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Hezbollah launch attack on Israeli troops

Is this what they teach you in the madras?

No, he is right. Whenever IDF is in ground fight with Hamas they lose. Look at Nahal Oz, Hamas sent commando team into Israeli army base took out 5 Israeli soldiers and retreated to safety. In Shajaiyah, Hamas set off IED charge blowing up 13 Israeli soldiers and capturing one who wasn't in the APC at the time(Shaol Aron). In Rafah, when Israel broke the ceasefire which John Kerry admitted, Hamas repelled the attack, killed 3 soldiers and captured another one(Hadar Goldin). Israeli army generals went out stating they would lost over 100 men if they didn't saturate bomb Shajiyeah. Palestinians have determined soldiers, Israeli's have people who push buttons and target civilians on wide scale. Even Pentagon was shocked, UN head was crying on live television. Israel also destabilized the West Bank in the process. Now 3 Israeli's were just shot up in Tel Aviv a day ago. Israel won't see security anymore.

Anyways, with regards to topic. Hezbollah set off charge near bulldozer. Nothing important occurred and there is no war over it. It's already done and over for the past 3 hours.
Hezbollah never attacked your convoy from a base but rather from a field and left it. Your genocide friendly troops just wants to kill and fired at whatever they pleased. Also, tell me why Hezbollah didn't kill any UN forces but only Israel did!

That's right. Hezbollah are complete strangers to murdering peace-keepers in Lebanon :rofl:
Exactly, those terror organizations are disgrace for humanity, those organizations are as bad as ISIS

Yes, let's make false claim that Hamas is anything remotely near ISIS.

What ISIS does with their POW's(we already know).

What Hamas does with their Israeli POW:

Clearly very much like ISIS. :rolleyes:
"Israel won't see security anymore"
falcon 29 I know it angry you that we live and we will continue to live in israel you can like it or not.
you only lose badly when you attack us and our civilian
"Israel won't see security anymore"
falcon 29 I know it angry you that we live and we will continue to live in israel you can like it or not.
you only lose badly when you attack us and our civilian

You live by sword you die by sword. What's funny is you're asking for PA help:

Israel seeks PA's help in hunt for suspect in Tel Aviv shooting | The Times of Israel

The Palestinian people need to topple the corrupt shameless PA. Fatah is preparing military coup against the PA in mid 2016.


PS: Seems some are confused here. Lebanon and Hezbollah is separate from Palestine. Hezbollah is Lebanese organization which struck today due to Israeli air strike targeting their member in Syria. Hamas and Gaza is not part of this. Two separate movements. Two separate peoples.
The one that live by the sowrd are hamas.
No future no happines. Meanwhile israel is a start up nation with countless success in science

Foreign Jewish extremists invaded Palestinian land with British assistance. They started war and we will end it. There will never be safety for squatters. You guys in Israel(not all Jews) are group of minority extremists among the Jewish people. You don't even spare Christians:

Jewish Extremists’ Attacks Rattle Christians in Holy Land

Nazareth, Israel—Father Matthias Karl hoped to begin rebuilding his shattered church complex on the shores of the Sea of Galilee after Christmas.

But following an arson attack six months ago that left one Catholic monk hospitalized and caused nearly $1.8 million in damage, the Israeli government, while strongly condemning the incident, has yet to provide promised financial compensation or put the two right-wing Jewish suspects on trial.

The June assault was the latest and most dramatic sign of tension between Christians in Israel and a growing movement of Jewish extremists who seek to cleanse their nation of religious minorities.

Jewish Extremists’ Attacks Rattle Christians in Holy Land


The Falcon terrorist will be banned again soon :)

@waz @WAJsal

This is user with around 15 past accounts. His past account was 'DavidSling'. I'm not sure why he's allowed to operate. All of us here are familiar with him. His first account was Moziqumbiedrill.
falcon you don't need to reply my commets i am not read your dead witches for israel.
I live in israel and you live aboard you can say what ever you want.
keep comment while i keep liveing in happiness in israel :blah::blah:
drama queen
Here is a message for some of our neighbors: tread on Israel, and suffer disproportional response. Tread on Israel, and soon your wives become widows, your children become orphans, and you die in ruins eating shit.
You mean Genocide?

@Irfan Baloch
Here is a message for some of our neighbors: tread on Israel, and suffer disproportional response. Tread on Israel, and soon your wives become widows, your children become orphans, and you die in ruins eating shit.

