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Hindu Ramayana and Islam (Allah) in a religious text!

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Guys you should attend Zakir Naik's "Similarities between hinduism and Islam" if you can. If not, buy the DVD.

You will be interested.

All real religions come from one God. They change at the whims of men.

Then what about people who are culturally Hindu but also atheist like me. I am fine with the concept that we have three main Gods namely Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who create,take care and ends the different universe cycles and there is no need to find prophet in hinduism.
Culturally hindu means I like to follow our culture, I love my Gods but in the end I am atheist also. So if my religion gives me freedom to remain as freethinker then why should I look to change it?
No there is no similarity. As our God never forced anyone to follow them and not issue threat to anyone for not recognizing him as one only god.

Hinduism is a voluntary religion we don't force or ask anybody to convert into it.

You make assumptions you have no right to make, I think you are referring to people of the Indus, who converted in mass to Islam, through the preaching of the Great Sufi Missionaries.

Though I do agree with you, there are no similarities, I could also retaliate and mention the caste system, but I choose not to, that is the problem with discussions on religion, they can descend into caricature.
Then what about people who are culturally Hindu but also atheist like me. I am fine with the concept that we have three main Gods namely Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh who create,take care and ends the different universe cycles and there is no need to find prophet in hinduism.
Culturally hindu means I like to follow our culture, I love my Gods but in the end I am atheist also. So if my religion gives me freedom to remain as freethinker then why should I look to change it?

Well, that is your choice.

PS. Atheists don't believe in God, how can you believe in gods if you're atheists

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

No there is no similarity. As our God never forced anyone to follow them and not issue threat to anyone for not recognizing him as one only god.

Hinduism is a voluntary religion we don't force or ask anybody to convert into it.

I don't usually resort to this, but you are pathetic.
Well, that is your choice.

PS. Atheists don't believe in God, how can you believe in gods if you're atheists

---------- Post added at 03:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

I don't usually resort to this, but you are pathetic.

Where did I say that I believe in God? My point is that I just love my religion and culture in the form it is presented to us from its origin and nobody from other religion have right to force the issue in it. As an Hindu I have right to defend if anybody trying to introduce Sri Ram as a prophet or trying to change its identity.

In eastern religion you can find lot of atheist and agnostic who even if don't believe in God but like their religion and culture. Its like any Agnostic Muslim taking side of their religion when their religion wrongly stereotyped or wanting their ummah should be developed even if they are agnostic.

Our scripture, or Sruthis or Smrithis –
Vedas and Upanishads or the Gita - say God might be there or he might not be there.

The Clarifier said:
All real religions come from one God. They change at the whims of men.

prtikul said:
In eastern religion you can find lot of atheist and agnostic who even if don't believe in God but like their religion and culture.

People are not getting this point. Some Eastern religions are Atheistic. Buddhism explicitly denies the concept of a creator/god (so does Janism)
People are not getting this point. Some Eastern religions are Atheistic. Buddhism explicitly denies the concept of a creator/god (so does Janism)

Buddhism never denied there was no God, but buddhist say mankind is his own salvation so one must not dwell on God in the conventional sense.
You make assumptions you have no right to make, I think you are referring to people of the Indus, who converted in mass to Islam, through the preaching of the Great Sufi Missionaries.

Though I do agree with you, there are no similarities, I could also retaliate and mention the caste system, but I choose not to, that is the problem with discussions on religion, they can descend into caricature.
This is where you go wrong. This is what is falsely told to you and you won't believe when we tell you. Forget mainstream Hinduism here for instance. What about Buddhist branch(s)? Are you telling me that they voluntarily converted? Some might have but all? Impossible.

It is a complex issue. As far as this Naik guy is concerned, he is such a two-faced person in India that even Muslims don't like him here. For those who think that he is a good man, please check out his seminars in Gulf states and compare them with seminars when he's in India.

He degrades all other religions when he is outside India and even had the audacity to call Buddhism as a "faith without base". And despite this sort of words, he is allowed to stay in this country. This liberal attitude stems from Hindu way of life in India spiritually. Or else, this fellow would have been gutted long time back.

Trust me buddy, don't go believing this man's propaganda. He is a liar who shows himself as a man of goodness but is not. You don't want to believe all that he says. Memorizing 3 books doesn't make him expert in its inferences and even the U.P Muslim Board in India has warned him never to talk in Uttar Pradesh because of his "lack of understanding".
This is where you go wrong. This is what is falsely told to you and you won't believe when we tell you. Forget mainstream Hinduism here for instance. What about Buddhist branch(s)? Are you telling me that they voluntarily converted? Some might have but all? Impossible.

What armies went to malaysia and indonesia? Just that example should be enough to tell you how Islam was spread.

It is a complex issue. As far as this Naik guy is concerned, he is such a two-faced person in India that even Muslims don't like him here. For those who think that he is a good man, please check out his seminars in Gulf states and compare them with seminars when he's in India.

Not what I have heard from Indian Muslims.

