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Himalayas: Water towers of Asia

@Lux de Veritas
Just for your clarification. India does not bad mouth China. Yes there are provocative articles, but that is just one opinion. Not the majority opinion. We are used to hearing both sides of the opinion in our media, so don't take it as anti-China stance.

On Topic
Diversion of water will affect India and Bangladesh. Brahmaputra gets a lot of water from the southern part of Tibet.

Can you cite the origin of discharge into Southern Tibet aka Arunachal?

From what I know, the most significant discharge came from India and Bangladesh drainage. At Medog county, Brahmaputra is just 5000 m3/s, around 30% of Brahmaputra.

I am not too sure if this number is right, given that Zangmu station stated in China Wiki has a discharge of 1000m3/s. That is just 500-600km from Medog.

Medog is quite rainny.


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Can you cite the origin of discharge into Southern Tibet aka Arunachal?

From what I know, the most significant discharge came from India and Bangladesh drainage. At Medog county, Brahmaputra is just 5000 m3/s, around 30% of Brahmaputra.

I am not too sure if this number is right, given that Zangmu station stated in China Wiki has a discharge of 1000m3/s. That is just 500-600km from Medog.

Medog is quite rainny.


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According to the Central Water Commission, while 60% of the water in the Brahmaputra comes from India, 40% comes from Tibet.
Any change in that water contribution will have severe ecological impact in India and Bangladesh.
India plays down diversion of Brahmaputra water by China - Livemint
According to the Central Water Commission, while 60% of the water in the Brahmaputra comes from India, 40% comes from Tibet.
Any change in that water contribution will have severe ecological impact in India and Bangladesh.
India plays down diversion of Brahmaputra water by China - Livemint

From your article

Of the 2,880km of the Brahmaputra’s length, 1,625km is in Tibet, 918km in India, and 337km in Bangladesh. According to India’s ministry of water resources, of the total catchment area of 580,000 sq. km, 50% lies in Tibet, 34% in India, and thh balance in Bangladesh and Bhutan. The average annual rainfall is 400mm in Tibet, and 3,000mm on the Indian side.

India side has more than enough rainfall for all irrigation. You should be worrying about flooding. It would be better for India to focus on flood control and better if China diverted all water.

This is the reason for relative small drainage in India, Brahmaputra get most of her water.
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It is true that the Southern part of Tibet contributes a lot of water flow to the Brahmaputra river.Must let nature takes its course.Any diversion of water if undertaken affects the ecology of the area-disastrous in the long run.After the rape of Tibet in the 1950's -much water has been diverted by China to feed the Yangtze River system.Now there is talk of diverting water from Medog to Xinjiang.China should be cautious in the use water resources of Tibet
Rape of Tibet? Tibetans live a much better life than their southern neighbors.
It is true that the Southern part of Tibet contributes a lot of water flow to the Brahmaputra river.Must let nature takes its course.Any diversion of water if undertaken affects the ecology of the area-disastrous in the long run.After the rape of Tibet in the 1950's -much water has been diverted by China to feed the Yangtze River system.Now there is talk of diverting water from Medog to Xinjiang.China should be cautious in the use water resources of Tibet

Study more.
It is true that the Southern part of Tibet contributes a lot of water flow to the Brahmaputra river.Must let nature takes its course.Any diversion of water if undertaken affects the ecology of the area-disastrous in the long run.After the rape of Tibet in the 1950's -much water has been diverted by China to feed the Yangtze River system.Now there is talk of diverting water from Medog to Xinjiang.China should be cautious in the use water resources of Tibet

Let the nature take its course? we Chineses like to defy the nature by divert the water to server our interest such as South-nord water transfer, Brahmaputra water diversion is just a matter of time. Not only that we like to defy the odd, Indian's monsoon is more less influence by the topography of Tibet, we can engineering to alter the balance of nature to make your Indian monsoon a desaster and you can imagine the consequence to India. if you're trying to lecture with your cautious note on how we should use our resource than you better of praying that we don't turn nature against India.

The Tibetan plateau and the Indian monsoon - The Hindu

As the vast Tibetan plateau, high up in the mountains, warmed during the summer months, it heated the air above, which then rose and created an area of low pressure, explained Dr. Rajagopalan. That belt of low pressure sucked in moisture from the oceans, thus initiating the monsoon.
Brahmaputra diversion is mostly a crazy idea.

It will not affect India much as Assam plain and South Tibet aka Arunachal are receiving among the highest rainfall in the world.

The South North Water Transfer is engineering feasible and logical.
Let the nature take its course? we Chineses like to defy the nature by divert the water to server our interest such as South-nord water transfer, Brahmaputra water diversion is just a matter of time. Not only that we like to defy the odd, Indian's monsoon is more less influence by the topography of Tibet, we can engineering to alter the balance of nature to make your Indian monsoon a desaster and you can imagine the consequence to India. if you're trying to lecture with your cautious note on how we should use our resource than you better of praying that we don't turn nature against India.

The Tibetan plateau and the Indian monsoon - The Hindu

How will you alter it. :crazy:

Brahmaputra diversion is mostly a crazy idea.

It will not affect India much as Assam plain and South Tibet aka Arunachal are receiving among the highest rainfall in the world.

The South North Water Transfer is engineering feasible and logical.

Brahmaputra has been used for navigation for thousands of years, any decline in water level will affect it.
^^ No one can stop Brahmputra from flowing(though flow can be reduced some) because out of its 21 tributriies(7 big, rest small), 18 originates itself from India or Bhutan. And again Brahmputra do flow from just 2 Indian states.
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How will you alter it. :crazy:

Brahmaputra has been used for navigation for thousands of years, any decline in water level will affect it.

^^ No one can stop Brahmputra from flowing(though flow can be reduced some) because out of its 21 tributriies, 18 originates itself from India or Bhutan. And again Brahmputra do flow from just 2 Indian states.

I have not research into the tonnage of ship in Brahmaputra, but India and Bangladesh side has large tributaries. I see PRC played by Indians.

Indians often play up Brahmaputra Dam threads to bad mouth China. PRC here think they are so macho that they can harm India on Brahmaputra.

All Brahamputra dam got lots of bad press from India and Dalai. Silly PRC toll Indian lines. PRC here too proud, arrogant and ignorant.
As long as there is an correlation between Indian Monsoon and Tibet plateau then we have the hope:coffee:, as how? stay tune for the update :pleasantry:

If you try to alter the climate in Tibet it will flood your entire China since China is most dependent on Tibet, so be careful what you do. :crazy_pilot:

Look at Indian side and Tibet side. Hell everyone know Tibet is a arid cold desert and rain falls heavily on Indian side of Himalaya foot hills South Slope.

The Indians have their interest to play up Brahmaputra dam threads to denigrate China. PRC too arrogant, ignorant and conceit, and buy out all India's denigration.

If you try to alter the climate in Tibet it will flood your entire China since China is most dependent on Tibet, so be careful what you do. :crazy_pilot:

Rivers in China depends on mainly rainfall drainage instead of glacier. I do not have the statistic though.
Deserts have no water,but Tibet is the water tower of the world,holding 40% of world's total fresh water reserve in form of glaciers.
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