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Head of Ahmadiyya condemns Israeli offensive in Gaza, calls on Muslims to unite

Khalifa of Islam condemns Israeli offensive in Gaza, calls on Muslims to unite | Rabwah Times

Khalifa of Islam His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad the fifth head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has called on the Muslim nations to play their roles in ending the violence and establishing peace. His Holiness condemned the ongoing violence in Gaza during the final Friday Sermon of this year’s Islamic month of Ramadan.
Addressing an audience of thousands of Ahmadi Muslims gathered at the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London on 25 July 2014, His Holiness gave a detailed analysis of the ongoing Israel‐Palestine conflict. The sermon was also broadcast live to millions of followers by MTA TV, the community's very own TV channel.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

With great regret it must be said that today it is the ill fortune of many Muslim countries that they are no longer united. Members of the public are fighting amongst themselves; citizens are also fighting with governments, whilst governments are inflicting cruelty upon their public. Therefore, not only has unity been lost, but great cruelties and injustices are being perpetrated.
The result of the lack of unity is that non-Muslim countries now have the confidence to do whatever they please against the Muslim and this is the very reason that Israel is currently engaged in killing scores of innocent Palestinians in the most cruel manner.
If the Muslims were united and followed the path of God then the collective strength of the Muslim nations is so great that this cruelty could never have taken place.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued:

Compared to Israel, the Palestinians have no power or strength. Certainly all cruelty is wrong and so if Hamas is perpetrating cruelty, then the Muslim countries should also stop them. However, if you are to compare the relative strengths and cruelties of the two sides, it is as if one side is using a stick, whilst the other side is utilizing a fully equipped army to perpetrate its injustice.
Recently, Turkish Muslims held an event of mourning and in this way Muslim countries think they have fulfilled their responsibility. However, they are not fulfilling their required role and similarly the Western world is also not fulfilling its responsibility. They should have actively and firmly stopped the cruelty.
Regardless, we can only pray that Allah the Almighty protects the persecuted and the innocent from this cruelty and that peace can be established.
Furthermore, may Allah the Almighty grant sense and wisdom to those Muslim countries that are fighting against one other and increasing in disorder. May Allah enable unity to be born amongst them.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has also chosen to help through Humanity First a a humanitarian organization set up the community during the Bosnian war. Humanity First is also raising funds to provide education & support services to Palestinian children affected by the Israeli offensive in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) including Gaza and the West Bank.
Read more at: https://www.rabwah.net/khalifa-islam-ahmadiyya-condemns-israeli-offensive-in-gaza-calls-on-muslims-to-unite/ | Rabwah Times

I applaud the Ahmadi community and thank them for their support of the Palestinian Cause.

Being persecuted themselves,they understand the persecution of other people. Mirza Masroor Sahib has stated the obvious reason for the peril of the Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Muslims were asking where the Arab world was in the conflict, and this leader of the Ahmadis has clarified where they are [ in disunity ]

I plan to visit one of the elderly Ahmadis in Peace Village, Canada, today.

Palestinians regard these mirzai as non muslims
Palestinians regard these mirzai as non muslims
They are persecuted too in the West Bank and gaza yet these "nonmuslims" still feel their pain and consider them one of their own
. .
I applaud the Ahmadi community and thank them for their support of the Palestinian Cause.

Being persecuted themselves,they understand the persecution of other people. Mirza Masroor Sahib has stated the obvious reason for the peril of the Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Muslims were asking where the Arab world was in the conflict, and this leader of the Ahmadis has clarified where they are [ in disunity ]

I plan to visit one of the elderly Ahmadis in Peace Village, Canada, today.


Good to hear ! I'm glad people don't see this as religious thing, we need to find more common ground rather than fighting over differences.
. . .
I applaud the Ahmadi community and thank them for their support of the Palestinian Cause.

Being persecuted themselves,they understand the persecution of other people. Mirza Masroor Sahib has stated the obvious reason for the peril of the Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Muslims were asking where the Arab world was in the conflict, and this leader of the Ahmadis has clarified where they are [ in disunity ]

I plan to visit one of the elderly Ahmadis in Peace Village, Canada, today.


One doesn't have to belong to a certain Sect or religion to condemn the brutality faced by the Palestinian people. These so called ''Think Tanks'' jump up and down if some Jew or Christian criticise Israel but when Ahmadis do it its some sort of a conspiracy.

No one cares what an Ahmadiya has to say in Pakistan. True story!

Never mind saying anything even the mere existence of Ahmadis is blasphemy for certain crowds in Pakistan.
Well done....right statement at the right time.

I don't understand why are some members dragging in personal belief here....utterly stupid.
It would be if nothing was said in the first place and this PR stuff came out of the blue Ahmadis have fought for the Kashmir and Palestinian cause since the start and the Pakistan cause if you need a history lesson go look up UN archives Myths & Facts: Israel-Palestine conflict and the Ahmadiyya | Rabwah Times

Thats a load of bull. The Ahmadiyya have a large community in Israel and they acknoledge it's existence.

