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Help me (SUICIDAL)

Hey man please give more thoughts to this, no hurdle is too hard to overcome, your life is precious to many.
PS - Pakistan suicide helpine numbers /agencies if any please
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

Happens to best of us, even I went through a bout of depression but then I went visiting places of interest with my family talked to my friends and peers and things got back to normal. Just think about good things you can do in life and learn new skills or make new goals and you will do alright.
Brother your life is not yours to take. It is Allah only who gives and takes life.

What are your current circumstances? I mean you're having some financial issues or may be a bad relationship? Have you been taking some anti-depression medicines?
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

You might want your suffering to end, but you should try to remember your son who has done no wrong to lose a father. By ending your suffering you will create more suffering for your son. You're thoughts will come in waves, and you just hold yourself to get over the difficult parts, because it's never worth it, especially when someone depends on you so much.

It's chemicals in your brain giving you these thoughts, sometimes the mind can be your worst enemy. It's not real.
May Allah ease your situation brother!

Don't let the toxic thoughts overpower you. If there is an underlying condition, please consult a psychiatrist, there is no shame in having a (mental) disease! Don't give up, your family and you loved ones need you.

Talk with your family, don't be alone in this situation!

I swear, just today few hours ago we had a funeral of my 3 days old(hardly) nephew(cousin sister's son) who died due to heart defect. He had surgery yesterday and was supposed to have another surgery 2 weeks later if he could survive but he didn't. His parents especially my cousin sister is in worst mental condition right now. It was her first child.

Atleast, you have some thing to live for - your kid. Hang in there.

My best wishes.
Suicide is Haram, if you do it your life ends here and an unending torment begins, Remember this before doing anything foolish, Allah does not put the burden on any soul that he/she can not bear, So Whatever you are going through Allah already put it in your life before you were born, but if you came out of and I hope you do, you will come out stronger, What doesn't kill you, Only makes you stronger.
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

Why do you feel like this? What's the core issue here? Financial? Please seek professional help. I've received professional therapy too. There is no shame in it. We all have depression and other mental issues bro. You are not alone in this, trust me.

Dont get isolated. Meet friends, hangout with people---find a hobby or some activity to do. Trust me, isolation will kill you.
Brother your life is not yours to take. It is Allah only who gives and takes life.

What are your current circumstances? I mean you're having some financial issues or may be a bad relationship? Have you been taking some anti-depression medicines?
My aunt and my bestie both died due to accident, i used to share everything with them. My friend died in bike accident this month.
Why do you feel like this? What's the core issue here? Financial? Please seek professional help. I've received professional therapy too. There is no shame in it. We all have depression and other mental issues bro. You are not alone in this, trust me.

Dont get isolated. Meet friends, hangout with people---find a hobby or some activity to do. Trust me, isolation will kill you.
Bad relationship and then I lost my soul friend in bike accident. He just got engaged.
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

I’ll send you a PM. Brother hang in there stay strong for you son. Tough times will pass and there is light at the end.
God is with you.
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

Well for starters I want to thank you for letting others know how you're feeling because, I don't know about any of you, I've always felt a lot better when I've had a chance to air my grievances.

I'd encourage you to seek guidance from Allah (swt), take comfort in your family as well as seeking professional assistance in combating the maladies and suffering you're currently facing.

Bad relationship and then I lost my soul friend in bike accident. He just got engaged.

This is an edit because you literally responded just before I posted my initial response.

Sorry to hear about your friend. A cousin of mine was also seriously injured in a motorcycle accident years back but by the grace of Allah (swt) he was saved.

It's not surprising you're feeling like this because you lost someone important to you and important human relationships are linked with elevated dopamine (neurotransmitter associated with pleasure) and serotonin (mood regulator) levels in the brain. Once you lost your friend you also went on a withdrawal of those important neurotransmitters which is going to cause you become anxious and depressed.

I think something that could really help you, anyone for that matter, is getting regular exercise which is also associated with elevated serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

Furthermore, a lack of sunlight, or rather Vitamin D, has been linked to depression.

Nature also has a very calming affect on our minds so if you could get out of the city and maybe go hiking every weekend perhaps make it a family outing or go with good friends that could also help.

One thing I also tell others is that if you can't live for yourself then live for others. Do charity work, help the less fortunate and I think getting involved with others towards a shared goal particularly one as noble as helping the needy can bring new purpose to your life and give you goals to strive towards.
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