So you take pleasure in killing over 1000 innocent unarmed civilians, mostly women and children? I know in reality that almost every Israeli wants to have good relations with Arabs as Israel is surrounded by Arabs completely and even inside Israel 1/4 of the population is Arab. Israeli prosperity and safety on the long run is dependent on cordial relations with its Arab neighbors.

This conflict has also meant that the Israeli society has become more radical and that the Orthodox Jews have increased in numbers. All this will impact Israel negatively in terms of economy, science etc. There is no denying this.

Peace and proportional reactions are always preferable. On forums like this one Israelis want to appear tough but in reality most of you want a normalization with the Arab world and would prefer not to live under a constant potential threat. Look what a few rockets of Hamas can do to your sense of security. Growing up in Israel is not normal this is why so many Jews are emigrating to the West.

You might think that we Arabs are behind currently when it comes to science and military but that won't be the case forever. Times are changing. Populations increasing. Each day more and more people become educated. It's not like in the 1960's or 1970's.
A post like this shows me how Israelis are blind and misinformed, have you ever heard of the Sheba farms?

Shebaa farms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On May 15, 2000, the United Nations received a map, dated 1966, from the Government of Lebanon which reflected the Government's position that these farmlands were located in Lebanon. However, the United Nations is in possession of 10 other maps issued after 1966 by various Lebanese government institutions, including the Ministry of Defense and the army, all of which place the farmlands inside the Syrian Arab Republic. The United Nations has also examined six maps issued by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, including three maps since 1966, which place the farmlands inside the Syrian Arab Republic."[31]
In an 18 June 2000 statement, the Security Council noted that Israel and Lebanon had confirmed to the Secretary General, that identification of the withdrawal line was solely the responsibility of the UN and that both sides would respect the line as identified. On a fact-finding visit to the region, Terje Rød-Larsen, the UN special envoy to the Middle East, noted that both 1923 Anglo-French maps and the 1949 Armistice agreement place the area in Syria.

Israel has annexed the Golan Heights, including the Sheba Farms,
but this annexation is not recognized by most countries.
Don't know if any country has recognized it.

So you take pleasure in killing over 1000 innocent unarmed civilians, mostly women and children? I know in reality that almost every Israeli wants to have good relations with Arabs as Israel is surrounded by Arabs completely and even inside Israel 1/4 of the population is Arab. Israeli prosperity and safety on the long run is dependent on cordial relations with its Arab neighbors.

This conflict has also meant that the Israeli society has become more radical and that the Orthodox Jews have increased in numbers. All this will impact Israel negatively in terms of economy, science etc. There is no denying this.

Peace and proportional reactions are always preferred.
Your perception of reality is different from mine. I take pleasure in the fact Israel does all what it takes to submit the enemy, I also take pleasure in the fact that the right wing here is on the rise, that the economy prospers more that ever, and also in the fact that demography no longer plays against us.

Delusional dreams about peace will remain only dreams. Reality is far more complicated - Hamas and Hezbullah have thousands of rockets, but they are afraid to fire. Syria had Scuds and chemical weapons, but now Assad barely controls Latakia. Isn't it peace? The only possible peace here is the gap between the wars.
Your perception of reality is different from mine. I take pleasure in the fact Israel does all what it takes to submit the enemy, I also take pleasure in the fact that the right wing here is on the rise, that the economy prospers more that ever, and also in the fact that demography no longer plays against us.

Delusional dreams about peace will remain only dreams. Reality is far more complicated - Hamas and Hezbullah have thousands of rockets, but they are afraid to fire. Syria had Scuds and chemical weapons, but now Assad barely controls Latakia. Isn't it peace? The only possible peace here is the gap between the wars.

You are free to have whatever opinions you want to. All I will say is that you should learn the difference between a proportional retaliation and one that is the opposite.

Not every Israeli agrees with you that Israel is heading in the right direction. In fact millions of Israelis are not of this opinion or foreign commentators.

Anyway I could not imagine living in Israel under the current circumstances. Always on the guard. Always exposed. Is there any area in Israel outside of the Negev Desert where you can truly feel at peace?

Nobody could ever imagine that Berlin of all cities would be welcoming thousands of Israeli Jews as migrants 70 years after the end of WW2 because of the political, economic and military situation in Israel.
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