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Hijab And Corporate Morality — Orya Maqbool Jan

Yeah. I have a burqa fetish. Now what? I find this lady above boring. My choice.
If the lady above gets me up, I should check with a doctor for hyper sexuality.
There is a BIG difference between attractive and sexually appealing no one is talking about the latter but i guess for you it is a blurr line...do check a doctor :enjoy:

Lol. YOU are the Taliban here. I don't mind what you wear. Wear steel burqas for all I care. I only have a problem with your illogical explanations defending it. Just say, it's a part of your faith and I won't mind/will tolerate.
We all see how that is going... :coffee:

No one forced anyone to come on this thread let alone force anyone to wear a hijab....So basically you are having a problem with it to come up here and showcase whatever you have (i.e. no one is talking about burqa since few pages and you are the only one going gaga about it)...Hence the problem really is in you and your lack of tolerance even if you claim the opposite...

Lol. You don't know Quantum Physics and conclude that it is expanding, still in research and not stable enough? :D Every field is expanding and research is done on everything. QP is now pretty old anyway.
I dont understand it doesnt mean I am totally oblivious to it! It may be old but it isnt established as of yet...Gravity is older it cant be challenged and it is proof in everyday life even for a lay man to know that he wont be flying into space even though the earth rotates...

You are talking to Lady Talib(with all due respect) here. She will continue her rant till you state that the religion you follow is false and Islam is the one and only true religion. :P
Apparently, you are the one ranting about burqa (which wasnt even discussed) and you were the one who claimed equal extreme ideas just as a taliban yet you have the gal to claim another as such...

While he is the one advertising his religion which was not even in the thread nor asked about and yet I am the one who will be forcing somebody about something through rants? You showcase a classical example of psychological projection and prob should see a doctor :coffee:

Go troll elsewhere!
. .
Let me first make it clear that i have no objection to women wearing HIJAB, I object only when it is forced on someone.
We should neither force a woman to wear hijab nor force her to remove it. Its her wish!!

You are the one who suggested it...No where had I started with the provocative shit...(anyway feel free to change the hairstyles of any of the ladies to anything ugly lets see how attractive she still is) All I had said was that we dont stutter around fully clad in gold down a dangerous street....Why cant women give themselves that much respect?

But no that was too tough to digest I guess...

Oh I am sorry like a typical Indian you talk about 1 locations (i.e. indians in India think that is the world and you in Dubai think that is the world) sorry my bad...

Purely based on opinion and whatever is in...Human race is a sneeze away from making a wedding a pool party :enjoy:

How many years have you been there and you still havent figured out? :o: That has to be a new or you just dont mingle with enough people

Gloves are not part of the Islamic covering....some just do extra without realizing they are going over board....

Those who apply think mascara and makeup on their eyes are obviously cladding an abaya to please the culture not the religion coz anything excessive is not part of religion....while explaining that the eyes are the only thing that is visible so just like common girls who need to wear the latest fashion be it half naked or be it Anarkali likewise Arab women need to have their eyes on display (coz the verse has this portion: not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears)

I am sorry in your circle you ONLY see these women and are only capable of comparing them while I talk about women in hijab in general ....not limited to Middle East! :coffee:
Arabs purchase everything not just beauty products...

They arent you are the one who brought that BS so I asked you are they?

But as 1 member already answered:

Sometimes I really have to wonder if you are naive or just dumb....Sorry but yea...

Typical of a human always never satisfied...Nothing wrong with changing hairstyles but as per my posts question arises WHY SHOW IT TO PUBLIC...Hijab has nothing to do with what you do to yourself but more to do with this: WHY PUT YOURSELF AS A DISPLAY?

1stly she isnt a scholar of Islam as stated by the article...She has a doctorate in
I see where she is taking the verse but sadly she is only using 1 verse nothing before and after it....

Has harassment, rape and viewing women as a woman changed in Germany? Or does she just wanna fit in and be accepted just like everyone who puts themselves on display? What is wrong in being different?

So she is gonna wait until she gets attacked? Wise people go by this rule: better safe than sorry...

