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Hindu right rewriting Indian textbooks

Self hating Hindus and Congressi Tatus keep trying to push moderate Hindus to the wall and this article and a few responses are an example of it.Try writing something similar on Islam,Christianity or Sikhism in India.

Perhaps a belated attempt to see some equivalence in India wrt Pakistan's Education System. It's like - 'we have done damage to ourselves and see, you are doing it too...you are no better' - kinda fun.

Exactly, that's the mindset here!! :)

And their fantasies will never become the reality, right? :)
Nothing wrong in learning about of culture,Traditions and our epics and good moral values of hinduism.
Those complaining here about it should worry about the radicalization currently sweeping the middle east and most islamic nations due to the caliphate.
Worry about us later. :D

BJP is going to clean the history book like Aryan invasion theory. So, expect lots of such articles coming. But this is no more 1990-2000,Indian people these days are more acquainted with both sides of the history due to internet.

Mythologies and folklore are also the part of culture, if you don't teach those thing your kids means you are keeping them away from their culture. Guess, why so many Europeans take extreme pride in their Greeco-Roman and Pagan folklore and mythology.
With the advent of Social Media, it effectively nullifies the Leftist propaganda of Main stream media and you are right this is not 1999-2000 people know truth through Social Media nowadays,English channels with their biased opinions cannot have any influence in the society now.
And their fantasies will never become the reality, right?
Not as long as we claim we are better and others are worse. :D
I don't see that happening here. In any case the judiciary is there to block any illegal moves. Controls are in place and have proved themselves here, unlike in their case.
Go cry in corner till 5 years and let us rule this country.What more can you do except cry and complain?Nothing! You know it and i know it, You don't even have a opposition this time :rofl::rofl:

@Guynextdoor2 - I sincerely appreciate the way you and many like you (especially from a particular political inclination) have tried to shame Indians over their culture, faith and heritage. Just makes it easier for us to shun you. I hope you continue your stance as rigidly as ever and thus contribute indirectly to true 'saffronization'. :enjoy:

I have a story to share about this. Will do so in some time.
The more people like these Guynextdoor will try to shame Indians/hindus over their culture ,faith and heritage the more so called fence sitters and secular hindus will see their reality and join the right wing camp.Which is good for us ;)
Let him go full steam ahead,just as over use of secularism led to saffronisation in elections he will do the same self goal for us. :D
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Mythologies and folklore are also the part of culture, if you don't teach those thing your kids means you are keeping them away from their culture. Guess, why so many Europeans take extreme pride in their Greeco-Roman and Pagan folklore and mythology.

Yes, but mythologies and floklores should be taught like mythologies and folklores, they can be part of literature curriculum (they already are) but not of science or history curriculum.
I sincerely hope intent of separating academic world from from religious mythologies and faiths should not be confused with abuse of Indian culture and traditions by Indians here.
By the replies here there is nothing insincere about ridiculing hindu faith,religion and its gods.Do more thats what we want. :D
Yes, but mythologies and floklores should be taught like mythologies and folklores, they can be part of literature curriculum (they already are) but not of science or history curriculum.

Yes, I meant the same.
Self hating Hindus and Congressi Tatus keep trying to push moderate Hindus to the wall and this article and a few responses are an example of it.Try writing something similar on Islam,Christianity or Sikhism in India.

That is what we want let them keep pushing moderate hindus and fence sitters to the wall,then they will know what comes next :D
Let them enjoy Hindu bashing,works well for us,Just as Rahul baba destroyed Congress by going after Modi and communalism, their last bastions will crumble by bashing Hinduism and their people will join our camp ;)
That is what we want let them keep pushing moderate hindus and fence sitters to the wall,then they will know what comes next :D
Let them enjoy Hindu bashing,works well for us,Just as Rahul baba destroyed Congress by going after Modi and communalism, their last bastions will crumble by bashing Hinduism and their people will join our camp ;)
If that happens India will be a hell hole because the more you turn extreme,the more retarded you act.
@Guynextdoor2 - I sincerely appreciate the way you and many like you (especially from a particular political inclination) have tried to shame Indians over their culture, faith and heritage. Just makes it easier for us to shun you. I hope you continue your stance as rigidly as ever and thus contribute indirectly to true 'saffronization'. :enjoy:

I have a story to share about this. Will do so in some time.

Most of the people are not much into puja-path or believing in Hindu mythologies, many of them are even agnostic but they still find right wing parties can only address their issues while the rest keep on trying to insult the religion and beliefs of the majority(Hindus) while trying to appease the rest and trying to project secularism as a solution of all economic woes.
If that happens India will be a hell hole because the more you turn extreme,the more retarded you act.
Not exactly,There is a order to things.A united bunch is more stronger than a scattered multitude.
This pseudo secularism flag being flyed high by these so called secularists will infact unite the hindus into one entity,erasing caste boundaries.
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Not exactly,There is a order to things.A united bunch is more stronger than a scattered multitude.
This pseudo secularism flag being flyed high by these so called secularists will infact unite the hindus into one entity,erasing caste boundaries.
Let's not get carried away with this.We know it's not roses and riches on the other extreme and chances are these differences will widden.

India is united because we tolerate each other even with our differences (or in Plain English "We don't give a fck" :D) and if the opposite happens everyone one will be after each other's blood.
Let's not get carried away with this.We know it's not roses and riches on the other extreme and chances are these differences will widden.

India is united because we tolerate each other even with our differences (or in Plain English "We don't give a fck" :D) and if the opposite happens everyone one will be after each other's blood.
Not exactly, too long has this caste politics have been played, it is time to end this and erase caste boundaries and unite hindus as one entity for the unity of this nation and fortunately the secularists are pushing them in that direction :D
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