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Highest Average IQ by Country (2016 update) | List 25

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Russia cant make technological products wtf. Turkey cant too wtf. This is news.

Turkey and Russia both are much more developed than China, enjoy better living and have a higher Nominal and PPP per capita. Some of the Chinese posters on here make me feel nauseated with their stupid claims.

Fine. You tell me what nanometer computer chips that Russia can manufacture.

China's SMIC is currently at 28nm and moving to 14nm later this year.

With 28nm in production, SMIC is moving forward on 14nm | SIMM Tester (June 28, 2017)

"Semiconductor Manufacturing International's (SMIC) 28nm HKMG process has entered its mass production stage, according to company CEO Haijun Zhao. SMIC will move forward making chips using a newer 14nm process in 2018, said Zhao."

I said Turkey cannot build bullet trains, nuclear reactors, space-ships, nuclear reactors, etc.

If you disagree, name the high-tech products that Turkey manufactures.

Turkey and Russia both Have a higher HDI than your country and Turkey's $27000 per capita is much more than what you have. Just because you are Chinese we are supposed to go along with your false narrative?

LOL India launches satellites too does that make it more developed than Spain or Italy? China makes Bullet trains does that make it more Developed than USA or UK?Your own country admits it won't be until 2050 that it's developed. Oh and your country doesn't have a city as beautiful as Istanbul no matter how many ugly looking skyscrapers you build.

I agree here.

If you look at GDP PPP capita, which is the actual purchasing power of the common man, then Turkey is at 27,000 US dollars and China is at 16,000 US dollars.

Turkey is more developed than China is now and they are both growing at pretty much similar rates in GDP.

Some of the Chinese posters here are absolutely brain dead. If you point out Country A has a higher per capita they will make up some BS as to why its higher than China.
The list of the 25 countries with the highest average IQ is interesting for its correlation with industrialized countries.

The only exception is Mongolia, because their population of three million is too small to industrialize. Small European countries can rely on the European Union for technological and financial help. Mongolia has no equivalent access to technological assistance.

The critical unanswered question is: How important is average IQ to the industrialization of a country?

China has a high average IQ and its industrialization was never in doubt.

However, can a lower average IQ country industrialize? That has not happened yet in the world. Will it happen in our lifetime? I don't know.

25 Countries With The Highest Average IQ | List 25 (January 31, 2018)

1. Hong Kong 107 (average IQ)
2. South Korea 106
3. Japan 105
4. Taiwan 104
5. Singapore 103
6. Austria 102
7. Germany 102
8. Italy 102
9. Netherlands 102
10. Sweden 101
11. Switzerland 101
12. Belgium 100
13. China 100
14. New Zealand 100
15. United Kingdom 100
16. Hungary 99
17. Poland 99
18. Spain 99
19. Australia 98
20. Denmark 98
21. France 98
22. Mongolia 98
23. Norway 98
24. United States 98
25. Canada 97

Has anyone noticed that the top 25 nations in terms of IQ are ALL either White or East Asian nations only?. The vast majority of the top 25 also happen to be the most successful nations and races through most of contemporary history.
Has anyone noticed that the top 25 nations in terms of IQ are ALL either White or East Asian nations only?. The vast majority of the top 25 also happen to be the most successful nations and races through most of contemporary history.

China doesn't really care about the IQ chart, it only wants to become more successful.

They can even put China at the bottom of the chart, but it still won't impede China's ambition to thrive.
Has anyone noticed that the top 25 nations in terms of IQ are ALL either White or East Asian nations only?. The vast majority of the top 25 also happen to be the most successful nations and races through most of contemporary history.

True but they also have debt, suicide rates, depression, japan has low birth. But it is also true some of them have direct transfer of tech. Any country that has developed without imf loans or direct transfer of tech gets my respect. I think iran has made great strides in tech or self indigenous projects while under sanctions then again they have had oil backup.
Has anyone noticed that the top 25 nations in terms of IQ are ALL either White or East Asian nations only?. The vast majority of the top 25 also happen to be the most successful nations and races through most of contemporary history.
That's the big unanswered question.

Is that a coincidence or is it cause/effect (due to high average IQ)?
The list of the 25 countries with the highest average IQ is interesting for its correlation with industrialized countries.

The only exception is Mongolia, because their population of three million is too small to industrialize. Small European countries can rely on the European Union for technological and financial help. Mongolia has no equivalent access to technological assistance.

The critical unanswered question is: How important is average IQ to the industrialization of a country?

China has a high average IQ and its industrialization was never in doubt.

However, can a lower average IQ country industrialize? That has not happened yet in the world. Will it happen in our lifetime? I don't know.

25 Countries With The Highest Average IQ | List 25 (January 31, 2018)

1. Hong Kong 107 (average IQ)
2. South Korea 106
3. Japan 105
4. Taiwan 104
5. Singapore 103
6. Austria 102
7. Germany 102
8. Italy 102
9. Netherlands 102
10. Sweden 101
11. Switzerland 101
12. Belgium 100
13. China 100
14. New Zealand 100
15. United Kingdom 100
16. Hungary 99
17. Poland 99
18. Spain 99
19. Australia 98
20. Denmark 98
21. France 98
22. Mongolia 98
23. Norway 98
24. United States 98
25. Canada 97

I find it quite amusing that a country which is not in this list is ruling over almost all of the countries in this list (some exceptions aside). Now rest is your guess work, :-)
I find it quite amusing that a country which is not in this list is ruling over almost all of the countries in this list (some exceptions aside). Now rest is your guess work, :-)

israel? but who rules israel> but who rules Rothschild> you cant see him in the material world.
Yes, I do know.

However, it is still relevant.

We are measuring the average IQ of a country at the SAME TIME.

If a country has a high average IQ and if the gap stays constant (compared to lower average IQ countries) then the high average IQ country has a massive advantage in developing the new industries of AI, AR, VR, self-driving vehicles, quantum computers, etc.

The East German example is not typical.

West Germany paid for the "forced" industrialization of East Germany over decades. I will guess it cost about $1 trillion.

With the exception of South Korea and North Korea, no other country in the world will have the opportunity to become industrialized by a brethren.

I think there are also a cultural/political factor.

Just look at the WWII Imperial Japan, they wanted to become a superpower, and they realized that their four tiny islands were simply too small to sustain this ambition. Therefore they tried to annex the land of their neighbors, but ultimately failed and got nuked twice.

In contrast, the US started with the 13 colonies in the northeast which was comparable to Japan in the landmass. However, the US had become a much more successful empire builder than Japan.

So I don't think Japan is really smarter than the US, since today the US is still their master, while they remain as the puppet.
We're talking about COUNTRIES.

A country has millions of people. If a few high IQ citizens are non-productive then it only means they are on the far right of the probability curve.
Exactly. Exceptions to the rule do not define the rule.
Haha. I love the Jewish world shadow government conspiracy theory.

Not a shred of proof, but lots of people still believe it.

What conspiracy theorey? Take it as a compliment that a small group of people with their dedication, knowledge, hardwork, intelligence has made them so powerful that almost every meaningful institute in the world is run by them.

So there goes the IQ theory.

And Russia not industrialized? LMAO!

Who has the most advanced space program in this world? Which country produces the top fighter jets? Engines? Which country has produced the top class chess players? Top mathematicians?

Measuring intelligence (or industrilization) in terms of only nano technology is very flawed.

Yes Russia might not be producing too many "consumer" products, but what it needs, it does produce itself. Almost all of it. Can't say the same for Hungry, Poland, Spain... sposedly more "intelligent" than Russia and co.

Afghanistan is the best they never have been conquered, highest iq in my books lolz haha.

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