This is reference to what she claimed and how far off she was
and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.

And so on...it is sad you find people who read the quran on face value and not the words and their meanings why do I say so....coz of her ignorant reply...God didnt use the word only once....He used it in other places (at least the root word) and also the seriousness of it....The Quran is not a book where you hold 1 verse and ignore the other verse...Being a Molecular Biologist we as molecular biologists have understood the need to learn a whole system as oppose to individual genes....Sequencing genes is not hard but showing how they work in the system is....likewise that word has been in the Quran more than once and she was blind to it shows how much she can understand Quran and how good of a quote she can give ...Good job to post ignorant people as good examples....

Now if she was covered would you react the same? If you say yes you are clearly lying....Coz even science tells us you would! Coz the eyes perceive and it is an important stimuli!

Wow so you agree with taliban :coffee:

I see the extremism in you growing

Mind you it was @levina who declared them to be provocative without it....I never said it so I asked is it provocative by posting those pix...Apparently both of you are such big trolls you cant even see what you did to each other :tsk:

You think that men dont turn attention when women do these:





Each are wearing decently

Hijab is not restricted to the headscarf it is about body, mind and soul....

Donning a colorful scarf over her neck and hair, Kate Watkins, freshman in international studies at North Carolina State University, walked into her yoga class and quickly drew the attention of peers. As a participant in Behind the Veil, an educational event sponsored by the Muslim Student Association, Watkins and other non-Muslim students wore the hijab for a day.

"I think it's important to understand people who are different than me by walking in their shoes before I make any judgments," Watkins said.

The cultural exchange of wearing the hijab extends past the realm of apparel and covers the aspect of hijab as a lifestyle choice. As a requirement for women in the Koran, the hijab carries a spiritual significance for many young women.

A cloud of controversy has surrounded this Muslim garment and event organizers said they chose to do this exchange to demonstrate the true meaning of the hijab and to clarify common misconceptions.

"This isn't a symbol of oppression," Fatima Fareed, a freshman in elementary education, said. "As a woman I feel liberated while wearing the hijab, and there is no contradiction. It's a sign of modesty and respect and I feel empowered to do so."

The event included a panel discussion with three Muslim women-two who chose to wear the headdress and one woman who chose not to wear it yet.

"Never had I been ashamed of being Muslim," Sameen Mujtaba, a junior in polymer color chemistry said while telling her narrative of when she started wearing the hijab. "When I was younger I used to wear capris but one day I met a girl who converted to Islam wearing the hijab. It made a lasting impression on me."

There is a recommended age in Islam, at around puberty, when it's appropriate to don the hijab, which is only the headscarf-not to be confused with the burqa, which is a full-body covering. However, many young women are encouraged to take their time when considering when to put on the hijab.

"Of course, if it's forced upon you, you won't understand its importance and coercion is counterproductive," Doaa Dorgham, a junior in psychology, said. As event organizer and fellow hijabi (one who wears the hijab), Dorgham said Muslim women should only wear the hijab when they are most comfortable doing so. "It's not worth it just going through the motions. Islam doesn't just consider your actions, but also your intentions."

The theme of modesty reappeared throughout the panel discussion, and the panelists described their perspectives of modesty not just regarding physical appearance, but also decent behavior.

"When I was thinking about modesty," Mujtaba said, "I thought that someone who isn't modest is someone who's trying too hard-trying too hard to impress someone. A lot of the stuff I'm inclined to do is probably more geared to impressing someone, and I'm guilty for that. But wearing the hijab reminds me to be sincere and be myself."

Dorgham said that the hijab doesn't define her, but she rather defines herself and her hijabi lifestyle.

"I worked it to that the hijab being a part of me," Dorgham said between mediating the panel. "If someone wears a scarf, it doesn't mean that they are better than those who don't."

Iqra Chhotani, a senior in biological sciences, is of Pakistani descent and sat on the discussion panel as the non-Hijabi. Although she recounted personal conflict and self-debate about her role as a Muslim, she said she will eventually wear the scarf.

