Hijab And Corporate Morality — Orya Maqbool Jan
I am not Saadat Hasan Manto who was only pre-occupied with sex while exercising his freedom of expression
By Orya Maqbool Jan
The woman who keeps her body and face covered and does not display her physical beauty while going out of her home, to protect herself from the vicious looks and venomous thoughts lurking in the unconscious mind of men, is the only object of hatred for all the liberal thinkers, democratic intellectuals, social activists, advocates of human rights and secular political leaders of the world, who are often found making eloquent speeches on human progress, economic prosperity and cultural evolution. Being a man, I am fully aware of the violent waves of lustful thoughts which suddenly rise up in the minds of all the “freedom loving” men, as soon as they see a woman clad in tight dress in the market, a model girl in the fashion show, a singer on the stage or an attractive girl sitting on the reception counter of some office. I can even write all the vulgar phrases and filthy sentences which they use on such occasions. But I am not Saadat Hasan Manto, who was only pre-occupied with sex, while exercising his freedom of expression. The malicious eyes of men, their cheap sentences and the heinous crimes committed by them, are not just confined to my country. They are found even in the most developed states of the world, with a dangerously high intensity. The only difference is that the eyes of our men go astray as soon as they behold the Dupatta of some woman slightly slipping down her neck, whereas in the West, the necks of men are turned by the shortest dress of women. Why is it so that all liberal thinkers, intellectuals and human rights activists are always harping on the same tune of bringing the women out of their homes, in order to make them a symbol of glitter and glamour for the public? None of them has any objection if someone regularly performs his religious obligations such as praying, fasting, reciting the Holy Quran, paying Zakat and performing Hajj. But the moment they see some woman who opts to stay indoors, to train and look after her children and family, they at once become loud and vocal in criticising her, describing her as old-fashioned, conservative and regressive, who has wasted all the time and money spent on her education. Their anger and frustration reach the boiling point, as soon as they see some woman coming out of her home with her face and body covered.
The woman who decides to cover her face and body is challenged by morally bankrupt capitalists who launch a vigorous onslaught against her by using weapons such as women’s rights, democratic values, economic progress and gender equality
Is it a religious issue? Had it been a religious issue, Christian nuns would have been the first target of the hatred of these liberals. But they are not disturbed by the “hijab” of nuns, because nuns lead an ascetic life, away from all social activities and so-called progressive freedom. Moreover, nuns are like a drop in the ocean and, therefore, their hijab cannot upset the over all social structure. But the question is, if hijab becomes a popular phenomenon in society, what difference would it make? It should be remembered that there is a strong psychological reason for the popularity of hijab. All social thinkers and psychological experts are unanimous in their opinion that lustful and lecherous eyes of men are the most hateful object for women. Even those women who are forced by the circumstances of their life to sell their bodies in the market, feel a strong repugnance for the lascivious looks of men. An extremely lucrative business worth billions of dollars depends upon the relationship between the lustful eyes of men and the women who publicly expose their physical charms. Those who are behind this dirty game are fighting the war of their survival and the survival of their business. This business begins with beauty products and continues to flourish in the form of fashion industry, media, advertising, dress designing, vulgar movies and the global mafia of prostitution. An objective analysis of this industry reveals startling facts. Hundreds of multi-national companies are busy all over the world in the manufacturing of hair dyes, lotions, hair dyes and shampoos for making the hair straight, curly and attractive. The business of several other companies is aimed at producing creams and other such products to give a seductive look to legs and arms when they are shown in public. Each and every bit of the body from the nails of the feet to the hair on the head is being used in the market for business purposes. This whole business is being promoted and consolidated all over the world by means of the glamour of media and abundance of fashion shows. The typical physical features of model girls shown through media and fashion shows are projected as an ideal thing for the women throughout the world. At times, size zero is described as ideal. But a few years later, articles appear in newspapers and magazines in praise of the fleshy body. International beauty contest is the culmination of all these things. It is interesting to note that in 1921, just one year after the Western countries granted women the right to vote, two additional holidays were also announced along with the annual May Day holiday, in the US city of Atlanta. In order to keep the people busy, hotel owners arranged a competition for women clad in swimming costumes. One of the women taking part in the competition was crowned as beauty queen. These beauty contests have been regularly going on since then and even wars, floods and earthquakes have not been able to stop them. In 1951, Eric Murrey of Britain devised rules and regulations for this contest. In the subsequent years, for the sake of vested interests, the women of every region were selected as beauty queens. Whenever the woman of some region is declared Miss World, all the women of that region are deliberately intoxicated with the charm of these contests. There were only three plastic surgeons in India in the year when Sushmita Sen and Aishwarya Rai won the titles of Miss World and Miss Universe. Within two years, there were hundreds of plastic surgeons in the country and now, their number is around five thousand.
When women are sold as beauty products in the market, the whole society is gripped by a sudden thrill or emotional excitement, accompanied by violent sexual passions in men. For the further flaring up of these feelings and for the further expansion of this business, a huge pornographic industry with an annual income of 70 billion dollars, was brought into existence. Out of this 70 billion, 15 billion dollars are earned only from the United States. Twenty billion dollars are earned each year by the sale of porno movies and 8 billion dollars are earned by selling pornographic magazines. Those who operate porno web sites on the internet, earn three billion dollars annually. A similar amount of money is earned by the pictures and videos of children less than thirteen years of age. Currently, there are around a hundred thousand such web sites on the internet. The total number of porno websites is about 4.5 million and the number of porno internet pages is approximately 37 million. Around three billion people download these pornographic pictures and films from the internet. Only in the United States, 325,000 girls expose their bodies for the sake of such nude pictures and videos. The violent emotional excitement engendered by this uncontrollable flood of nudity stimulates the beastly men to rush to the sex market, with the result that the business of prostitution continues to boom all over the world in the form of massage centers, parlours and escort service. Hundreds of thousands of underaged girls and young women are brought to these massage parlours and brothels from the poor and underdeveloped countries of the world. Trained dogs and powerfully built rascals are deployed to keep a strict watch on these unfortunate girls. Girls belonging to the areas hit by war, hunger, poverty and disease are also dumped into this obnoxious business. There is a huge influx of such women wherever there is some international event like World Cup. Two women in each second are subjected to sexual violence in a society that comes into being as a result of this grim situation. Thousands of serial killers are born, who kidnap and murder innocent girls after subjecting them to brutal sexual violence. Each year, only in the United States, underaged unmarried girls give birth to one million children, most of whom are sent to charity institutions. It is a horrific and heart rending process, that begins with sexual harassment of women in offices and culminates in their ruthless kidnapping and vicious murder. But this process continues unchecked and unrestricted, because on it depends a huge industry worth billions of dollars. The woman who decides to cover her face and body challenges this thriving industry and is, therefore, targeted by the capitalists who are the operators of this whole business. In order to crush this opposition from the very beginning, morally bankrupt capitalists launch a vigorous assault by using such weapons as women’s rights, democratic values, economic progress and gender equality. They are keen to suppress every such voice that jeopardises their easy source of income.
Hijab And Corporate Morality — Orya Maqbool Jan | Daily Capital
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