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Hijab And Corporate Morality — Orya Maqbool Jan

Read Surah Ahzab
i read it, found nothing of that sort what you are referring to
"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful."(59)
i read it, found nothing of that sort what you are referring to
"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful."(59)
Yes and learn Arabic than you will know the word used in this ayat refers to covering face by putting over cloth at that time women used to do like these days Brides have Ghoongat
Yes and learn Arabic than you will know the word used in this ayat refers to covering face by putting over cloth at that time women used to do like these days Brides have Ghoongat
the word face has not been used in that Surah, that much i can tell
Hijab is clearly obligatory in Islam. The only contention among scholars is the covering of the face with some saying its obligatory while others saying its recommended. Either way its totally part of Islam and NOT any cultural thing as parroted by intellectually colonized liberal secular "muslim" to suit their inferiority complex and bloated ego.

Allah (swt) says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Ahzaab 33:59]

Allah (swt) created mankind and He knows best what's good & what bad for us. Human nature doesn't change with time and so r the divine laws governing them. Allah(swt) has prescribed laws and enjoined commands and prohibitions, to honor mankind and protect their interests, because people may follow their desires and thus transgress the limits and abuse people and deprive them of their rights.

This liberal secular babbling of "women's rights" and exploiting them is a new phenomenon of the past 50-60 years. Before that even westerners never contended women to come out of their homes and entertain men to get liberated.

So the woman has to cover up because men can't control their urges? What is this nonsense.

The hijab and the black tent monstrosity is one the greatest mysognistic acts to be done on women. To take their indentity away and to inconvenience them so cruelly just because males have no self control.

Normal men look at a woman and appreciate her if she is beautiful, that is all.

Perverts and sexual deviants, rapists look at women and have urges to molest.

Now you tell me which needs more attention, the male or female?

The treatment of women is the biggest debacle in Islamic societies, address the issue with the male population. Let the women express their identity. Not all dress in skimpy tight outfits. You can also dress conservatively. It all depends on the woman and how she wants to express herself.

This forceful control of females under the veil of morality and ethics whilst arguing from extremes is the height of stupidity.

God didn't make this rule. Insecure control freak Arab men made this rule.

What is your point? Crime exists everywhere. Who is committing these crimes? Male or female?

This logic does not make any f**king sense. You demean the criminal, not the victim. How would you like it if you had to walk around in a tent all day? You wouldn't would you, because men make the rules. So they made them to suit themselves.

Deal with the issue of perverse men, not women trying to get on with their lives.

This is backwards 850 AD mentality which is law of the jungle.

This is a clear case of an intellectually colonized liberal secular "muslim" . 0 idea abt the religion but can only parrot liberal secular fallacies.

1) No god ever gives orders.
2) God never asked anyone to cover up.
Human beings used to wear animal hides to cover the bare minimum, to keep their body warm, that was the purpose of clothing back in the times of adam and eve. Soon it became a society norm to dress up a certain way.
How did you conclude that god "ordered" ppl to cover up???int I must also add that revealing dresses is not something I would advocate. Dressing according to the occasion and dressing modestly is what I think is appropriate.

Who r u to correct a muslim abt his religion ? Can u comprehend that Islam is a completely different way of life than all other isms including liberal secularism ?

Btw your argument is ludicrous.

the word face has not been used in that Surah, that much i can tell

There are 2 different opinions one saying that covering the face is obligatory while the other saying its just recommended. Hijab is clearly obligatory, the difference of opinion only has to do with covering of the face. Here r 2 links from well known scholars :

Ruling on covering the face, with detailed evidence
- islamqa.info

And Allah(swt) knows best.
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