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High ranking serving military officer demands COAS General Bajwa's resignation: Major Adil (retired)

Moronic Bajwa couldn't understand the long term, deeper game plan of the India and US, UK.

A huge rift between the people and the Fauj, India, US couldn't do this what Bajwa has done.

Economy in the tailspin, devastated badly, textile exports going downwards with $500 million less exports every month, this is again what India planned. Agriculture sector in ruins.

Erosion of trust, the trust deficit created in the rank and file of the Army, again what the enemies want.

A civil disobedience, civil war like situation coming.

And close to being defaulted, and assets being mortgaged in this doomsday scenario, an Economic hit man scenario.

He is truly, absolutely an imbecile moron.
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Despite doing all this he will never be held accountable for anything, the real slap will come after retirement, he will pack up his bags and move to Belgium, after all he has mentors like kiyani brothers. :lol:
Politics have always been my weak point. I like to participate in military-related topics.

I'm simply not qualified to participate in political threads.

That is years old video.

Politics have always been my weak point. I like to participate in military-related topics.

I'm simply not qualified to participate in political threads.

That is years old video.
Are you dismissing just because of a date stamp??? That doesn't explain the incompetence. Come on panzerkiel we need the XYZ.
Army command remains intact. While soldiers may lament the current situation, they're there to follow orders.
Are you dismissing just because of a date stamp??? That doesn't explain the incompetence. Come on panzerkiel we need the XYZ.
Do you really believe this video. Try going physically to the LOC. It's all wired and fortified. How can anyone just cross it peacefully like this.

Easy for you to say incompetence though.... Without going into the details.... Just merely on a tiny video...

If you call this incompetence.... Then what about the Indians, who allege everyday about BATs and Mujahideen crossing over into Indian occupied Kashmir occupied from our side, what you call that? Something bigger than incompetence on their part?
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