"I don't feel that I'm ready," Chhotani said. "Coming to college, and despite being a senior, I don't know everything about who I am or who I want to be. I'm taking the steps to being a better person and Muslim. When I feel like I can look at myself in the mirror and say, 'Wow, I can carry the name of being a Muslim,' and be proud about it more than I already am, that's when I can wear it."

The conversation of the significance of the hijab continued for nearly two hours. At the end the discussion was opened to broader questions not just regarding the hijab but Muslim practices and culture as well. The non-Muslim women who chose to take part in the social experiment recounted their experiences and Watkins said her view of the hijab and Islam changed.

"I think that many people get bogged down on one side of the argument," Watkins said. "It's a very beautiful expression of faith and I have learned lessons that I can apply to my Christian beliefs."
- See more at: IslamiCity.com - Students unveil the meaning of the Muslim hijab

Hijab is an Arabic word meaning barrier or partition.

In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour as well as dress for both males and females.

BBC - Religions - Islam: Hijab

Just coz something happens in middle east is not necessary the right thing that is why people are advised to read the scriptures not blindly follow :coffee:

I'm glad that SyedAli has already proved your assumption, that hairs and hair styles provoke men to violate women, wrong. Frankly, it is as wrong to assume that every man on the street is a potential rapist, as it is to force women to wear a particular dress. We should stop emotionally blackmailing women into wearing a certain kinda dress because our religion says so or because some "scholars" deemed it fit.
It is very wrong to attribute respect and honor to one's attire (ONLY).
It is not the physical Hijab that supersedes but spiritual, and it applies to both men and women equally.
But then I guess I am banging my head against a wall!!!

Akheilos said:
So I am not sure why that is your concern does it surpass your budget that it annoyed you? :pop:
A very tawdry comment!!!
As a kid I was taught a shloka which when translated means this " arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life for weak people who can not keep their balance without it."

Modesty , Covering head is the symbol of Modesty ..
Though modesty is necessary, hijab itself can not bring modesty. Observing modesty in behavior is more important than in clothing. Dont you think???
look at nuns ..
Read the definition of a nun. Nun is somebody who has voluntarily chosen to leave "mainstream society". Should every girl become a nun???
rest things , you will not understand ..
Dont give me excuses!!!
Though modesty is necessary, hijab itself can not bring modesty. Observing modesty in behavior is more important than in clothing. Dont you think???

how would you observe modesty by wearing some Exposing Clothes , and Open hairs are considered to work as attraction for men .. that is a Islamic thing , only Muslim believe it in ..many many girls like to wear a scarf and they have all the logical and Islamic explanation to it ..

Read the definition of a nun. Nun is somebody who has voluntarily chosen to leave "mainstream society". Should every girl become a nun???

i know what a nun is that i why i used that word ..
Girls also choose to wear scarf , n order to sacrifices the worldly fashions to please God ..
i am not saying all girls should become nun ,, not all girls with scarf is a religious or a nun ..
Read the definition of a nun. Nun is somebody who has voluntarily chosen to leave "mainstream society". Should every girl become a nun???
We have voluntarily donned the hijab...we have voluntarily devoted our life to ALLAH's will that is what the Shahadah is about...

I'm glad that SyedAli has already proved your assumption, that hairs and hair styles provoke men to violate women, wrong.
Well, then you failed to read his other posts where he said it is a different kind of science and I provided abstracts of journal articles not empty rants :enjoy:

Frankly, it is as wrong to assume that every man on the street is a potential rapist, as it is to force women to wear a particular dress.
so better safe than sorry is wrong? Interesting...

Plus I never said rapist I said molester, stares and also one who is attracted...Not rapist...I am sorry you fall to such assumptions...