He degrades all other religions when he is outside India and even had the audacity to call Buddhism as a "faith without base". And despite this sort of words, he is allowed to stay in this country. This liberal attitude stems from Hindu way of life in India spiritually. Or else, this fellow would have been gutted long time back.

He argues. He always invites people to attack Islam if they want. I admit that sometimes he says stuff that might hurt people but the reason why he gets the most conversions is that he confronts.

Trust me buddy, don't go believing this man's propaganda. He is a liar who shows himself as a man of goodness but is not. You don't want to believe all that he says. Memorizing 3 books doesn't make him expert in its inferences and even the U.P Muslim Board in India has warned him never to talk in Uttar Pradesh because of his "lack of understanding".

Lack of understanding? Perhaps threat ;). As far as I know, many people converted in his lectures.

And I'll believe "this man's propaganda" because he gave me great explanations for Islamic laws.
I have heard Dr naik many times i challenged his followers who once told me Lord kalki is the Prophet Mohamed I showed them the Bhavisaya purana which Dr naik quotes from but he leaves outs large junks of info and picks only the things he wants.
I have heard Dr naik many times i challenged his followers who once told me Lord kalki is the Prophet Mohamed I showed them the Bhavisaya purana which Dr naik quotes from but he leaves outs large junks of info and picks only the things he wants.

Then I urge you to attend his lecture and challenge him if you can!

This man has an answer to everything... If not, I believe he should take back his claim.
The point is, if these two can be effectively merged without having a backlash from either side, its one way of solving a major religious tussle - for the masses I am talking for!.

Look, its simple, we do this comparative religious study to find out ways and means how every human can co-exist and this was an example where Islamic and Hindu faiths were intertwined.

The problem in your approach is that the social amalgamation that you trying to seek is on the basis of religion or faith and not on the basis of knowledge of the world - the logical connect with the world and the spiritual connect with the Almighty.

If at all an amalgamation of this multi-diverse society is possible, it is possible only by means of unification of our basic understanding of the world and the premises on which life is supposed to be lived. So throw away all religions and think about the world as an independent observer, think about what are the ideal ways to live life, in sync with sound logic and observations.

Faith has great power, and if it is developed on the foundations of incorrect knowledge then it is inevitably destructive. And trust me when I say that incomplete knowledge of the nature of this world is actually incorrect knowledge. Hence we have all kinds of social evils in this world.

Knowledge of the world and intellectual ability of our mind must be the tools of unification. And if we don't want the world to be destroyed by incoherent ideas and their violent collisions then this is the only way forward.

If allah and Ram were in the same religions discourse, Muslims will not have any trouble going to a Hindu place of worship (please DO NOT go into Idol worship not allowed etc etc. I am just proposing the significance of this find) and Hindus would not have a problem with the Islamic/ Christian/ Jewish community centers - effectively unifying almost 85-90% of the world population.

I say there should be no categorizations of faiths at all. Just follow your intellect along the lines of knowledge that shows you light as an independent observer.
Then I urge you to attend his lecture and challenge him if you can!

This man has an answer to everything... If not, I believe he should take back his claim.
He unfortunately isn't as invincible and transparent as he claims. And while this matter might be hidden from you, he lost a debate to Mr. Arun Shourie who's not even a theologist but a political analyst.

Not to mention Zakir Naik also couldn't answer a lot of questions that the Arya Samaj Samiti posed and explained themselves to him.

Trust me, this man isn't as great as you think. I have seen many of his videos and many of his interpretations from other religions are twisted by himself so as to encourage to convert others. I would know because I have seen his few episodes in which he gives out totally twisted interpretations for his own selfish gains.

Though I am not exactly a devout word-to-word follower of my branch of faith Vajrayana Buddhism, I know it enough to question Mr. Naik about the discrepancies he has mentioned. My branch of faith is so direct from mainstream Hinduism that I am aware of Hindu concepts which is almost completely similar to ours.

Naik isn't as invincible as he thinks or as he shows he is. Don't believe in him so much; Just believe the talk that you and God have when you pray to Him.
Then I urge you to attend his lecture and challenge him if you can!

This man has an answer to everything... If not, I believe he should take back his claim.

Id love to attend his lecture if he comes to Germany I would be happy to debate with him he makes some intresting points at various times and I also enjoyed his video with Sri Ravi Shankar they held in Mumbai that brought hindus and muslims together in inter-faith dialogue it was a good thing in my book and I hope they do more such events in the future.
I have heard Dr naik many times i challenged his followers who once told me Lord kalki is the Prophet Mohamed I showed them the Bhavisaya purana which Dr naik quotes from but he leaves outs large junks of info and picks only the things he wants.
As I said, Naik is only twisting words and meanings to encourage conversions. He has no understanding of Dharmic faith branches and its core concept. He has ridiculed Buddhism branch as well without giving any solid reason with just one line as an answer: "Quran is perfect and Allah is what you must believe in only".

This was his final answer to an acquaintance of ours Dorjee Thinlay (A Vajrayana/Hindu theological reseacher here), soon after which he refused to entertain any questions
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