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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

To find this weapon , you have to go to Syria .. lolzz .... it seems wire guided ATGM.

Interesting takes form the video.

# so-called Indian ATGMs hitting the post but still stands... surprised by the structure quality. Secondly, can somebody point a single location as such at LoC having such terrain. Interestingly, there's no audio in this particular clip while Indian happily boasts their clips.

Indian Times said 8 Pakistani soldiers killed by quoting tweet of Indian defence ministry spokesperson

Nothing other than own sources shall be trusted as we already know that sometime ago they claimed killing of 300 terrorists but it proved to be a crow and some trees.
To find this weapon , you have to go to Syria .. lolzz .... it seems wire guided ATGM.
The motion was quite stable. It is unlike anything used in Syria.
Wire guided atgms are not stable like this one.
Interesting takes form the video.

# so-called Indian ATGMs hitting the post but still stands... surprised by the structure quality. Secondly, can somebody point a single location as such at LoC having such terrain. Interestingly, there's no audio in this particular clip while Indian happily boasts their clips.

2 atgms and not much damage to the structure.
5 including soldier martyred in AJK, 10 killed on Indian side in major escalation along LoC

Four civilians and one soldier of the Pakistan Army were martyred on Friday in "unprovoked and indiscriminate" firing by Indian troops from across the restive Line of Control (LoC) in several areas of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), the military's media wing said.

At least 12 civilians and five soldiers also sustained injuries in the ceasefire violations in what appeared to be the biggest escalation in hostilities on the de facto border in months.

India also suffered "substantial losses" in terms of troops and material in Pakistan Army's "befitting reply" to the firing, according to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement.

A report by The Hindu newspaper said 10 people, including six civilians, three army soldiers and one Border Security Force (BSF) soldier, were killed and more than 20 others injured in firing by Pakistani troops in four districts of Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Giving background of the latest flare-up, the ISPR said on the night of November 7-8, the Indian army reportedly had an 'encounter' with a few freedom fighters in Kupwara district, "well within" occupied Jammu and Kashmir's territory, opposite Neelum Valley in AJK. During the clash, Indian troops suffered some casualties including four soldiers.

"To ward off the humiliation faced by Indian Army in front of domestic audience, instead of finding the reasons from within and addressing the same, on November 13, 2020, Indian Army opted for resorting to unprovoked and indiscriminate fire of all calibres, including artillery and heavy mortars, along [the] LoC in various sectors of AJK," the statement added.

The areas targeted by Indian troops included Neelum Valley (Nekrun, Kel, Sharda, Dudhnial, Shahkot, Jura, Nauseri sectors), Leepa Valley (Danna, Mandal and Kayani sectors), Jhelum Valley (Chham and Pandu sectors), and Bagh Valley (Pirkanthi, Sankh, Haji Pir, Bedori and Kailer sectors).

Besides engaging with Pakistan Army posts and positions, Indian troops also targeted the civilian population along the LoC "in utter disregard to all international obligations and human rights", leaving four people dead and 12 others injured.

"In response to this provocative act, Pakistan Army gave a befitting reply to the Indian Army, and effectively targeted those Indian posts which engaged innocent civilians," the press release added.

It said "substantial losses, both in terms of men and material, have been incurred on to Indian troops" that have also been accepted by Indian media. India's confirmed losses are "much more than being acknowledged", it added.

During the exchange of fire, a Pakistan Army soldier was martyred, while five others were injured.

"Such cowardly acts of targeting innocent civilians reflect sheer lack of morality, utter un-professionalism and total disregard [of] human rights by the Indian Army and are also [a] clear violation of [the] ceasefire understanding of 2003," the military's media wing stated.

It reiterated that "Pakistan is a peace-loving country and [the] Pakistan Army pursue the same aspirations."

"However, we stand committed to defend the motherland and our Kashmiri brethren even at the cost of our blood and lives," it said, adding that "all such provocative acts shall continue to be responded in the same coin."

Civilians targeted
On Friday morning, the ISPR had reported that one person was killed and three others sustained injuries in firing by Indian troops along the LoC.

In a tweet, it said Indian army troops targeted the civilian population living in Rakhchikri and Khanjar sectors along the LoC using rockets and mortars.

The ceasefire violation targeting Tari Band and Samahni villages led to the death of one citizen and left three civilians, including two women, injured.

"PakArmy responded effectively, targeting Indian Army posts," the ISPR said.

Meanwhile, Senate Deputy Chairman Saleem Mandviwala, who was supposed to visit the LoC on Friday, said he was forced to cancel his visit due to relentless Indian shelling.

In a statement, Mandviwala, who is currently visiting AJK, said he was also scheduled to meet the prime minister and president of AJK but the meeting was postponed due to the firing.

He said Indian troops were carrying out "intense shelling" and had also targeted civilian homes and a mosque.

"This is not even shelling; India is throwing bombs," he said, adding that the residents of Neelum Valley were becoming victims of "Indian army's terrorism".

Regretting the deaths of civilians, he urged the international community to take notice of Indian "aggression" and "state-sponsored terrorism".

The heavily militarised LoC that splits the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir has been witnessing skirmishes and artillery duels in a serious breach of a truce agreement that the rival armies had signed in November 2003.

Last month, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Munir Akram had told the United Nations that India's aggressive policies and military posture posed an "immediate and pervasive threat" to international peace and security.

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) First Committee on disarmament and international security, Akram said Indian forces continued to resort to artillery and small arms fire every day along the LoC, targeting innocent civilians on Pakistan's side.

"There were over 3,000 ceasefire violations in 2019 and over 2,400 this year so far.

"Such daily military provocations are accompanied by repeated threats of aggression by India's political and military leaders. Pakistan has acted with restraint to these provocations and threats, but as we demonstrated in February 2019, Pakistan will respond decisively to any Indian aggression with the full force of our capabilities," the envoy added.

Look to me more like next generation guided atgms like spike.
Also India is extensively using drones for operations.
Pakistan lack in one thing and that is propaganda war. We killed many Indian soldiers, destroyed their posts but no propaganda videos or pictures. India despite losing posted some.
Indian can feed whatever to there viewers , but both side of border has massive population with phone camera. Nothing is hidden. They are using drones before hitting Pak post. Plus, these post are mainly empty. No one is there permanently. They have different position.
Interesting takes form the video.

# so-called Indian ATGMs hitting the post but still stands... surprised by the structure quality. Secondly, can somebody point a single location as such at LoC having such terrain. Interestingly, there's no audio in this particular clip while Indian happily boasts their clips.

I may be wrong but terrain looks 10000+ feet, LOC in AJK is quite lower.
From morning/yesterday there has been continuous exchanges of heavy fire between Pakistani and Indian forces along several sectors on the LOC. Namely as of what i know Neelum Valley, Gurez valley and other sectors.
Pakistani losses are as follows: 1 civilians dead, 3 injured reportedly.
Indian losses are as follows: 3 civilians dead, 3 IA and 1 BSF reportedly.
war is coming

no excuse for being caught off guard if Indians conduct an air raid to boost morale.
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