We should stop emotionally blackmailing women into wearing a certain kinda dress because our religion says so or because some "scholars" deemed it fit.
Why the hypocrisy? I dont see you telling designers to stop their ads to emotionally blackmailing that thin is the only thing that is good....I dont see you raising your voice against hour glass figures and diets to size zero....Each is an emotional and psychological blackmail according to what you have provided in this post....But I dont see anyone objecting to nude beaches, no one is objecting to so many other things which once upon a time would have not been counted modest and now is a norm ...But god forbid someone doesnt wanna be sexy enough to attract unwanted attention :o:

It is very wrong to attribute respect and honor to one's attire (ONLY).
Honour is something again you introduced yourself...As for respect, it is common that when a man walks in a suit to salute him but not do the same to one who is in rags.... so yes respect and that form of honour is attributed to attire...you being brought up in South Asia should know it better than anyone else!

So kindly stop the hypocrisy to only highlight something and not voice the same happening under a different label! Just coz suit is not a part of religion but it is part of a culture to discriminate...if your voice is against discriminating then voice out on all forms dont target Islam!

It is not the physical Hijab that supersedes but spiritual, and it applies to both men and women equally.
But then I guess I am banging my head against a wall!!!
And already on this very thread someone said that the verse from the Quran ORDERS men to lower their gaze before anything for women so I didnt see the need to repeat it ...

As for spirituality to his their own so I avoided that topic but you seem more than eager to drag eveything within reach...

A very tawdry comment!!!
aww really? then why complain about who is shopping about what? Whats your business in that? Are you paying for it that you have rights to complain about?

As a kid I was taught a shloka which when translated means this " arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life for weak people who can not keep their balance without it."
That is a good teaching...and Islam does teach it...But is it Islam's fault that people dont follow it? Nope so it doesnt even fit in the discussion....coz not every Muslim does it nor is it a requirement in Islam....

Though modesty is necessary, hijab itself can not bring modesty. Observing modesty in behavior is more important than in clothing. Dont you think???
I already answered it twice on this very thread and once to you that hijab is more than just a cloth it consists of the garment for head and body as well as the soul which includes manners as well as how one brings themselves....In Arabic 1 word does the trick for a few English words...
. .
Why the hypocrisy? I dont see you telling designers to stop their ads to emotionally blackmailing that thin is the only thing that is good....I dont see you raising your voice against hour glass figures and diets to size zero....Each is an emotional and psychological blackmail according to what you have provided in this post....But I dont see anyone objecting to nude beaches, no one is objecting to so many other things which once upon a time would have not been counted modest and now is a norm ...But god forbid someone doesnt wanna be sexy enough to attract unwanted attention :o:
Then you've put on blinders!!

This was my first post on this thread(post #9 , page#1), go through the link I've posted. I advocate dressing modestly, and according to occasion.
At this point I must also add that revealing dresses is not something I would advocate. Dressing according to the occasion and dressing modestly is what I think is appropriate.

Who wears short shorts? One dad did, to teach his daughter a lesson - Parents - TODAY.com
if your voice is against discriminating then voice out on all forms dont target Islam!
Only a galoot would misconstrue my post as something which targets Islam.
Thats not my style!
I dont hurt anybody's religious sentiments, nor do I make personal attacks unlike a few trouduc here.

aww really? then why complain about who is shopping about what? Whats your business in that? Are you paying for it that you have rights to complain about?
I thought it takes only an iota of common sense to comprehend the hypocrisy* in my post about beauty products.
(Hypocrisy* of ladies who wear abayas longer than themselves to hide their body, while use layers of make up on the part which is visible; the eye).

That is a good teaching...and Islam does teach it...But is it Islam's fault that people dont follow it? Nope so it doesnt even fit in the discussion....coz not every Muslim does it nor is it a requirement in Islam....
Every religion propagates peace and harmony, unfortunately one dirty fish can spoil the whole pond. And I can see how arrogance and rudeness has completely blinded a few.
Only a galoot would misconstrue my post as something which targets Islam.
Thats not my style!
I dont hurt anybody's religious sentiments, nor do I make personal attacks unlike a few trouduc here.
Once upon a time I read each post in a thread be it 30 pages be it 3 pages, but Indians laughed at me that I was not able to respond pathak say to them....Now I dont read each and every post only those quoted to me ....You do the same, this much I have realized as you had previously asked me questions I had already addressed (prob not this thread) ...So either you practice what you preach or simple be nice enough to answer without the condescending attitude!

