dont like if they mix mythology with history or science.But I like if they encourage the childrens about an awareness of our own tradition and culture.
I know about our curriculum because I studied undrr that curriculum.Stupid Aryan invasion theory ,glory of invading muslim barbarians .Inspiring quoutes of our own Hindu,Buddh,Sikh were almost irrelevant.I think we need to address that.

There is no damage because if our Indians have extreme wishes to watch serials of Hindu Puranas irrespective of their
religion.They dont have any problem to read it in text books.
After all this not gonna propogate sometype of Jihadist ideology.

Ya .But this brainwashing means to acknowledge our own tradition and culture among our Childrens minds.
Glory of about Mughal invaders should reduced.
And those who cant agree with this can challenge it in the court.Noone gonna to blow themselves up because of including this in our curriculum.

You blow up, or kill some one with machete...... What's the difference? Indoctrination starts small, always. Now i am starting to find more similarities of BJP led India to the Third Reich.
What an unprecedented piece of crap from Al Jazeera. No surprises there.
A guy wrote books, and the books are in the library. This is NOT in the syllabus.

Anyone with some basic knowledge about the Indian education system will know that curriculla is decided by the Boards and not by the Sangh Parivaar. D. N. Batra's books ARE NOT in the curriculla. Even Zakir Naik's books are in many libraries. Wonder what al Jazeera has to say about that.

Yea man, when they write about Pakistan, Indians are right. When they hurt your fake ego, it's crap.

How long in your life will you remain a hypocrite?
Indian HINDU
That is not very relevant. You can read Arundhati Roy or Sharmila Bose as well. Does not mean much in the end if you are intent on forming a full picture.

How long in your life will you remain a hypocrite?
Munafiq/Hypocrite for life. Sorry about that. :(
Secondly I never cared about Al Jazeera. :coffee:
First, in order to patch up your bruised ego, you bring in Pakistan. Then you claim that conditions are much better. Only fools believe so.

you brought up India into discussion, there had to be repercussions:D
That is not very relevant. You can read Arundhati Roy or Sharmila Bose as well. Does not mean much in the end if you are intent on forming a full picture.

Munafiq for life. Sorry about that. :(
Secondly I never cared about Al Jazeera. :coffee:

That was very relevant :) a bharoti member was accusing us of comprehension problem , whereas he failed to read the entire thing.
They are the ancient people of the IVC, Max Muller called them Dravidian, and I reiterate , Rama stole Ravan's aircraft to fly home, and Hindu are claiming its their invention , how ridiculous ?

So Who are Tamils actually ?
Christians ?.
Homo sapience ?
Neanderthal ?
Are you Bengali? @BDforever will pronounce Bharath as Bharot. :D I don't wish to drag Pakistan into this. Pakistan can do what she wants with her education system.

:azn: first you should question Bengali or Bangaldeshi .

BTW what would you drag Pakistan NOW :))))))))))))))))))))))))) after all we are on same road now so its 1:1
BTW what would you drag Pakistan NOW )))))))))))))))))))))))) after all we are on same road now so its 1:1
No we are not on the same road. :bunny:But that's not on topic. Let's just say that the NCERT selects books here, not some Saffron or Green or Pink(!) Think Tank.
Science and religion both incompatible with each other, science used factual evident but religion demand blind faith on mythology for everything evolve in the universe, intermix science with religion bring more harm to young kid as they can't differentiate between fact or faith.
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