I present my counter argument: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmadiyya–Jewish_relations

Here is an excerpt from there:

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Religious acceptance of Israel

The Ahmadis believe that the coming into existence of the State of Israel is in accord with the prophecies contained in the Bible [2] and the Holy Quran. Inferring from the words in 17:105: '...We shall bring you together out of the various peoples', at the time of the "Promise of the Later Days";.[3] The Second Khalifa of Ahmadiyya Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad in his ‘’Invitation to Ahmadiyyat’’[4] writes “Therefore in verse 17:105 the warning of the latter days relates to the period after the second coming of Jesus. The words 'shall bring you together' refer to the present influx of Jews [written 1924] into Palestine. Jews from different countries are offered facilities of travel and rehabilitation. The revelation of the Promised Messiah said, 'I will relieve the children of Israel.' This indicated a great change in the position of the Jews. It indicated the end of the opposition which nations of the world had made for so long to an independent home for the Jews.”[5][6]
We find a similar interpretation in the Official The English Commentary of the Holy Quran, Interpreting the verse 17: 105, it writes, “...the Jews would be brought back to the Holy Land from all parts of the World. The prophecy has been remarkably fulfilled by the return of the Jews to Palestine, under the Balfour Declaration and by the setting up of the so-called State of Israel.”.[7] Also see the detailed The English Commentary of the Holy Quran [5] by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community page: 1470.[8] Also see page 480 Urdu Translation of Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad [9]
The Ahmadiyya “ Muslim Sunrise (USA)” writes: Quoting the Quran 17:105, writes: “It was also under his (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) Spiritual Reign that the Jews would return to the land of Palestine as was prophesied in the Holy Qura 17:105”.[10] The ‘Ahmadiyya Times’ express similar views. The Ahmadiyya Times July 23, 2010.” ESTABLISHMENT OF ISRAEL ‘And after him We said to the Children of Israel, 'Dwell Ye in the promised land; and when the time of the promise of the Latter Days come, We shall bring you together out of various people." (17:105)”. Creation of Israel and gathering of Sephardic, Ashkenazi and the Jews of many other different races in Israel proves the authenticity of this prophecy and hence the Quran.[11]
The Ahmadis refer to older Interpretations like the exegesis of Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, who has also interpreted verse 17:105 to indicate the ‘promise of the Latter Days’ pointing towards the time of the advent of the Messiah.[12]
The Head of the Ahmadiyya Community at Kababir, Sheikh Oda Muhammad Sharif invited President Shimon Perez to an Iftar Dinner in Ramadan, the President participated and spoke well of the Community at Kababir.

Shimon Peres visits Jammat Ahmadiyya Mosque Kababir Haifa Israel

Defenders of Palestine? Yeah right.. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
Thats a load of bull. The Ahmadiyya have a large community in Israel and they acknoledge it's existence.

I present my counter argument: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmadiyya–Jewish_relations

Here is an excerpt from there:

Expand it to view the full quote

Shimon Peres visits Jammat Ahmadiyya Mosque Kababir Haifa Israel

Defenders of Palestine? Yeah right.. Lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
Hahaha so what if you actually read the article you would have known it anyways why does that make a difference do I need to tell you about Arab Muslim Israelis and Ahmadis have been there for ages even before creation of Israel that's where they were born why should they move because now Israel has taken over
Ahmadis have no alliance with Zionists. Your country and Pakistan receives aid from rest of the world which is according to you controlled by Zionists. First free yourself from Zionists and stop begging.
Historically Qadyianiat was created by British Intel. Qadyiani HQ, mischievously named Islamabad, is in UK. The British Govt, Indian Govt and the US patronize them. Muslims living in USA can feel the power/clout of the Qadyianis due to their strategic alliance with the Zionists.
Historically Qadyianiat was created by British Intel. Qadyiani HQ, mischievously named Islamabad, is in UK. The British Govt, Indian Govt and the US patronize them. Muslims living in USA can feel the power/clout of the Qadyianis due to their strategic alliance with the Zionists.
Hor kuj ? Tussi baray Palestine di madad kar rahe I na Saray real Kay
Hahaha so what if you actually read the article you would have known it anyways why does that make a difference do I need to tell you about Arab Muslim Israelis and Ahmadis have been there for ages even before creation of Israel that's where they were born why should they move because now Israel has taken over

Then you admit that Ahmadis (Qadiyanis) accept the state of Israel and are on friendly terms with zionists. This runs counter to your quoted claim that "Ahmadis have fought for the Kashmir and Palestinian cause since the start and the Pakistan".
Appreciate the Message, but sorry he is NO KHALIFA , Just like ISIS leader is NO KHALIFA.... Now few started a new game called lets play KHALIFA KHALIFA :)

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