I thought it takes only an iota of common sense to comprehend the hypocrisy* in my post about beauty products.
(Hypocrisy* of ladies who wear abayas longer than themselves to hide their body, while use layers of make up on the part which is visible; the eye).
It takes more than an iota of common sense to realize you need to mind your own business of what they do or ask them politely if you cant resist the curiosity! I did answer it but apparently, common sense isnt very common, huh?

Its their business how they interpret their scriptures...They are not ambassadors of Islam, ask them a simple question about Islam you may not get the right answer or you may get them to agree it is wrong, but society demands it...

They do not understand what the purpose to cover is...Most think it is culture over religion...the minute they think it is cultural, well it is also cultural to shop like mad for beauty products and indulge in them which is opposite of Islam which says moderation and forbids indulging....So you using them as an example or highlighting hypocrisy is useless as they dont relate to the subject of hijab in the context of religion....

Every religion propagates peace and harmony, unfortunately one dirty fish can spoil the whole pond. And I can see how arrogance and rudeness has completely blinded a few.
That is human nature and the case for everyone be he/she an atheist or one claiming to be religious...coz one who IS religious wont require the need to claim it...Instead many who are would say they are still studying and exploring coz they know religion has ALOT to offer and alot to teach....Hence, when I meet self proclaimed whatever you call em I dont just go ooo and aaaa at everything they say!
Once upon a time I read each post in a thread be it 30 pages be it 3 pages, but Indians laughed at me that I was not able to respond pathak say to them....Now I dont read each and every post only those quoted to me ....You do the same, this much I have realized as you had previously asked me questions I had already addressed (prob not this thread) ...So either you practice what you preach or simple be nice enough to answer without the condescending attitude!
An excuse!

It takes more than an iota of common sense to realize you need to mind your own business of what they do or ask them politely if you cant resist the curiosity! I did answer it but apparently, common sense isnt very common, huh?


Its their business how they interpret their scriptures...They are not ambassadors of Islam, ask them a simple question about Islam you may not get the right answer or you may get them to agree it is wrong, but society demands it...
It all depends on one's interpretations of the holy books.

They do not understand what the purpose to cover is...Most think it is culture over religion
well why dont we accept that ppl used to wear clothes or used to cover themselves up, even before religion came into being???

So you using them as an example or highlighting hypocrisy is useless as they dont relate to the subject of hijab in the context of religion....
i thought I was at the epicenter!!

That is human nature and the case for everyone be he/she an atheist or one claiming to be religious...coz one who IS religious wont require the need to claim it...Instead many who are would say they are still studying and exploring coz they know religion has ALOT to offer and alot to teach....!
Being religious proves nothing!!!
A good human, be an aethist or an omnist, is known for his deeds.
As a kid I was taught a shloka which when translated means this " arrogance and rudeness are training wheels on the bicycle of life for weak people who can not keep their balance without it."

vedic bicycles?? :o: :D


@Akheilos in one paragraph, what is the point you want to make in this thread??
An excuse!
Believe what you want not my problem


It all depends on one's interpretations of the holy books.
And again Islam is not like Hinduism where everyone accepts anything to be a part of their religion (proclaimed by PDF Indians and as per your logic they are ambassadors of Hinduism and hence them saying that is absolutely right)

well why dont we accept that ppl used to wear clothes or used to cover themselves up, even before religion came into being???
Did we not use to? I posted a series of pictures of European ladies and their headcoverings....So when did I not accept this?

i thought I was at the epicenter!!
Sorry to take away the delusion

Being religious proves nothing!!!
It actually does significantly....But yes I agree with your definition of a good human
A good human is known for his deeds.
. .
@Akheilos in one paragraph, what is the point you want to make in this thread??
To you be your way of life and to us be ours!

If you are true regarding your dire need to voice out for women I suggest voicing out against pornography over how much a woman is covered! :coffee:

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